2 Two

I gazed at the screen and sighed. Screw it, no point in playing this out. I hit surrender and exhaled. The vote failed. Three people said no and two said yes. Likely, the three people that died for no reason. The game kept going, but I could not truly focus. Top and Bot lane were flaming each other. Kassadin played well, however, I lost the edge from before. I exhaled and looked at the screen. If I had played my best, we could have won.

However, I got tilted and ruined any chance of victory, it's not like they did not have underperforming players. But, the negative things stood out too much. Then I thought the words that changed my life: "I am the reason I'm silver." In turn, the truth of life became obvious, me, myself and I are the only people responsible for our situation.

I left my room and headed downstairs. Some snacks could reset my mind. A long shot, but perhaps higher ranks have more interesting matches. At least less chaotic ones.

I reached for an apple and grinned as its natural sugars rush onto my tongue. Fruits have sugar and are a healthy snack. Making them ideal for gamers like myself. Even if I am a scrub, I will improve. I grinned with the rumble in my tummy gone; it's time to kill some people in league.

I rushed upstairs and sat on a high-end office chair and went into the match queue. Only short-sided people used gaming chairs. A real competitor never cared about looks only performance. Of course, my computer has RGB lights, the best GPU, and a picture of a nude girl. These "cosmetic" upgrades improved my farming skills by five creeps a match. Most plebeians in silver don't know, but these little creatures give more power than kills.

League is about the experience, gold, and objectives.

Ah! Finally, the match started this takes so long I often forget that I even started one up. This time, I obtained the support role. Often underestimated, but they are the eyes and ears of the team. They are the playmakers of the league, in the NBA, these players would be considered the point guards of Jordan's era.

Now that I was in the champion selection part of the match, I gazed at my team chat and exhaled. "Hey, Pinga, swap lanes with me so I can play with my duo, plz."

I chuckled. Having a bad word in a username is priceless. And, having it connect to my Hispanic makes it priceless. But, I hated duos, however, a raging jungle is worse.

In a rare situation, I lost my turn as support. Once again, I picked Vi. The bot lane duo picked Caitlynn and Leona. Caitlynn, our ADC, should damage them the most, but in silver, it could be anyone.

As I'm try harding, I looked into my teammates and grinned, and our top laner hired a smurf. With such an asset, our team has a considerable edge.

My mid laner, plays Annie, a little girl who likes bears and fire. But as with all champions in league, one should never take them too lightly. In the right situation, Annie can stun a whole team and deal massive damage if not outright kill it.

She is the queen of the lower ranks because she can and will abuse common mistakes. Our only problem is that we lack a tank as our top laner picked Riven.

Of course, champions are essential, but at the end of the day, it's on the players.

My heart raced now that both teams locked in there champions, I can begin planning things. Their juggler, Evelyn, is an assassin that can bypass standard wards. But, other than a decent burst, she has nothing, and she will be starting top side this match.

Suddenly, my teammate typed in caps, "SMITE." I exhaled; without smite, we would lose every dragon and baron. What a save…

In higher leagues, she is hard to deal with, but currently, in silver, I can abuse that fact. Of course, the enemy might out-think me, but it's a risk worth taking.

Once the match started, I rushed toward their red buff but made sure not to select a skill. A common mistake is picking your first skill before it's required. For example, with Vi, starting Q is not ideal for dealing with monsters in the jungle, like the red buff, a dinosaur that provides experience, gold, and a temporary damage bonus.

Suddenly, I found Evelyn at her red buff! My heart raced. The buff has not spawned yet, but if she walks in the bush, her teammates will rush to her aid and could potentially kill me.

Even before the first minion spawned, adrenaline poured into my body. Should I escape? Or should I try to steal her buff and kill her?

Does this Evelynn not know her champ? Why is she even starting red? I gulped; something is wrong. However, suddenly, I found that the four other members of their team invaded my jungle. Thankfully, my top layer warded my red buff. I was in no position to defend it, nor could I even have seen an invasion. The best and worst part of league is that it's a team game.

Now, I get why their jungle is starting red. If I had not invaded, I would be down a buff. Right now, thanks to the ward, I can confidently attack Evelynn, after she takes damage from the buff.

Everything started, their top lane is stealing my top side buff, and my mid laner should be safe from anything coming top side. This tactic the enemy is using seems foolish. It leaves my bot lane alone to farm a minion wave. Either way, my prey, Evelynn, is ready.

From a nearby bush, I used Vi's Q and dashed into her while making sure to damage the red buff and smite it.

I roared, "Bitch!" After I stole, her red buff and won the game.
