
Destiny To Power

Azazel, a young orphan, met a sudden and mysterious demise, baffling doctors and scientists alike. They scrambled to identify the peculiar disease that had taken his life, hoping to discover a cure.

While a minority of people on Earth fretted over the potential emergence of a new cancer-like disease, Azazel's soul found itself in an unfamiliar realm.

Space -:

"Where am I?" Azazel, a sentient soul, pondered his surroundings. He had experienced a powerful force that left him bewildered. Struggling for hours, he finally broke free, only to find himself lost in space.

"Have I been asleep for long? What's happening?" Azazel mused, failing to notice the looming black hole.

"Black hole?! It's so dark in here that I almost missed it. I need to escape," Azazel muttered, his desperation evident.

As he attempted to flee, a sinister black tendril shot out from the abyss, ensnaring him before pulling him in.

In an unknown place, a palace floated as if by magic, powered by enigmatic technology resembling a spaceship. Inside, a giant figure in battle armor barked orders in an unfamiliar tongue. Despite his humanoid appearance, he stood like a colossal titan.

"General Garen! We've captured an unidentified soul through one of our controlled black holes!" reported a scientist clad in white.

"What?! Identify it immediately! It could be a weapon sent by our enemies!" Garen roared.

"Sir, it's a human! Although its soul seems inferior to ours, it's undoubtedly human," the scientist responded.

"Retrieve the soul from the Black Hole and prepare a vessel for it. We need to investigate," General Garen commanded.

Unbeknownst to Azazel, his encounter with the tentacled black hole opened a new path for his destiny.

"It's freezing here," Azazel shivered. Just as he was contemplating his next move, a portal materialized before him, revealing two humans with a large, container-like device.

"So, this is the soul the scientist mentioned? An inferior human soul? Can there truly be an inferior human compared to us? It seems like we haven't fully explored our universe. We're not even sure where this soul came from," one of the humans remarked as they placed Azazel's soul into the container.

"Well, perhaps we haven't completely dominated our universe. As far as I know, there are no other humans like us, only those human-like beings in the enemy universe who call themselves cultivators. However, even they differ from us, even at the level of their souls," the other human added. They then stepped back into the portal and left the belly of the tentacled black hole.

Azazel was in shock, discovering the existence of another human in space who possessed the ability to perceive souls. These beings appeared far more advanced than Earth's inhabitants. "So, there's another universe? I thought it was all fiction. What a monumental discovery! Unfortunately, my fellow Earthlings won't learn of this until they build a spaceship capable of exploring the cosmos for an extended period," he lamented.

With this newfound knowledge, Azazel couldn't help but panic. "What will they do to me?" he wondered.

As if sensing his trepidation, one of the humans reassured him, "Hello there, little human. We mean you no harm. Stay safe, and we'll provide you with a body to inhabit."

Azazel was astonished; for the first time, someone could hear him speak. Being a soul, he had never been able to communicate with the living before. These humans were unlike any he had encountered on Earth; they possessed advanced technology. "Are humans truly this advanced?" he wondered.

"Just as we said, we can create a body for you to inhabit. This way, we can communicate freely without relying on 'Soul Communication,' which can be difficult to understand when you're just a soul," one of the humans explained.

"Soul Communication?! Humans have reached such heights?" Azazel exclaimed, utterly surprised. They continued walking and eventually reached a room where several men in battle armor were engaged in a discussion. Upon seeing the two humans and Azazel, they ceased their conversation and stared.

The humans bowed as if saluting their superiors. "Is this the soul General Garen spoke of? It certainly seems inferior to us. But why convene over this matter? We could simply hand it over to the scientists for examination," one of the men in battle armor suggested. Many in the room nodded in agreement, prompting General Garen, who had remained in the corner, to speak up.

"Excuse me, gentlemen, but haven't some of you grasped the situation? We can use this soul to infiltrate the enemy universe covertly. They won't recognize us; our unique souls have been their downfall. They've developed techniques to detect us, even in our spiritual form. Why not employ a different kind of soul to breach their defenses? This is an excellent plan!" Garen exclaimed.

"But what if they destroy this 'inferior' soul? Won't they become suspicious of a wandering soul in space?" one member of the group questioned.

"Wait a minute! What do you mean by 'infiltrate the enemy Universe'? Every time you mention it, you point at me!" Azazel interjected.

"Young soul, you must undertake this mission for our universe. Without your help, we may face extinction, overrun by other races using this universe for their purposes. You must do this for us," General Garen implored.

"What?! To hell with the universe! I don't want the responsibility of saving it! Why don't you create another 'inferior' soul on your own? You're technologically advanced, after all! Make someone like me!" Azazel shouted, his frustration apparent.

"That's impossible," Garen replied. "Our God, the God of Science and Technology, forbids us from diminishing our race's soul power. Creating beings like you could lead to our downfall, just as it could for other races. Only those from primitive races can accomplish what you can. Please, do this for our race."

Azazel felt the weight of the decision on his shoulders. Would he choose his race or his freedom?

Seeing Azazel's internal struggle, everyone in the room fell silent. After a minute, the room experienced a strange disturbance: the lights flickered, and the system malfunctioned. Then, an elderly man's holographic face appeared before them.

The old man chuckled genially, creating the impression of a harmless elder. The men in battle armor immediately stood and saluted.

"Salute to our God, Hephaestus!" they declared.

"All of you, listen carefully. This meeting is now top-secret, restricted to those with my permission. Do not divulge anything to others. I have eyes everywhere," Hephaestus warned.

After receiving their acknowledgment, he continued, "I want you all to understand that Azazel must be protected at all costs. He is our only hope for opening the gate that separates us from our rightful domain. In exchange for Azazel's assistance, I will bestow upon him unimaginable power to aid him on his journey. When the time comes, me and my sleeping brethren will awaken, we will unleash our full force and conquer them all!"

"Brethren? If you're the God Hephaestus, does that imply your brethren are the Olympian Gods?" Azazel's eyes gleamed with the possibility of the Olympian Gods being real.

Hephaestus leaned in, his voice carrying an air of mystery. "Not just the Olympian Gods, my friend. We have allies from a multitude of pantheons—Roman, Norse, Etruscan, Celtic, Slavic, Egyptian, Mesopotamian, Babylonian, Arabian, Islamic, Hindu, Buddhist, Chinese, and many more. These divine alliances aren't merely gods; they encompass entire armies ready to wage war."

He then softened his tone, his smile warm. "And you, my son, are my newest ally. Together, we can pave the way for a brighter future for humanity." Hephaestus maintained the facade of a kindly elder, hoping to sway Azazel.

Intrigued, Azazel pressed further. "You mentioned 'My brethren's eyes will open again.' Does that imply they are dormant, injured, or accumulating power in secret? I'm filled with questions, and I hope to find answers before I accept what feels like a perilous mission."

"All will be revealed in due time, young one. Using my power, you will have access to information only available to Gods. However, you must decide now; we are in a hurry," Hephaestus urged.

Fear gripped Azazel as he weighed the pros and cons of infiltrating the enemy universe. Finally, he made his choice.

"Very well, I accept. But I demand a condition. As the God of Science and Technology, Hephaestus, you must create a system or a personal AI to assist me in battle and everyday life," Azazel asserted.

"That's an difficult request, and I accept it. I will make the necessary modifications. I will also grant you the most powerful weapon to unlock the gates for 'Humanity.' Garen, provide him with the latest superhuman body and train him in the most advanced combat techniques within seven days," Hephaestus ordered.

"Yes, my Lord!" Garen saluted.

With a nod, Hephaestus disappeared.

Seven days later:

Seven days had elapsed, and Azazel now possessed a System of War, a powerful tool created by Hephaestus. Equipped with a special Spacial Storage and abilities like Store and Bloodline, Azazel felt motivated to undertake his mission. He underwent intensive training, with all the knowledge of various combat techniques downloaded into his brain and muscle memory.

Examining his new body, Azazel grinned, contemplating his newfound System.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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