
Unexpected visitors

[Main Pov]

I look to the side and realize that the noise came from a bee that was flying inside my house, super hearing can be very annoying sometimes, in the movies it seems like such a strong power, and it can be very strong, but in reality it's not so good, noises that were previously ignored or not heard, nowadays bother me all day.

Like this little bee that is flying here at home, I find these little bees funny, here at home it's always full of them, and that's because I've always been a fan of flowers, since my old life, so when we built our little castle, I filled it with flowers at various points.

Thanks to my accomplishment, now there are several bees that come to pollinate here at home, whenever I hear these little bees working, I feel relaxed, bees are really magnificent beings, in the future I intend to have my own apiary.

In fact, in the future I intend to have a lot of things, I want to be able to live freely and do everything that I couldn't do in my past life, and for that I need to get strong, not only strong in terms of power, but in terms of influence.

And for that, I intend to take away that idea of mine of having a coven with the greatest minds in the world of paper, the moment I thought this, it was just a joke, but when I returned home this idea seemed to me more and more interesting.

They always say knowledge is power, so come to think of it, if I had the brightest minds in the world as my teammates and staff, I would probably have the greatest power in the world, if I could do that, I wouldn't have to fear anything else.

Even in a hypothetical situation, where humanity found out about vampires and started hunting them, as happened in the underworld, I could rest easy, with minds like Socrates, Plato, Newton, Darwin, Albert Einstein and Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. All modern military power is nothing, with my future knowledge, together with these minds, we could build weapons and technologies hundreds of times superior to modern ones.

Science fiction objects such as warp drives, intergalactic spaceships, etc. They can come true, men like Albert Einstein have always been limited by their human bodies and their short lifespan, but after becoming vampires, and with a lifespan climbing to thousands of years to live, I even shudder with emotion just thinking about it.

We could build the house of knowledge. I think of something and cry out in happiness.

"Intergalactic Vampires"

[General Pov]

In the southern region of Greece, on the famous Peloponnese peninsula, at the site of present-day Alagonia Waterfall (Greek: Καταρράκτης Αλαγονίας; Katarráktis Alagonías). You can see a small castle, even small compared to the great medieval castles, the castle retains its beauty and grandeur.

Inside the castle can be seen two people, a man and a woman, the man was a young man who was on the second floor, inside the room with a smile on his face. The woman was already downstairs looking mean, as if she was upset about something. Morpheus, the man who was lying on the second floor, barely knew what was coming his way at this very moment.

[Amun Pov]

A few months ago, I got news from a friend about the creation of a possible new coven, it was simple news, but it bothered me for a while.

And now here I am, traveling at full speed for a few days, to see this new coven. I left my homeland in Egypt for a peninsula in Greece, where I am at the moment, I went to where I was told this new coven was, this one is very weak compared to other covens, but my survival senses were forcing me to come here, and during my 1200 years of age, my instincts were never wrong.

Every time I think about this new coven, a feeling of unease makes me uncomfortable, I get uneasy just remembering that feeling, I didn't even feel that with the Romanians, and I've been to Romania and I've been in front of their castle and even talked to Stefan and the uncomfortable feeling he gave me is less than I feel now.

Because of the danger that this trip could bring, I chose to leave Kebi at home and came with my faithful squire Kéfera. Kefera's powers surprise everyone in the Egyptian clan, even as a 300-year-old young vampire, Kefera has become one of the most important people in the clan, all thanks to her abilities to create lightning.

She possesses great fighting skills, and when combined with her lightning-making abilities, she becomes even more interesting. I was lucky enough to place her in my sphere of influence even when she was a young vampire, Kefera snaps me out of my thoughts when she speaks to me saying.

"Sir. Amun, by the smell it seems that we have arrived at the border of their territory" I listen to what Kefera said carefully, in fact I can smell their territory, with the arrival of the scent of these new vampires I let my guard up, I don't know if they will be hostile to me, or if I will be mistaken for an enemy in their eyes and become a threat, but I hope not. After thinking that, I reply to her saying.

"Kefera be careful, from now on our path is full of uncertainties, if the situation becomes dangerous we will have to flee as fast as we can, today we are only here to know their intention, we will not try to fight them under any circumstances, you got it? "I put emphasis on the last part, because I know her personality, and I know that she is addicted to fighting, but this situation is very dangerous.

I'm afraid of what might happen if I piss off these people who are bringing me a sense of danger. After a brief moment of me looking at Kefera and her looking at me, I wait for her confirmation, when I get a nod from her, we set off towards the new coven.

When I pass the invisible line that delimits the territory of this new coven, the sense of danger grows to an alarming level, my senses scream for me to flee, but I stubbornly walk for a few seconds when something happens, which surprises me and Kéfera.

The temperature starts to drop, and little by little I start to see snowflakes falling from the sky, and along with these snowflakes, the forest floor starts to get covered with snow, the snow that was on the ground starts to spread to everyone. sides, at extremely fast speed, even for vampires. The trees and plants turn whitish, because of the thin layer of snow on top of them, the ground is now completely covered with snow, and even some stalactites have appeared around us.

Kefera seeing all this, starts to smile at the beautiful view, and tries to catch some snowflakes, she keeps playing with them for a while, one of her most interesting features is that, while she is a mortal warrior, she he is also a playful child.

I do a 360 degree turn looking around us, and I have to agree, it's a really beautiful sight, but that snow and those flakes hid a danger that I could feel. Right after this beautiful vision, a voice snaps me out of my thoughts and scares me.

"Hello, to what do I owe your visit, my dear guests?" I turn quickly to see where that voice was coming from and I see behind us, a man, he suddenly appeared. His appearance was strange in so many ways I don't even know how to describe it.

The man was tall and had an incredible voice, had a strange skin color and even stranger hair. His skin was kind of blue-gray, and his hair, his hair is made up of threads of blue fire, like he's on fire.

Kefera seeing that the man, stands guard and releases rays around his body, seeing this situation I go in front of Kéfera and speak.

"Stop now Kéfera," after saying that I look at the strange man and speak.

"I'm sorry for this empty head's lack of respect, we didn't mean to disrespect you on your lands" I say this as I bow to him, he ignores what I said and just says it.

"follow me, I'll take you to our house" when I hear him, I call Kefera close to me, and I look at her with a warning look. We walked slowly, we walked at the speed of normal humans, all the way he stayed in front and Kéfera and I followed him.

This man was very strange, not only his appearance but his existence as a whole was strange, he had no smell, he was not a vampire, nor a human, much less some kind of shapeshifter, all I know is that he is not a living creature, I can feel it by the absence of a heartbeat coming from him.

Another bizarre part of him was his legs, which were directly connected to the snow, as if he were part of the snow. Along the way I tried to talk to him a few times, but he didn't answer me once, knowing he didn't want to talk to me I remain silent and follow him for a few minutes. I feel that over time the sense of danger has lessened, and that makes me happy.

I see that all the way to the place where this man wanted to take us was covered with snow, as time went by I realized that only the path we were walking was snowing and had snow, the other parts of the surroundings were normal. I'm taken out of my thoughts by something I've been waiting for a while, the man who's been silent the entire way finally says something.

"We arrived, this is our residence, now you can really talk to me" I didn't quite understand what he said, until the moment when a beautiful building appears in front of us, it was not as grand as our pyramids, but really very beautiful.

In front of this building, there was a man sitting on an ice throne, he was a young man, with long black hair, and with eyes that had a great glow, one of his eyes glowed red while the other glowed blue. A sight that left me speechless for a while, the young man rises from his throne, walks towards us, and I can see the sparkle in his eyes waning. He stops in front of us, a few feet away from us, and speaks while opening his arms.

"Welcome to our humble home" I'm totally confused and clueless about the situation.

[General Pov]

A few moments before.

[Main Pov]

Intergalactic vampires, this idea would be very good, now I have a new goal, to evolve technology until I can explore outer space with my army of super intelligent vampires.

Taking me completely out of my thoughts, I notice something, I get up from the bed and start to smell around me, when I notice the presence of two vampires near my house, apparently to my disgrace, today besides me and Sulpicia there was no one home, really a bad time to be invaded.

My first concern is for Sulpicia's safety so I use my super speed to get down to where Sulpicia was, she looks at me still annoyed that I ran away from her earlier, but before she even says anything I speak.

"leave your complaints for later, now we have intruders, please go to the panic room and stay there until i open the door, i will see what they want, if they are threats i will neutralize them, it will be ok trust me me" I told her our situation and made a point of reassuring her, I may not love her the same way she loves me, but I still want her to be safe, after all she is part of my family.

Luckily our house was fully designed for these situations, it has secret passages and underground tunnels that not even a vampire can find, so even if I am defeated she will be fine, and that's what really matters.

Upon hearing my words, Sulpicia looks at me for a while, nods her head and starts running until she stops, and looks in my direction and says.

"Morpheus, be careful, please." I smile seeing her words and nod at her as a sign of confirmation.

I leave the house and walk a few meters to the front of my house, my right eye starts to glow a bluish color, and with that an ice throne appears behind me and I sit down. I didn't know who my invaders were, and I didn't even know what they wanted here, these last few years I've hunted many vampires, but no vampire has ever hunted me, I'm afraid of that.

In my hunts before I fought a vampire I made a point of studying him a lot, and that was pretty easy, because it's hard to distinguish me from a human, because of that I could observe them before, using the guise of a simple human, after observing them I would have an idea of their strength and only then would I attack them. In short all of my fights I've had so far, I've always had the upper hand, even because I was a hunter and not a fighter.

Because of this uncertainty and the fear of ending up dying again, I prepared myself to give it my all, intending to use my ice and fire powers to the fullest if necessary. I snap out of my thoughts, place my right and left hands on the arms of the throne, and focus all my power on that moment, my right eye starts to glow a much brighter shade of blue, and my left eye looks too starts to glow, only in red color.

The light in my eyes is getting stronger and stronger, until the moment I used my most complicated technique so far, it took me 7 years of practice to create it.

It consists of using my ice and fire powers together, it is the "simple" process of creating, thawing and freezing ice at high speed in order to create snow.

I had this idea a few months after my reincarnation, at first it seemed silly, and even impossible, but after a few months of training I managed to create my first snowflakes, after I took the right time to create snow, it became a much faster process.

At first I thought that snow would be useless, and that I was only doing it because I had free moments and I was bored, but that all changed when I started to realize the true power of snow.

It was much more malleable to control, it might not be as strong and hard as ice, but it was so simple to control that the effort required was less than fire, thanks to which I could make the snow do almost anything, and the possibilities of using snow have only become more and more as the years go by.

After just a few days of training, he can create a snowman and control his every move with ease, something that is still difficult to do using ice today.

Over the years I managed to create my first blizzards, something incredibly beautiful and dangerous, the ice of my blizzards is completely controlled by me, so a simple snowflake can be a deadly weapon.

But the part that I like the most is my golems, currently I manage to make them almost identical to human beings, not so similar because it's still difficult to make human skin tone, and that's precisely why I always use my Hades, and it's he. that I'm going to use at the moment.

After it's ready, snow starts to appear in the surroundings at the same time it starts to snow, you can see that the sparkle in my eyes gets even stronger, so strong that it's possible to see it from a great distance, thanks to perception increase that the blizzard gives me. I start to be around me.

I can feel the snow as part of my body, thanks to that I can feel all the things that are around me, it's an absurd amount of information, every plant, tree or object that the snow touches is seen inside my brain, seeing things in 360 degrees was weird at first.

But then i got used to it, but so much information being processed at the same time has a cost, luckily i'm a hybrid that has a super brain, if it wasn't i would probably be lying on the floor with blood coming out of my ears and nose.

I focus on my powers as I hear their footsteps and direct my powers to their location, little by little to the position where they were covered in snow.

They were surprised by the sudden appearance of the snow, now I can see that they are a man and a woman, the man was on guard, by the unexpected change while the woman seems delighted with the snow, and starts to catch some snowflakes, I find it funny the situation.

I was curious to know what these two look like, I can see them, but my vision at the moment is the same as Daredevil, in this case not so good.

I use my powers again and a choker made of snow appears around my neck. This choker is the way I use snow, to pick up the vibrations of my vocal cords, and then I'm able to move the snow into the golem's mouth, with the same vibration emitted by my vocal cords.

So far the voice is distorted and very strange, but it is understandable, I am working to improve this problem.

With my choker ready, I create a snow golem that looks like Hades from the cartoon and speak.

"Hello, to what do I owe your visits, my dears...

To be continued

"[ N/A ] If you've read this far, thank you very much, and as I don't know how to handle compliments very well, please curse me please."

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