
A Fragments Journey

Note: this synopsis is after he leaves his original world. Waking up in a place with his memories a mess, our mc must make his way through a world he shouldn’t know in the hopes of finding the truth about why he is here. Just when he thinks it is his end and he can stop fighting. Our mc finds himself in a different world and must find his way back home. Little does he know there is more like him in these different worlds, trying to turn these universes into one like his old world and this time they are a lot different then he remembers. He must face these beings and whatever they throw at him, even if he is care free most of the time, he soon realizes sometimes it is not all about him. Especially when he finds love in a unlikely pairing. ———————————————————————— Hello everyone, I’m fragment and I would like to bring you a book I thought about for a long time. I’m not the best, trust me I know but saying that I will do my best to try and fix any mistakes. I’m doing this for fun with one of my favorite characters. I think the mc will fit into a few different worlds. So please give me ideas? With that being said I’m learning so if some of the world’s information is wrong please help me correct it and I will do so immediately. This is a small multiverse, so it won’t be a lot of jumping world to world. The mc will stay in a world for a good amount of time. I would like to say, forgive me if you don’t like that. Tags ~ 2 or 3 girls max (I was thinking one but I don’t know yet) ~ grey mc ~ aggressive mc ~ ruthless ~ romance ~ Arrogant mc (not like a young master and will be low key for the most part but you’ll understand why.) P.S ~ I will be adding Oc lore to some of the worlds, I want to try and make it all fit together well. I am sorry if you don’t like Oc things again. That is all, I own nothing not even the mc. 1st World - Mc Og world. 2nd World ??? (Any ideas?)

Fragment12 · Movies
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Chapter 5: Unexpected Gift

(Mc POV, Hotel Rose.)

'What the hell is this thing supposed to be? I know that being said something about a gift, *sigh.. for a gift its a little lacking in Quality.' While the night life of the city started to come to life, I sat in a chair while taking gulps of whiskey.

I looked out at the lights as they glowed more vibrantly, different colors of neon and sky lights that mixed well together. The harmonious colors casting shadows that danced. Everything looked so peaceful, i was brought into another feeling of nostalgia. It was so different from the world I had been in for years.

"I can't complain, it must be important. whatever that thing was it gifted me this for a reason." The only thing to bring me out of my thoughts was an object floating above my right hand.

My eyes looked over at what looked to be a thin yet large piece of glass? I couldn't really describe it but it did look as fragile as glass. The object spun around in my hand, from its color and feel. I couldn't think of it as anything but trash. Still being the gentlemen I am, I only cursed the god a little.

"Lets get this over with.." chugging the last cup of whiskey, I placed the cup down and the glass dropped into my hand.


"What the hell?! What kind of shit gift is this?" Hearing the sound of cracking, I looked down at the grey dust that was in my hand and cursed.

I took my time to calm down as i thought the god tricked me, only to find when i looked into the reflection of the glass over looking the city, my eyes were glowing a golden color.

My head jerked to look at my palm were the dust from that object flashed. I watched on while it reformed into its original shape.

"That fuck, really did get me.." I shook my head seeing the object flash gold for a second.

"So how do I? Huh, what's this about?" Confused that I might have done it wrong, I looked at the object with care now. In my eyes code like text started to race across my pupil. It forced me to close my eyes, yet this time not from pain but from my eyes feeling like they would go blind.

When I could open my eyes again, the world didn't change and I wasn't dead. I was still in the place I sat but this time I notice something floating above the object in my hand.

[Unknown class of item: Lost Angelic fragment- read more]

"What the hell is this shit?" Looking closely at the text and then what was in my hand, it wasn't hard to put things together.

"I'm fairly sure that's what this thing is called but all the fragments should be accounted for? Each vessel, monarch and Jin-woo the anomaly. Not to mention the one inside myself.. fuck!" While speaking about what I know my eyes started to glow. Golden veins spread out across my body as a series of images flashed in my mind.

'What is this object you have..' From the bright image in my mind a voice spoke. It wasn't fatherly like the god I talked to but overbearing as it tried to control my body.

"What the hell is it to you? What the hell are you doing to me?" Feeling pissed that unwanted guest kept entering my mind. I smiled as I looked into the glass in front of me.

'That is not what I asked human, tell me why do you have this object in your possession.' Ignoring my words it pressured me more, it made my anger grow as it asked a question of its own.

"Since you don't want to answer, I don't either.." feeling my veins stress on my face I spoke back while smirking.

'Your struggling.. it is of little concern to me, with or with out your permission.. I will have my answers.' The being in my mind, reached its hand out and I felt something invisible come from my chest.

"Fuck off.." flexing my body the beings arm was pushed back inside my heart as I started to sweat.

'You humans are all the same, thinking if you struggle you will achieve something. You are nothing but a pawn in this game. I won't ask you again Andre, I may not be able to see it but I know this item belongs to us..' before the being could finish I held up my middle finger as I smiled more.

"I'm pretty sure I said, fuck off.." while the words left my lips, the light from the fragment started to glow and shined as the world went white.

(15 minutes later)

"Ah, how the hell am I going to explain this.." Waiting for my vision to return, I got up from my kneeling position.

Making it to my feet I felt the cold air hit my skin, then the shards of glass below my feet. I looked out at the city below as the windows were completely blown out. The metal of there framed bent with a red glow. The chair I sat on, my bed and other things had been completely vaporized. My eyes looked at the scorch marks on the floor and burning curtains.

"Guild Ma-master?"

'Ah shit, this is really a pain in the ass.' Hearing a voice next to me I turned and saw Laura who was staring as she scanned my body.

"Laura look.." I tried to get out an excuse but as I talked her face became redder and redder. I already knew what the problem was as I felt a draft between my legs.

"Guild M-Ma-Master! Please cover yourself!" Laura yelled at me as I reached up and rub my head.

'Is it that big of a deal? Your the one still looking..' I looked at her with my eyes glowing, watching as she quickly looked down when she realized her eyes were glued to my lower body. I couldn't help but chuckle as I smirked and walked passed her frozen body.

'Looks like I caught the eyes of some powerful beings.. and here I thought it would be boring. A lost fragment huh, I feel like it's going to get a lot more interesting from now on.. good, I haven't killed anything in a long time.' Thinking I walked into the still intact bathroom, in my hand the fragment floated, my head low while my eyes glow and a crazed smile came to my face.