In a world where human isn't the only being to exist. A Fantasy world where Aliens, Demons, Spirits, and others otherworldly beings coexist together with humans. Each having their own life and stories In a peaceful, modern world. Ren Kitsuko, a young Kitsune. Has always been outcasted by the other people throughout his childhood. People fear him for a reason he couldn't understand. And he never even had a real friend before. That is until he met a girl. He defended her from other mean kids when he first met her. He expected her to run away from him, like any other kids would do, but to his surprise. She stayed. And for the first time Ren felt his loneliness seeping away from him. But that happiness, like almost everything, ends. When suddenly. She goes missing, without a trace. Now a young adult. Ren intent to find her. And no matter how hard it'll be, he won't give up. -------- DISCLAIMER: This is an original work of mine. So no plagiarism is involved here. Rated 16 and up for : Mild language. Implied sexual scene. Violence.