
Ch-1-The storm

When I opened my eyes next all I saw was the infinite black, but before I could let my mind spiral a gold and white colored screen appeared in front of me. On this screen was the animated body of a woman that about 18 years of age with a pair of fox ears and white tipped fluffy tail. When I though about her reaching back and touching her tail, she did exactly that as I fell the touch as well as a spike of an unknown sensation hitting my brain. This made me realize two things, the first is that I can feel every thing she feels at this exact moment even though when I look down at my self there is nothing there, kind of like looking in a mirror and seeing the body that you should have without having one, and the second is that I should never let anyone touch my tail. After this crazy experience I turned my attention to the rest of the screen where I found a bunch of slider's dials number inputs and tools that culminates into the ultimate character creator experience. With a slightly mad look in my eyes I realize that I have all the time in the world to make this character and that I will be stuck with it for the rest of my life. Cracking my knuckles I get to work.

After what fells like days of work I finally have what I would call a perfect character for me. She is six feet or a little over one point eight meters tall with blood red waist length hair fluffy fox ears the same color as my hair on the outside with white fluff on the inside and a two tone blood red with a fade to white tail. Her head is slightly almond shaped and comes to a rounded point with sharp slightly glowing blood red eyes a small nose and a mouth with a natural slight smile that is on the smaller side. There is a small but permanent blade scar that crosses over her left eye which is already partly covered by her hair as well as a light smattering of freckles on her cheek bones. The rest of her body is slightly curvy leaning towards the lithe beauty type of aesthetic with a well proportioned body that has slightly smaller but notable assets. Then to Finish it off there is another blade scar that lies horizontal on the right side of her waist going half way to the center of her body.

With that done I believe that I am finished with character creation even getting a finalize conformation screen, but when I confirm a new screen pops up telling me to select my traits. It is here that I see my second wish having come to fruition in the form of two traits.

[Genius Mind : Having an intellect nearing the limits of the mortal world you can learn any information that exists with relative ease.]

[Martial and Qi Origin : You can create new techniques, martial arts, and even completely new methods of cultivation with relative ease.]

This panel also showed six different stats along side spiritual roots and physique with a certain number of points in the top right corner. The six stats were Strength(STR), Endurance(END), Agility(AGI), Intellect(INT), Sensory(SEN), and Energy(ENE) with the only confusing one being energy as it is not normal on earth or most earthlike parallels (if they exist). Energy represents the body's adaptability to Qi and other energies as well as it's efficient usage of such, this stat started at nine due to my second trait while my Intellect started at nine due to the first trait. Sensory started at seven due to my race being a fox girl and all other stats were five which is racial standard. 

The amount of points that I had was two hundred and the max number of stat points is ten. This felt off but at the current moment I could not care. The first increase in stats always cost two points and each subsequent increase cost an additional point. Using four points I increase my Intellect and energy to max. Three more points increased my sensory to nine and another four points increased my Agility to eight. For the last stat increase I spend three points on my Endurance increasing it to seven. This leaves me with one hundred and eighty six points left. Checking the shows that It is currently labeled as me having none resulting in being unable to cultivate, so I change it to the best one available which cost fifty points and is called the Heavenly Ten Element Revolving Spiritual Root. Without looking at its description I move on to the Physique category which is labeled no physique at the moment. Opening it I scroll down to the best available one called the Primordial Empress Body. Not looking at this description either I move on to the traits category so I can spend the rest of my points on some useful things. The first thing that catches my eye however is something called evolving bloodline, and when I click on it a window pops up telling me that my bloodline is not strong enough and that picking this will cause it to evolve for an additional some of points. Picking yes I am then given a few options for how I wish my bloodline to evolve. After seeing the first option I pick it without thinking and evolve into a one tail kitsune. This evolution does not change anything about my character and all I fell is a slight tingling in my fingers as well as seeing a new trait show up along with my picked trait.

[Retractable Claws : The natural physical weapon of many beast or beast adjacent species.]

[Evolving Bloodline : You are the start of your own bloodline and thus it will evolve with and grow more powerful while gaining new traits as you grow stronger.]

Felling satisfied, I look at how many points I have left after doing that and see that I have sixteen which is just enough for some quality of life traits.

Once every thing is over I am asked to finalize again which I do before the screen disappears and I fall unconscious.


Out on the Redcape Sea a three masted frigate is some where near the southwestern shore, the lanterns across the deck are lit up as it is just getting dusk.

"Captain, the skies seam to be clear tonight and even the wind has died down for the time bein'. Are you certain that old fraud of a fortune teller was right?"

"I don't know skipper, but if he is, I don't want 'im to be right."

"Then I will have the men double check the supplies and make sure there secure."

"That'd be best lade , that'd be best."

At this moment thunder cracked as a lightning bolt raced across the sky before arcing done and striking the calm surface of the sea. Clouds the shape of anvils seem to almost instantly form in the sky over head as strong viscously blows and churn as if angry and trying to swallow the ship whole. The captain starts to bark orders in an attempt to get moving and save at least there lives if not there ship as well. As this happens far above them a few clouds part revealing the figure of a young woman clad in a one piece white dress with golden hair flowing down there back as well as covering part of there face. While under normal circumstances she would have come across as pretty or even beautiful, here she look like the incarnation of death with the darkness of the storm dyeing her dress a dark shade of gray and her hair leaving flickering shadows on her face. The crew of the ship below started to panic when they say her and not even the captains shouting could calm them. seemingly unfazed by the sailors below her she raises her hand towards the ship causing the crew to believe it is there end before a bright ball of orange fire appears next to her and flies toward the ship. After the ball of fire crashes into the ship damaging the top deck the woman in the sky disappears while the storm grows more intense and starts pushing the ship toward the shore which unknowingly to them is guarded by a large coral reef. The captain seeing a potential escape by running there ship aground starts guide the ship toward the shore when her port side is smashed into the coral nearly breaking her in half. She however ends up making it out and starts to limp toward the shore where she strikes her self on the other side this time succeeding in completing the job and breaking in half. Sending her entire crew and cargo in to the darkness below, as well as her knew unknown passenger.

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