
What Are You?

Tap Tap Tap....Running my fingers along the armrest.

"So no one is going to speak up" I thought.


"So you're telling me. You couldn't freeze this guy here along with time?" Yoongi was the first to speak up wearing a doubting expression while looking over towards Jin.

From his accusation. Jin whined, "Why do all have to question me. Can't you take what I say as face value."

Hoseok responded with a pat on Jin's back, "You just need to limit your joking around..."

"Ha! Then maybe the people that don't know you might give you the benefit of the doubt" added Jungkook.

"P..please people love my jokes. Listen to this..." said Jin


"Hey. What do you think about this situation?" Startled at Yoongi's question. I glanced at him with my eyes.

From the chair I was sitting in with my chin resting in the palm of my hand. I was contemplating what I've just heard from Jin.

Then responding to Yoongi, "Well as far as I know. One has to be an Existential type in order to not be affected by a time spell".

Didn't I just go through this whole fiasco. I thought given Yoongi a scrutinizing look and seeing if he also felt a sense of deja vu.

"So we discovered a lost soul, right Namjoon?!?" I looked over at an excited Taehyung.

"Maybe Tae, but we need to take umm. What's your name kid?" I asked the youth in front of me. Who's eyes were bugging out. I'm guessing due to a combination of shock, sleep deprivation and caution.

"Ahhh.... Umm.... I'm Jimin" he responded with a shaky voice.

"Ok. Jimin. I'm Namjoon and as I was saying we need to take Jimin to the admin building to check his hertiage".

Definitely deja vu

"Hey! Now before we do anything..Why don't we introduce ourselves to Jimin, here?" Jin said after taking in Jimin's guarded facial expressions.

Yoongi spoke up, "Can't we just erase his memories? What would be the point of introducing ourselves if he wouldn't be able to remember them. Cause that's what will happen if he's not an Existential".

"What! We can't do that to Jiminy" exclaimed Tae. "We just found him and he has the right to know if he's an Existential".

"Do I get a vote?" asked Jimin.

"No!" said a combination of voices.

Jimin, reluctantly Let his body fall back against his seat. Listening as these six guys chattered on around him.

"Not like they weren't determining his fate for him or anything ". thought Jimin with a sigh.

"Jimin?" He looked towards me with an aggrieved face.

"We don't mean to be harsh, were just in a difficult position....If we have to explain this to.... faculty. We're for sure to be given demerits for multiple rule infractions But thats not the most important thing. As to what the outcome will be for you" I said in a calm manner after seeing his distressed face.

"Yeah! Jiminish-i. You need training badly. I mean you had to rely on Jin to save you". laughed Jungkook

"Hey! I'm totally reliable, Jungkook." yelled Jin.

"Anyway let's not forget the whole reason we're in this mess. responded Yoongi looking away from Namjoom to make eye contact with Tae and Jungkook.

"Yeah, If you two hadn't gone off gallivanting around by yourselves..." retorted Jin.

"Hey, Jimin. You okay? This is a lot of excitment, right? Finding out that your apart of whole secret society. exclaimed Hoseok slinging an arm around Jimin's shoulder.

Staring at Hoseok's profile and trying to read him. Jimin thought, "Are you crazy? Or do you actual care about my situation? Cause you seem pretty happy....

Really I would like just like the opportunity to decide own my fate....

<Sigh>... "How stupid was I to have wished for more extravagant lifestyle. Idiot..."

"Hey! I think we should personally let Jimin be checked for Existential ties. Since there's a chance for him to be an Existential type as he didn't freeze along with time" exclaimed Namjoon after some time.

He held up his hand to keep the others' quiet and continued, "However, We should give Jimin the choice. That is if he wants to check to confirm or to return to his current life. Then if confirmed as an Existential. For him to make the decision to join the academy willingly..."

"or obtain an induced unreversible amnesia. If he's not an Existential" said Yoongi with a blasé attitude.

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