
50. Chapter 50: Rock You Like A Hurricane

A/N Thank you for your absolutely wonderful comments! They warm my heart :)

And now, enter the dragon…

"All in all, I think it would be nice if we remembered the occasion," concluded Izzie Stevens with a smile. "One year anniversary is small and big at the same time, right, Dr. Bailey?"

"You just want to get your way into her bachelorette party," smirked Cristina. "I bet it's going to be the bash of the year."

"I do not!" huffed the blonde. "I just think it's an important occasion and a way to remind everyone how much Seattle Grace has changed during the year she's been here."

"Yeah, yeah, you can count me in," agreed Cristina. "Just nothing over the top like on Christmas, please."

"Christmas was-" However, Cristina and a few other people gathered around never learnt what exactly Christmas was like as Izzie was violently interrupted by a clear commanding voice addressing one of the nurses at the station.

"Dr. Grey, where is she?"

The young nurse just appointed the day before jumped in her chair and looked quizzically up at the enraged woman across the counter.

"Are my eyes deceiving me?" asked Cristina with a low voice. "Is that really the wicked witch, senior?"

"Oh, shit," stated George accurately. "The Chief didn't say anything she was coming…"

"Do you have a speech deficiency?" Ellis Grey asked pitilessly. "I clearly asked you where Dr. Grey was. Aren't you competent enough to give this kind of information? What kind of nurse are you?"

Dr. Grey… But there were two Dr. Greys…. The nurse's face scrunched in troubled concentration. She finally decided on the Chief.

"She's… ugh, she's in the office," she stammered fearfully, "down the hall…"

"Now, was it that hard?" scorned Dr. Grey, walking away.

The group didn't even recover from the sudden appearance when another followed swiftly. Several pairs of eyes opened wide seeing the former chief, Richard Webber, hastily catching up with Dr. Grey, looking anxious and agitated.

"Ellis, please. Don't be rush, we can sit down and calmly talk it-"

"You know when was the time to talk, Richard?" she asked harshly. "You had a chance to talk for the past few months you were in Boston. But you preferred to cover up that sordid affair so now it's a good time for you to shut up!"

The hall remained silent until they both disappeared from sight only to burst in wild buzzing of gossip.

"Tell me I'm not dreaming," said Cristina excitedly.

"That was… Dr. Grey… Ellis… and Dr. Webber… right?" frowned George.

"What is Webber doing here?" Izzie wondered aloud. "We haven't seen him for ages."

"Use your brain cells, Iz," snorted Cristina. "He was running at Grey's heels, pretty much like Shepherd."


"Yup, looks like the mother and the daughter are more alike than we thought. Who knows, maybe we'll have a double wedding," she laughed.

"I just remembered something," frowned Izzie. "The Chief and Derek went to her office together… making googly eyes at each other… And you know what that means…"

"Ooops," snorted Cristina and shouted over to the nurse that was manhandled by Ellis, "Hey, you! You sent her to the wrong Grey!"

"What?! No!" the young woman brought a hand to her mouth in fear.

"Know what? Page little Grey to the Chief's office, stat. Maybe you can save your life."

"You're evil," George shook his head in amazement.

"After you."

Derek opened and held the door with one hand to let Meredith in, grinning as she caught him staring at her lips which immediately lifted up in a seductive smirk. All the way up from the cafeteria to Meredith's office, they kept throwing teasing glances at each other. There was no doubt in their minds that their lunch would get cold before they ate it. They had a different kind of hunger to fulfill.

"Oh, Patricia," Meredith peeked back into the outer office. "Cut yourself a break, will you? You're working so hard…"

"Sure, Chief," answered the secretary and decided it was best to disappear right away. Soon, it was going to get pretty loud in here.

"So," breathed out Derek standing close behind her as they gingerly deposited their trays onto the desk. He nipped at the tantalizing skin on her neck while his hands sneaked on her hips, his penis already stirring to action. Their sexual life was too limited for their liking for the past few days, mainly due to the presence of Derek's family in town. It happened somehow that they were always interrupted.

"Finally…" he breathed out between slow sloppy kisses he was planting on her neck and her shoulder he was steadily exposing, "alone…"

"Ah," she moaned. "God, I actually miss us… four days…"

"Four damn days…" He lowered his hand down along her body and when he raised it, it was already under her skirt, hitching it up. His length hardened at the sight of her creamy thigh and the red lacy edge of her panties. "Were do you want me?" he asked taking off his lab coat.

"I want you," she began huskily and pushed him backwards, "in the chair…"

She made him sit in her comfy leather chair and crouched spreading his legs.

"I missed… little Derek…" she smirked, feverishly working on the knot on his scrub pants and bringing the garment down to his ankles along with his boxers. "And little Derek missed me," she licked her lips at his cock that was standing proudly before her face.

"Not… little!"

"Right," she giggled before wrapping her rosy lips around the head of his length, her eyes twinkling up at him.

"Oh, God…" he panted, tightly gripping the edge of the seat. Meredith's tongue was working miracles on the sensitive skin of his swollen member and her purrs reverberated all the way through him. She released him from her mouth only to start licking zealously from the tip to the base. Then again, she took him in her eager mouth all the way in, promising another way she would take him afterwards. His eyelids drooped as he felt himself growing closer and closer… until the door blasted open impetuously and he registered the voice that belonged only in his worst nightmares… and which made his cock flaccid on instant.

"Meredith Grey!" shrieked Ellis falling into her daughter's office like a raging tempest. Yet, even plagued by the worst visions and suspicions, she didn't imagine she would be welcomed with that sight… Meredith with her knees on the floor, wholeheartedly engaged in activity no parent wanted to see their precious child doing and Ellis wasn't an exception in that respect. Thank God, there was a barrier in the shape of the desk between them. "I knew it was a catastrophic idea for you to stay here but I never suspected you'd sink so low!"

Funny, how the last part of that phrase stuck in Derek's brain. In the over-consuming panic, humiliation and the rush to tie up his pants the fastest he could, the only thing he was capable of thinking was perusing whether is that was only a figure of speech or if the pun was intended.

Meredith jumped startled by the unexpected, and simply terrifying, turn of events and released Derek's already soft penis from her wide opened mouth. She stared at the door with a profound disbelief. No way, no fucking way… Her mother, furious and repulsed, was standing with her arms folded on her chest, her head shaking disapprovingly, a vein on her temple pulsing violently. Behind her, a very disconcerted, and clearly not knowing what do to with his eyes, was Richard Webber… What was wrong with that picture?

"What the fuck…?" came weakly from her lips.

"That's all you've got to say when I fly across the continent for you and walk on you holding a man's penis in your mouth?"

"No, actually, I've got more to say!" she spat arrogantly keeping low on the floor. "Please, leave the room so I can finish what I started!"

"That is absolutely outrageous!" yelled Ellis, her breathing hard. "I will not be talked to like this! And I will not leave, I won't make a single step, until you tell me the nature of your relationship with that man," she scowled at Derek who's brain function reactivated up to the level when he could think furiously what he was supposed to do next. Stay on the chair, stand up by Meredith, run for the hills?

"That man is not your concern," hissed Meredith, her body language resembling the characters from adventure movies who scared wild predators away with a burning torch.

"Of course, it's my concern," Ellis shrugged her shoulders, "as a most disturbing and troubling rumor reached me all the way back in Boston."

"I'm not interested in hearing any rumors-"

"Are you or are you not about to destroy your life by marrying him?" demanded imperiously Ellis, waiting for her daughter's answer with tension.

"I am not," replied simply Meredith after a brief while. "I am not about to destroy my life as marrying Derek will the best moment of my life-"

"No!" shrieked Ellis. "I will not allow it! And you," she pointed at Derek who felt compelled to rise to his feet slowly, "I warned you to stay away from her, didn't I? You seduced her, used her! Do you feel satisfied now you reduced her to brainless slut crawling before you on the floor?!"

"Dr. Grey," he answered calmly trying to survive this madness. "We were already together, already in love during your visit-"

"Ah, do you feel so smug now? You useless bastard! It just begs to be investigated by the work ethics board-"

"Keep away from him, mother!" shouted Meredith pushing Derek slightly behind her as though shielding him. "You do not have a right to as much as talk to him! And I will never forgive you for what you said to him last year! I heard every word I was never that ashamed of you! Just stay away from my fiancé!"

"You think I'm going to stand listlessly by and watch you making the biggest mistake of your life? Over my dead body you will marry him!"

"Ellis," Richard spoke up soothingly reaching for her arm. "Please, let's be reasonable-"

"Shut up, Richard! I'm not dealing with you right now. If you're not with me on this, you can wait outside!"

"Oh, that's just whole you, mother!" Meredith laughed with malice. "You come to talk to me about marriage with your lover in tow? The one that you betrayed Dad with?"

"Mer, let's not make it even worse-" pleaded Derek seeing the shouting match was turning into an even bitter and cruel brawl.

"Shut up, Derek!" she silenced him without thinking. "She's a hypocritical bitch and I'm not going to humor her any minute more of my life!"

Derek and Richard exchanged looks of commiseration and the older man shook his head conveying that they were superfluous on the scene.

He felt torn apart. He wished to evaporate from the room yet he wouldn't leave Meredith alone.

"Derek, please leave me alone with her," pleaded Meredith with a stricken and apologetic tone. He nodded silently and daringly placed a kiss on her temple, eliciting an outraged hiss out of Ellis. Hoping the sudden staring competition between her and Meredith meant they were not going to go physical, Derek swiftly followed Richard out of his fiancée's office, giving her the last concerned glance.

"That was…" trailed off Richard at a complete loss for words as he paced up and down.

"Indescribable?" proposed sarcastically Derek running his head with his fingers making it a wild mess. "You couldn't give us a word of warning, could you?" he reproached harshly.

"No, I actually couldn't," Richard defended himself. "Ellis took my cell phone and didn't leave me alone for longer than three minutes since she decided to come out here! And you couldn't have that blowjob done some other place, could you?"

"So, you're with Ellis or what?" asked Derek, somewhat deflated.

"I am," admitted Richard. "I joined her in Boston a couple of months ago, should have been years ago, and I was trying to reconcile her with Meredith. But a couple of months is too short for Ellis's will."

Derek snorted in response. "How do you live with her?"

"Oh, I think you know," chuckled Richard.

"Yeah? Meredith would never cut me off from the world."

"You're still young, Derek," Richard shook his head.

"Is… is Dr. Grey in there?" a small voice interrupted their conversation.

"Yes," sighed Derek gesturing for Lexie to go back, "but you don't want to go there if you value your life."

"Damn it, I was sent here, being told I needed to come here if I valued my life," she said irritated, going inside.

Richard frowned deeply while Derek only shrugged and sighed, "She's a Grey too."

"I'll make this really quick and easy for you, Mother," stated Meredith clearly, her body strung out and stiff as she stood with her arms folded upon her chest defensively. "You either accept I'm marrying Derek or you don't. Whatever you decide, I don't care. You can think whatever you want to think. Just don't you dare come anywhere near him! Don't you dare try to hurt him!"

"You ungrateful girl," hissed Ellis. "I'm not going to accept this! You are to get this absurd idea out your head!"

"Sadly, Mother," snorted Meredith, "this doesn't have anything to do with you. It is not your decision, my life is not your decision. Not any more!"

"Unfortunately, since you don't know what's good for you! Where is your focus, Meredith? Where are your ambitions? Or don't answer that," she scoffed. "I think I've seen already where they are."

"You know what? They are there too," Meredith smiled challengingly. "Because I love him and I want to make him feel good. So, yeah, those are my ambitions."

"You love him," mocked Ellis. "Please, if he's that good in bed, fine, keep him around, let him do the job. You don't need to jump into marriage with him."

"Wow," Meredith let out a huff of incredulity. "I don't have a problem distinguishing lust from love, not that you could ever understand."

"Then kindly explain me," ordered Ellis changing her tactics.

"That would take ages," bit back Meredith, "and I have better things to do."

"Oh, undoubtedly," snorted Ellis. "Though I admit it's not the right place to discuss it. What about tonight, you and him could explain me your true love."

Meredith's eyes widened and her throat ran dry when the door opened again with a soft knock, revealing another Dr. Grey.

"What do you want?" Ellis rounded on her immediately. "Don't you see we're busy here?"

"I'd like to remind you that it's my hospital, not yours," Meredith got her act together. "So don't you order my employees around. And for tonight? We're all busy." Meredith smiled sweetly as a thought occurred to her. "You see we're having a family occasion, a great family occasion, not that you would know what that could stand for. But it's the last day of Derek's family's stay in Seattle and we're having a little- or actually, not so little- gathering." She explained and strode the room to join perplexed Lexie by her side and jovially brought her arm around her. "All Derek's family will be there and guess who else? Lexie here, for example," smiled Meredith and hugged the younger girl closer to herself. "I haven't introduced you, have I? It's my sister, my little sis, Lexie Grey."

Ellis raised her eyebrows, scrutinizing Lexie with curiosity mingled with skepticism.

"So, Lexie's coming," continued Meredith. "And Lexie's mom, Susan. She's very nice. And guess who else is coming too? Dad, the man you screwed over behind his back. So, you see, my schedule's full. See yourself out mother and be careful not to break down the door in your powerless rage."

"This is far from being over, Meredith," promised Ellis turning to walk out. Did her daughter really think she could scare her with the prospect of seeing Thatcher or his new family? Unlike other people, she wasn't scared of anything, she snorted as she found herself back in the corridor, neither Richard nor Derek Shepherd in sight.

"Mer?" Derek threw her a quick sideways glance while maneuvering through Seattle traffic. "Do you think we can talk about it?"

"What about?" she asked disinterestedly looking steadily ahead of her.

"Love, please," he sighed reaching out his arm in search for her hand, "no avoiding this time."

"Okay," she gave him a wide artificial smile turning to face him. "Let's not avoid. My wicked mother is here to interfere in my life. She thinks she can dictate me and it freaking pisses me off! That's about it, what else do you want me to say, Derek?"

"Maybe what we should do next," he replied patiently.

"You think I can do something else than tell her to go to hell?"

Derek let out a sigh of defeat, acknowledging that further conversation had little point. However, when they rolled into the parking space in front of their house after the silent ride, Meredith grasped his hand stopping him from getting off.

"You heard what she said today," she began with a quiet apologetic voice. "She listens to nothing and no one. Her truth is absolute, you can't argue with her. So, don't make me seek contact with her or try to make her understand."


"It hurts," she added weakly.

"Okay," he acquiesced squeezing her hand. "If she doesn't come round before the wedding, she'll understand with time. Because," he turned in his seat with a tender dreamy smile on his face, "she'll see how happy we are, how happy you are."

"It won't be the end of the world if she never does," shrugged Meredith. "I know it's difficult for you to imagine since your family is so close-knit but the truth is, my mom was never there for me. It won't make a difference. Your family is going to be there so that's enough." She leaned in to softly brush his lips with hers.

"I'm glad you and Ma found a common language," he smiled kissing her back.

"Me too. There's only Nancy left whom I have to crack. Maybe I should set my mother on her?" she pretended to think hard. "I'm sure she wouldn't toy with her like I do."

"Yes, I do appreciate your patience," snorted Derek though he seriously meant it. He knew Meredith wouldn't be so lenient towards his eldest sister if it hadn't been for him. But God and all his saints help them if Meredith, Nancy and Ellis Grey were to meet at one place.

A/N Next update featuring the unforgettable family dinner will be posted soonish. I have all the chapters and the epilogue written down, I just need to do some editing on them.

Have a great weekend,
