
Chapter One - Part Three | The Mall |

{Arizako POV}

"Why are we here?" I asked. "Well, where else would you go when you go out?" I shrugged, "Here."

"My point," he stated. I laughed a bit, "Yeah, yeah." We headed inside the building, "Hashi! I want to go there!!" I blurted out, pointing to a store filled with stuffed animals. "Fine, fine. Let's go," he smiled, trying to hide it. I ran into the store being followed by him. And that's when we ran into them, Maki Ryu and Oshita Roku, some of our closest human friends at the university. "So how is your relationship going so far?" I asked Ryu. "Great! Hopefully you'll find someone soon," she smiled peacefully. "Yeah, hopefully..." I pouted a bit and looked at Takahashi.

"Hmm?" he hummed in response, not knowing what Ryu and I were talking about for him talking to Roku.

{Takahashi POV}

"Did you ask her out yet?" Roku asked and nudged my arm. "What.. No, you know I'm too chicken shit for that right now. Anyway, I already told you that I was going to show her first." He chuckled, "Sure whatever you say, Bud." I sighed, "Ari, go ahead and pick out which stuffies you want to buy." She gasped and nodded before taking Ryu and running off. "Are you really going to buy them for her?" I nodded, "Of course. I mean, I am the one who invited her out in the first place. So why not buy her some things?"

"Ahh, true true."

{Arizako POV}

"So, which ones do you think I should get, Ryu?" She shrugged, "I don't know, this one?" I gasped, "It's perfect! But I also like these," I pouted a bit. "Get all of them then. They don't cost that much." I nodded. "Yeah!"

After grabbing those stuffies plus a few more we went back to Roku and Takahashi. "I'm done~" I smiled innocently. Takahashi's jaw dropped a little, "Alright, let's go pay for them." They all agreed.

Short chapter, I know I know. But part two to The Mall chapter will be out soon. -Author~chan

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