1 The Ambush

After the events of the Jade Path, Aldous remains to guard the twilight orb. But one hero doesn't want to give up and the name of that hero is Selena. Aldous is a bit tired but doesn't want to rest in order to protect the twilight orb. Aldous starts to guard the Minoan Kingdom, While Selena begins to rally up demons from the abyss as she gets ready to ambush Aldous in order to get the orb. As Aldous starts to regain his stacks after the events that happened. He is starting to think the fight between him and Selena. Because he hadn't seen a mage that can be strong despite her pretty and cute face but Aldous just brush it off of his mind and starting to train tirelessly.

Selena is training too and begins to strategize the attacks of Aldous and she only remembers the two skills from Aldous and the first one she remembers is a skill called Contract Soul Steal [ even though it's just a simple punch if a creep dies from Aldous he gets stack from the punch and as aldous skills more and more creeps he begins to become stronger overtime] Selena starts to think of stunning Aldous with her skill Abyssal Arrow [ A skill that can stun a hero for over a short period of time and buys a time for Selena to attack with her deadly skills if she turns into Abyssal Demon Form]. If she does that over and over and can see an opportunity to immobilize Aldous then she will get the orb and regains power from the orb, but she doubts of doing that strategy because Aldous has a skill known as Contract Explosion [ The uniqueness of this skill is if Aldous activates if he will gain speed and at the same time it creates a little circle and without caution you will get stun for a short period of time]. And she thinks of a new strategy to counter Aldous she will combine her Abyssal Trap to conflict more damage to Aldous [ The Abyssal Trap is when Selena puts a spell to the hero and a demon will damage and slow the hero]. And little did she know that Aldous has a third skill Contract Chase Fate [ A skill where Aldous can find the hero and will go directly at the hero].

The day has finally arrived where Selena needs to get the orb and the Demons started to rally up to the Minoan Kingdom. But Aldous didn't know that he will get ambushed. As Selena arrived at the kingdom she said to the demons to wait for her signal if they both has empty Mana. She sees Aldous walking back and forth. She started sneaking up to Aldous but Aldous quickly turned around and attack her. She used the strategy combining Abyssal Trap and Abyssal Arrow. Aldous tries to counter the attack but failed but with his unflinching behavior he can't be defeated that easily and so the fight went on for hours until their mama has finally reached it's limit. Aldous said "I haven't been fighting for that long....you have gut's" Selena responds to "Of course.... I am a Demon .... obviously... But ENOUGH WITH THIS NONSENSE DEMONS ATTACK!!!" The Demons quickly ran to Aldous and Aldous ran with the Demons on his back. Selena finally passed Aldous. Selena quickly ran to the maze and finally she found the orb....... As she slowly holds the orb Alice is approaching her.
