
A Flawless Legacy (Waifu Catalog SI)

A person from gets Waifu Catalog System and uses it to reincarnate himself in the Naruto world. Now a newly orphaned Ren Uchiha comes over to live with Fugaku and his family. Wait!? Itachi is a girl? Mito Uzumaki, Ringo Ameyuri and other beautiful women are still alive? The other villages realised how awesome I am and want to go to war with Konoha? Watch as our SI shocks everyone with his abilities and goes on to become the strongest in the world while getting himself a few waifus on the side. For advanced chapters: https://www.p@treon.com/ankit1

Fortunate_Soul · Anime & Comics
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65 Chs

Chapter 50- Days of peace

Minato POV

The wedding was a small and simple affair. Held in the Naka Shrine of the Uchiha clan with a modest gathering of about a dozen people.

The couple stood in the centre of the room. Ren wore a simple yukata, flanked by Fugaku and Mikoto standing supportively behind him. Meanwhile, Ringo graced the occasion in a sleek black kimono, accompanied by Pakura and Mei Terumi standing proudly by her side.

Neither of them had parents, which was sadly an all too common occurrence in the Shinobi world, but they made do.

The Priest, alongside his Miko, conducted the purification of the shrine before initiating the commencement of the sacred san-san-ku-do ceremony, beckoning the couple to take their seats facing each other.

As the Priest started reciting the oaths they would take as husband and wife, his gaze shifted to the couple.

At a superficial glance, the wedding might appear lopsided. Ren being a young, wealthy and powerful man, was marrying a woman twice his age, who also carried the weight of being labeled a Rogue kunoichi.

Only the fact that Ren had captured Ringo after their first battle and had given her the choice to either marry him or die, made him decide not to question the wedding.

He still wasn't sure if Ren's goal of having a harem of S-class Kunoichi would bring him any happiness. But he hoped it did.

All in all, the ceremony lasted for about twenty more minutes before the couple went to the alter and took their final vows. After another traditional ceremony, the couples finally exchanged Wedding Rings, and with one last prayer, the priest officially proclaimed them husband and wife.

He felt an arm wrap around his hand and felt Kushina lean into him. "Ren looks happy."

"Ren looks happy?" He asked in a whisper. "Have you seen Ringo? I don't think I've ever seen a woman look as happy as she did in this wedding."

"That's true," Kushina acknowledged, falling silent for a moment before continuing. "I believe she's in love with him."

"Really?" He asked. He knew that Ringo wasn't against this marriage, despite knowing of Ren's intentions to marry other Kunoichis in the future, but that was the extent of his knowledge.

"Yes. You could see it in her eyes." Kushina said and then chuckled. "Mei looked so jealous."

"That she did. I wonder when Ren will marry her and the other two." He mused as the couple finally departed from the Shrine, followed by the rest of them.

Once they were all outside, signifying the official end of the wedding ceremony, the couple bid farewell to everyone before disappearing with Hiraishin.

He lingered for a while, engaging in conversation with Yugito Nii, who expressed interest in joining the Anbu. And Mei, who had decided to enlist in Konoha's Shinobi forces after Ren had deemed them sufficiently capable to operate independently.

After concluding his discussions with them, he felt a tap on his shoulder and turned to find Ren standing there. A shadow clone, perhaps?

"Come. I have something to show you." Ren said and Shunshin toward his lands in the corner of the Uchiha district.

He followed the boy and soon enough, they arrived at an Underground lab, one riddled with living and dead animals like rats, toads and monkeys.

"Ren. What did you want to show me?" He asked.

"Are you aware of the abilities that my new eye gives me?" Ren asked, pointing at his purple multi-ringed eyes.

"No. I've been curious about them ever since you came out of the Time Acceleration Chamber. But I didn't want to pry in your bloodline affairs." He said.

"Wise of you to do so. But I'll tell you about one of the ability this eye gives me. It's this." Ren said and suddenly, two more arms emerged from his back.

"A pseudo-transformation Jutsu?" He asked and Ren shook his head.

"They're real arms, given to me by an ability known as Asura Path." Ren said and made a small cut in one of his arms with a hyper sharp wind blade.

The cut healed instantly afterward, but it was enough to serve as a proof at the arm was indeed real and not merely a chakra construct.

"That's a pretty handy ability." He admitted, though he wondered if having six arms instead of just two would be more beneficial in a battle or serve as a hindrance as no one has ever creating a method of fighting with six arms.

"It is." Ren said and the arms went back into his body as if they'd never come out in the first place. "More importantly, a few days before I went to the Time Acceleration Chamber, I gained a new ability that I call Science Talent."

"Scince Telent." He said, tilting his head. "Sounds useful. What does it do?"

"It allows me to make giant leaps in any scientific endeavour of mine." Ren said. "And I've been using that ability to understand my Asura Path while allows me to create limbs out of nothing. And I believed that I've finally achieve the results I want."

"And the results are?" He asked and Ren walked toward one of the nearby cages that were filled with wild animals ranging from rats, to monkeys. Ren used Genjutsu to put a monkey into a trance and then brought it out of the cage and put him on the dissection table.

"Observe," Ren directed, employing the scalpel technique to sever one of the monkey's arms. Blood spurted from the wound, but it promptly sealed shut under Ren's application of healing palms.

Then, Ren took out a Fuinjutsu seal and tied it around the monkey's stump before he started to pour his chakra into the seal.

And he watched with fascinated eyes as a new hand emerged from the stump. This one didn't have any hair on it, and looked pink and weak. But it was a hand. A complete hand.

Ren woke the monkey up from his Genjutsu induced sleep and put it into another Genjutsu to have the monkey do a few tricks around in the lab, using the hand he'd just regrown.

"That's…" He licked his lips, wondering just how Orochimaru would feel after learning that all his tests with Hashirama cells would become irrelevant with this new Technique of Ren. "Can… can this Seal be mass produced?" He asked.

Ren nodded. "I'll have to teach Kushina-Sensei, Mito-san and any other Fuinjutsu master who're interested. But yes, it's not that hard to replicate. A medic has to supply it with Healing chakra, of course, by the Seal would do the rest. Though, I've only done the test on animals so far and hasn't done human testing. I was hoping that the R&D Department can do that for me."

"I don't think Orochimaru would mind at all." He said, remembering Orochimaru's giddiness at having an excess of test subjects after their recent war. The man worried him sometimes with his fascination for science.

"Excellent," Ren replied, passing him a scroll labeled 'Greater Regeneration Seal'. "I've also experimented with it on other organs, including the reproductive system of these animals. The outcomes were promising."

His breath caught at those words, and he gazed at Ren with widened eyes. "Y-you're serious?" he stammered, feeling a lump forming in his throat.

Kushina has been really supportive of him ever since she learned about what happened to him in the frontline. However, in the absence of intimacy over the past few months, a subtle distance had emerged between them. And he couldn't help but fault himself for all of it.

"Yes." Ren said with a comforting smile. "Now go and give this to Orochimaru. The faster you can do human trials, the faster you heal all the crippled shinobi in Konoha, and yourself."

He held the Scroll with trembling hands, fully intending to give the boy a SS-class reward for this accomplishment before he used Hiraishin and arrived outside the R&D lab.

Whatever Orochimaru was doing right now can wait. Because he finally had hope in his life once again.


Ren Uchiha POV

He entered the room and saw Kushina looking slightly haggard as she tried to teach basic table manner to the three toddlers. Naruko, Fu and Kurotsuchi.

Well, he supposed that only Naruko was a toddler. Fu and Kurotsuchi were at the same age as Itachi was when Fugaku took her outside the village and had her witness the cruelties of war.

And in a year or two, they'll go to the Konoha Shinobi academy and be integrated into the village once and for all as they make lifelong friendship there.

"Sensei." He said with a soft smile at the sight. He supposed that one of the reason why Kushina looked so tired might be due to her and Minato's active love life once again.

He would've been jealous if Minato wasn't a bro.

Well… he still felt a bit jealous. But he admitted to himself that he had no right to feel that way, what with him just coming back from a date with Mei Terumi, while his other self was currently pounding Ringo inside their beach house.

"Ren." Kushina said, looking happy to see him until Kurotsuchi took advantage of her distraction to throw a spoonful of food at Fu's face and then laughed at the result.

"Kurotsuchi!" Kushina shouted, her eyes narrowing in anger and her red hair rising in the facsimile of the nine tails.

"I'm sorry!" Kurotsuchi squeaked out before she hid under the table and Kushina managed to control her anger before she went to wipe Fu's face.

"Sorry for all this mess." Kushina said with an apologetic smile and he suddenly starting wondering if having children with all his waifus was a good thing or not.

Would he even be able to handle four children at once? Eight, if his women decided to get with another child in the future. Just thinking about how chaotic his life was about to become in the future sent a chill down his spine.

"It's alright Sensei. Minato-Sensei send me to teach you how to create the Greater Regeneration Seal. I wanted to schedule a time when I can teach it to you, along with Mito-san, Tsunade-Sensei and a few more Fuinjutsu masters."

"Would you hold a group class?" Kushina asked as she held little Naruko in her arms and forcefully spooned down the vegetables in her mouth. It was quite the funny sight, with Naruko making a face as if she was about to die at any moment now.

Naruko then noticed him and her eyes lit up in pure joy and happiness. "Ren-cha!" She squealed with a giggle

"That's Ren-san, not Ren-chan to you." He said with a deadpan, even as his heart warmed at her words. He also wondered who was teaching these kids to call him that. Was it Mikoto? It was her, wasn't it?

"Ren-cha!" Nauko squealed again and he chuckled at her enthusiasm before turning to look at Fu who was busy pouting at Kurotsuchi who was still half hidden under the table. Then he turned to look at Kushina once again. "I do not particularly care. I would just send a Shadow clone to teach you, so it's not like I'm using my personal time here."

"Of course. Why would you have any time for your old Sensei when you a wife and three girlfriends to deal with." Kushina said, pretending to sniff even as she went back to shoving vegetables down into Naruko's mouth.

"Stop being so dramatic." He said as he went and took a seat beside Fu who looked at him with a confused expression, not knowing who he was. He ruffled her hair as he continued. "I also wanted your advice on a few things."

"My advice. On what?"

"You remember the seal I made which allowed shinobi to create roads by pouring their chakra into it?"

"The Roadmaker? How can I forget. I've never seen a more useful seal in my entire life."

"Yes, and I'm receiving a 10% commission for every Ryo that Konoha earns from the use of that Seal." He said. "Thing is, I just created a seal that would allow me to earn even more wealth. And I'm not sure what I should do with it. Should I give it to the village, should I give it to the clan, or should I keep it for myself."

"Huh… what does this seal do?" Kushina asked.

"It generates metal," he stated plainly, observing as Kushina comprehended the implications of this seal, her jaw falling open in astonishment.

"Any metal?" she asked, clearly shocked.

"Theoretically, yes. Though I've changed the pattern of the seal so that it can only produce Steel for now. However, in the future, I may incorporate zinc, copper, aluminum, lead, nickel, and other metals depending on the success of this seal."

Kushina looked like she was struggling to form words but she finally managed to say a single sentence. "Ren, do you realise just how valuable and dangerous this seal is? The economy of entire Kingdoms rests in the production and trade of these metals."

"I am aware of that," he acknowledged. "That's precisely why I've sought your counsel. I'm uncertain how to deploy these seals, or if I should use them at all, given the potential harm they could inflict on the economy of the Elemental Nations."

Kushina appeared somewhat overwhelmed by his statement before she let out a sigh. "I'm not certain if I'm the most suitable person to offer advice on this matter, Ren."

"Perhaps not," he conceded. "However, I trust you and value your insight. Please, share your thoughts with me."

Kushina licked her lips and sighed. "Alright. My suggestion would be to start by using this seal to produce small amounts of metals initially. Then, gradually increase production over the next decade until Konoha transitions from a modest metal producer to a wealthy exporter, supplying metals to our allies. If you move too swiftly, you risk destabilising countless individuals who depend on mining for their livelihoods and the well-being of their families."

"Those lives would be destroyed anyway once I start exporting in large amounts." He pointed out.

"Perhaps." Kushina admitted as she created three Shadow Clones who took the kids out of the room. Naruko looking mighty relieved at not having to eat any more vegetables. "But they'll have the time to change to other professions, even if I have a feeling that very few of them would use that opportunity."

"Hm… any other advice?" He asked and Kushina started talking.


"You really did it. Ageing yourself so that you can marry your wives quickly." Tsunade said, downing a cup of sake. "I'm not sure if I should be proud of your achievements or annoyed at your foolishness."

"Proud, of course. A wife should always be proud of her husband's achievements." He said with a gentle smile. Tsunade paused in her drinking and turned to glare at him.

"Shooting for me now, are you? Don't you have any shame?" Tsunade retorted. "Didn't you used to call me 'granny' right up until you became my disciple?"

"I recall no such thing," he replied shamelessly. "And why wouldn't I pursue you? You're my Sensei, so I care for you. It's only fair that I wife you up and give you the children you've always wanted."

Tsunade's eyebrows twitched at his words. "First off, you logic makes no sense. Secondly, I do not want kids."

"So you say. But do you really let the Senju clan to die with you?"

"That's none of your damned business brat!" Tsunade snapped, some real anger creeping in her voice this time.

Ah, sensitive topic then. Change topic. "Hm… I'm still surprised that Minato-san handed off Jiraiya-Sensei's students to you." He said, glancing outside where Rin Nohara, Anko and Itachi were sparring with Shizune.

Seriously, those three really deserved a good, permanent teacher after being shuffled around for so long. Having some stability in their lives would do them good.

"Orochimaru as well. That Anko girl used to be that snake bastards's student." Tsunade said, looking even more irritated now. "Those bastards think that they can just haul off their students on me just because they're a little busy. The next time I see Jiraiya, I'll twist his head off."

"With your thighs? If so, then as Jiraiya-Sensei's disciple, I would like to take the punishment in his stead." He said as he blatantly ogled her body and Tsuande scoffed.

"Stop flirting with me brat. It's not going to happen."

"Wanna gamble on it?" He asked, and Tsuande paused in her drinking, looking tempted before she finished the last of her sake.

"Piss off. I'm not gambling with my hand in marriage."

"It doesn't have to be marriage. I'm perfectly fine with being a disciple-with-benefits until I eventually seduce you with my godly sex skills and make you fall in love with me," he teased.

"Keep dreaming," Tsunade retorted.

"You think I can't do it. Wanna bet on it?" he challenged.

"Wanna get punched?"

"Mah… my wife is so violent~ What have I done to deserve this?"

*Punch!* *Crash!*

He slid across the ground and came to a stop between the four students, who paused their spar to gaze at him.

"Yo," he greeted casually as he picked himself up and brushed the dirt off his body. "Don't mind me and your Sensei. We're just having a little domestic disagreement."

"Ah~ Don't go now that you're here, Ren-kun," Anko purred, swiftly making her way to his side and placing her hand on his shoulder, pressing his arms against her budding breast. "Why don't you spar with us and demonstrate some of your skills~"

The teasing tone in her voice told him just what kind of 'skills' she wanted to see.

Ever since he became older and handsome, girls had been throwing propositions at him left and right. While it boosted his self-esteem, constantly rejecting advances became tiresome.

"Not interested," he stated, lifting her up and gently placing her back on the ground. "You're too weak for me to 'spar' with, Anko."

Anko pouted at him from the ground. "You're so mean Ren-kun. Though, I don't mind that at all~"

He looked at the other three girls in the clearing. Shizune looked exasperated at their blatant flirting, Rin was blushing and Itachi looked highly unamused.

Hmm... perhaps he should carve out some time from his schedule to treat her to some dango and enjoy some quality alone time together.

Even if they didn't have a romantic future ahead, Itachi was a cherished friend, and he didn't want to jeopardise that friendship just because he had others in his life now.

"I'm serious, Anko. I'm only interested in strong women. So don't even bother." He said as he went back to sit with Tsunade. Only, Mito had arrived to sit beside her as well.

"Yo, Mito-san."

Mito looked at his slightly dirty clothes and at the trench his body had created when Tsunade punched him and raised an amused eyebrow. "What did you say to her, that made her punch you?"

"Why do you believe it was something I said? Don't you know how violent your clan leader is?" He asked, settling back into his seat and resuming his tea-drinking while Tsunade blatantly ignored him.

"That she is." Mito said, looking as amused as him as the cup in Tsunade's hand made a faint creaking sound. "Someone should teach her some manners, I would say."

"Do you want a punch too, Mito?" Tsunade retorted, narrowing her eyes. "Don't assume I won't do it just because you're my cousin."

"Oh, did you forget what happened the last time we sparred?" Mito countered, and he observed with amusement as Tsunade's cheeks flushed red.

"I… I was drunk back then! That wasn't a fight." Tsunade protested, and he wondered what these two were talking about.

"The lady doth protest too much, methinks." He said, joining on in this argument for his own amusement.

"I'll beat up both of you. Don't tempt me." Tsunade said, showing them her clenched fist.

"Of course, wife."



AN: MC finally gets married to Ringo. He's currently using Fission Jutsu to split himself into two. And while one of him is spending quality time with Ringo, the other is still back in Konoha, taking his girls out on dates and working on other Research.

Minato has finally been healed as well. So there's that.

Aside from making the seal that regenerate lost body parts, MC has already created a seal that's capable of producing metals. A seal that would making him the richest man in the world even if he only takes a fraction of its profits.

Finally, now that MC is older, he has decided to start seducing Tsunade. She's not amicable to the idea right now but he intends to wear her down over time.

We also see him being flirted with by other girls who show a great deal of interest in him. But he's not interested in weaklings.

That's it for this chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed reading it.

8 advanced chapters in Patreon.

Have a nice day.