
Memory 01 - The Happiest Days

[It came without warning. The skies, dimly lit by the sea of stars, suddenly set ablaze as though it became day. That day, we lost not only our ignorance, but our peace.]


On a warm, sunny afternoon, the weather became slightly cooler as summer began to transition into autumn. Parents relaxing in a park, watching the youths laughing and playing. The park, wide and flat, with a vast space for adults to walk and children to run. Some come to take in the sunlight and fresh air, while others catch some shut eye on the cool green grass. 

"A day perfect for playing, yet here I am with a guy wasting his time fiddling with sticks."

"It's not fiddling, I'm makin' a house! I'm not even using anything else, don't you get how hard this is?"

"All I see is plain ol' Cecil stacking twigs, hehe~"

A pair of youths, fresh into the beginning of adulthood, can be see sitting under a large spruce tree near the center of the park. One, a man with an average build with some fitness visible in his toned forearms peeking out of his plaid long-sleeve.

Cecil Han, a spry young adult on an outing with his childhood friend Sophia West. They're here for no particular reason, just as any other person would be on a late summer weekend. A time perfect for relaxing and making memories.


As Cecil and Sophia banter, a stray soccer ball tears through Cecil's construct. A once majestic, 2-story 4 bedroom twig apartment now lays tragic in ruins. The forlorn mushroom couple ready to move in are fortunately safe, just outside of where disaster struck.


*Pffft* "Hahahaha"

"Ah, sorry!"

A boy, likely only 5 or 6 years of age, comes running over, following the wrecking ball that laid waste to this once-masterpiece.

Contrary to Cecil's shock and despair, Sophia's face holds home to one of the largest smiles known to man. Her lightly tanned skin glistening as her laughing pulls her head back into the sunlight. The joy enraptures Sophia so much that she is sent rolling back and forth on the grass, her long brunette hair catching her smaller stature while she kicks her jean covered legs in the air.

What twisted entertainment must this tragedy look like in the eyes of this young woman?

Amidst her joy, the boy simply waits in front of Cecil, unsure of what to do. The thought of running has left as soon he apologized. Even when he looked back, his "friends" were no longer in plain sight. Some of them could be seen peeking over rocks or around trees, awaiting the fate that lies the young boy. 

"I-I-I'm really sorry sir."

He stammered out another apology, nervous that any rage induced by the still laughing lady before him might be wrongly directed towards him.

"Haaah...It's alright kid."

Cecil let out a long sigh. While tragic, he could always build again, but first things needed to be put into order. Cecil patted the boy's head.

"It's alright kid. Lemme get your ball for ya real quick."

After reassuring the youth, Cecil turned to where the house obliterator had ended up. After losing some momentum, the ball ended up stopping atop the tip of an elderly man's foot.

A shocking sight since, despite the structural integrity of Cecil's miniature masterpiece, the ball still had a fair amount of speed after tearing through the twig complex. This gentleman must have quite some skill! Cecil stood in awe for short moment, wondering what kind of experiences this man's life contained.

Before he could ponder any longer, the ball bounced over to Cecil, stopping perfectly at the tip of his right foot.

"Here ya go kiddo! Your gal over there seems to be really enjoying herself. You should probably get back quickly."

Taking a glance at Sophia recovering from her raucous recoil, a light smile arose on Cecil's face.

Cecil quickly thanked the elderly gentleman and dribbled the ball back to the boy. The boy quickly thanked Cecil, apologized once again, and returned to his awaiting friends.

Now that all that business was finally taken care of, it was time to spend some more quality time with Sophia. It was her last day in town, before she moved to Central City for her new job as a news reporter. There wasn't much news to report in the Bluebell Town, but Sophia's socially active personality and amicability got her this opportunity in a much better environment.

Cecil sat back down, next to the recovering laugh-aholic Sophia, and began building up the foundation of his new creation (this time adding some grass as joint bindings).

"So, excited for the new Central life?"

"Hehe... heh... huh?"

Wiping a slight tear from her eye, Sophia relaxed her body as she lay down on the grass. Her shirt lifting to expose her navel as she spread her arms wide on the ground.

"Hmm, I suppose so. Gonna miss messing with my good ol' Cecil though, hehe"

"...I can always come visit when I'm...when you're free."


Jolting up from star-like position, Sophia sat up with eyes gleaming to a breath's width away from Cecil's face.

"You're gonna miss me, aren't ya?

As she said that, a mischievous smile arose on Sophia's face. 

Any other boy from Bluebell would have relished in this opportunity to be this close to a lady this cute. Cecil however, with his unwavering focus on rebuilding his wooden masterpiece, simply guided his hand around to Sophia's shoulder. Turning his head and gaze to Sophia, maintaining the distance between them (and his other hand supporting his creation), Cecil replied.

"Of course I will. I'd pluck a star from the sky to see you again."


Heat rose to Sophia's face as she backed off and turned away from Cecil, clearly surprised by his solemn response. A soft murmur eked out of Sophia's lips, as her face grew red from the blood rushing to her head.

"That look with your deep voice is really unfair y'know."

Without continuing any further, Cecil returned to building up his miniature-scale wooden house. His hands quick with dexterity, the framing of a clearly visible porch could be seen, with a small staircase leading up to double doors to this wonderful home. Again, a smirk rose on Cecil's face. 

"Of course I'd miss 'messing with my good ol' Sophia' too."

Hearing a chuckle from Cecil, Sophia's blush lightened up and she turned to direct a fierce glare to the cause of said blush.

"Ahhh, I hate you!"

Completely transitioning from her timid self just moments ago, Sophia tackled Cecil with a fiery barrage of punches to punish the evil prankster. Seemingly anticipating this incoming attack, Cecil swiftly placed his construct to the side and opened his embrace to hug the incoming Sophia. The pair fell to the ground and they continued to laugh and banter on the soft grass.

Next to them sat the foundations of a home. Although made of brittle pieces, left behind by a greater existence, they came together to form a new firmer structure. Experienced in the destructive wake of a magnitude unimaginable from "soccer ball", this new home was built stronger than before. Now held together even stronger, with their green allies, this home shall see greater heights beyond its former limits.

Adorned on the small wooden porch was a pair of mushrooms, the centerpiece of this home.

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