
Chapter 1: Two friends

A day, no more ordinary than any other, a boy with slick black hair, a small, but muscular frame, hidden beneath his clothes, sits next to his bike, leaning it against the sidewalk, waiting for someone, a friend perhaps?

He thought to himself "When is he gonna get here, that idiot is always late, you just cant hat that smile though."

and thought also back to his past, where when he was very young, he was brought to America by his mom, to have an easier life.

He never remembered the place he was born, nor does he remember his dad, suddenly he is jolted back to reality by his friend showing up, who is another boy, with short blond hair, in a bit of a mess, riding a bicycle straight at him and shouting


just before the two kids collided, Jae's friend turns his bike, and skids it to a halt and

he asks "what's up?"

Jae responds with "Jesus, you almost killed me, Archie. And I'm gonna be late because I was waiting for you."

Archie puts on an even bigger smile than the one he already had on, and sticks his tongue out

saying "Well maybe if someone wasn't setting their matches up to be at like 7 in the morning, I wouldn't be so late."

Jae, just playfully punches him in the arm and says

"let's get going."

Archie puts on a fake horrified face while

replying "oH MY goSh If YouR PunCHes arE ThAt WeAk, YoUr GonNa gET toTaLLy sLaMmEd iN tHaT riNg."

Jae doesn't even reply, and just picks up his bike, and goes into the direction of the arena

Next chapter