
Little Garden and stored knowledge

Chapter 1: Little Garden and stored knowledge

Simon spent the first few months in the new world in complete peace. Being a baby again was so nice. There were no worries about work or bills; he just needed to eat, sleep and defecate. 

Now, in front of a chocolate cake that he unfortunately cannot eat, a small birthday candle is lit. As for who the birthday boy is, it's obviously him. 

Looking at the almost 40 children around him of different ages, from some who were 3 years old to others who were almost 17, Simon felt happy and at peace. A peace he had long forgotten about. 

- "Maybe mom would cheer and smile like that when dad was still around." 

Simon had this slight thought as he saw Victoria Leblanc, the orphanage's director and great-grandmother, smile at him as he was held in her arms. 

Victoria was a woman who would soon turn 40 but still maintained a beautiful, youthful, and playful appearance with children. 

Victoria came from a family that, although not aristocratic, was quite wealthy and located in the south of France. Her grandfather had properties in various areas of Europe and had few children—just three. Léo, Camille and Louis 

Victoria was the daughter of Camille and a merchant of great influence in England, but she ended up dying during the Second World War while on a business visit to Stalingrad. 

Victoria didn't remember her father, but she had a great affection for him. She married at 16 the son of her father's cousin, who had taken over his business after his death, and together they had a son, Aurelio. 

Meanwhile, her mother, feeling alone and without purpose, founded an orphanage, which she called Little Garden, located in Balham. She began to take in war-orphaned children throughout London, and using part of the fortune she had as an inheritance, she provided these children with a future. 

Of course, not everyone grew up to become great public figures, many went astray throughout their lives. But Camille didn't feel sorry for them; she offered them something; they were the ones who didn't want her help. 

As for Victoria, her husband died shortly after their son turned 6 due to severe pneumonia. And to prevent what happened to her mother from happening to her. She took charge of her husband's business, avoiding at all costs the possibility that vultures could take advantage of anything. 

She persisted for 16 years until her son finally took over the family business with an iron fist. 

Having fulfilled her duty as a wife and mother, Victoria ended up finding herself without a purpose, just like her mother. That's why she decided to replace her as the new director, since she was already getting tired due to her age. 

And so, three years after taking over, Simon arrived at the doors of his orphanage. 

- Now, children, Madame Rita will cut the cake while I take our little birthday boy to sleep. Enjoy it 

- Thank you, director Victoria 

- Sweet dreams, Simon 

- Don't worry, we'll eat for you too 


The noise of laughter left Simon at peace. He liked this innocence. He also knew it wouldn't last long for him. 

Simon had a duty to do something great that could be interesting to the entity that sent him here. He already had some suspicions about the world he was in, but he needed to be sure. Until then, he could enjoy more of this feeling of peace and tranquility.

After being taken upstairs, Simon was placed in a small crib next to Headmistress Victoria's bed. Because he was the only baby at the moment, he slept with her because, for some reason, since having Aurelio, she had never stopped producing milk. 

And honestly, Simon loved that. Simon was a complete pervert and loved it when Victoria put her milky white breasts out to breastfeed him. He wished he was older so that he could play with them, but he knew that was impossible. By the time he reached a suitable age, for that matter, Victoria would already be an old woman. Furthermore, Simon didn't have feelings for her, he didn't see her as his mother or anything, just as the woman who fed him.

It was something simple, and for some reason, it defined her value as just another waitress who you tip but don't care about what happens to her on a daily basis. 

Of course, Simon realized how strange his thoughts were, but he put them aside and enjoyed the striptease of the milf who was going to take a shower. 

After a few moments, Victoria left the bathroom and went to see Simon, who was already sleeping in the small crib. She smiled slightly before getting dressed and heading over to where the other kids were. ***** - "A dream in" 

That was what Simon thought upon seeing the scene in front of him. A pretty woman was beating a chubby little boy because he didn't like the food the maid made and complained to her mother. 

Simon instantly recognized himself in the scene, although he wasn't fat when he died, Simon was quite cute when he was younger. However, he didn't mind this, and it was only when his mother forced him into forced diets and regimes that he started to lose weight. 

Simon always hated sweet foods, fruits and vegetables. But his mother made him eat whenever he could.

When he went to live alone, he started eating all kinds of junk and only stopped when he saw that he was starting to gain weight and felt bad about it. After that, he started going to gyms, but when he realized that he didn't feel comfortable in such an environment, he started exercising at home for at least an hour a day. The results were slow, but they came. Although he wasn't anywhere near a bodybuilder, he was in good shape for someone who basically lived indoors, eating whatever he wanted. 

Remembering these things and seeing the little boy run into the room and cry, Simon turned around and went in another direction. There he found himself in a large library where several thick and heavy books were arranged. Simon picked one up and began to read. This was a book containing Ed's knowledge about transmuting ores. 

Every time Simon slept, he could come to this place and begin to study alchemy. Simon had the talent and intelligence of the Elric brothers, but the knowledge was not given to him on a platter; instead, it was simply stored inside his mind. 

If he wanted to have any contact with alchemy, he would first need to study all the almost 3,000 books present in the place.

However, luckily for Simon, as long as he understood each book deeply, the knowledge present in it would become part of him and would never be forgotten by him. 

While Simon slept peacefully (studying at full speed), Victoria returned to the dining room, took a piece of cake, and began eating with the children. 

Victoria loved this life of peace and quiet. She was tired of life as the leader of a large company. She would rather stay here, taking care of the children and watching them grow, being a mother to them, like she can't be to Aurelio. 

In fact, she always blamed herself for not being there for her as much as she needed while he was growing up. But he never hated her for that, he actually respected her for all the sacrifices she made for him.

Seeing some children running through the corridors, she just laughed and enjoyed the cake while thinking about what the future held for the little ones.

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