
Ch 2

The royal knights.

The royal knights are of eight highly trained pack members who gave the oath to protect the people of Great Nethilor and swore to put their life on the line and die in honor defending their Alpha and his family.

I am one of the eight royal knights.

Everyone knows who we are. Well, less. They know of us, we mask our scent and seal off our faces with thin black masks. The Alpha insisted that we keep our identities sealed off from the pack and everyone outside the pack and close to us as well. The fewer people know the better. All the pack knows is that only the Alpha can summon us, and we are their protectors.

As a matter of fact, the Alpha is the one who gives us our mission, and hand-picked us out himself.

Leo, our captain. Ace our tech, Reed deals with all of our weaponry. Pain is half was and half-witch, then there is the mischievous bomb expert twins' Legend and Legacy. Lastly Dawn and I.

The Alpha didn't like the fact that his own daughter is one of the eight, but once Dawn sets her mind to something there is no way of changing it. At first, I wasn't happy about it either, but I understand her reason. She does not want to just sit around and have her brothers protect her all the time. She doesn't want to be defenseless. She joined to protect not only to protect herself but her pack as well. One day if she does end up with a alpha, I know she will be a great Luna.

"What's the matter dad," Dawn asked.

"Today one of our neighboring pack was attacked. Thankfully no harm came to the alpha and his family, but I can't say that for everyone else, whoever attacked them did a number on the pack. Hundreds are injured and about 20 of their pack members were taken."

"This could be just another rouge attack. I bet they have some kind of camp out just outside the pack borders." Leo suggested.

"That's what I thought too. But since when did wolves fly?"


"They said they attacked from above and came out of nowhere. They also used deadly nightshades."

Legacy gasps and we all looked at her dumbfounded.

"Whats a deadly nightshade?" I asked.

"It's an ancient poisonous flower that can kill us in an instant." Legacy answered. Alpha nods his head in agreement.

"Ancient flower? Flying wolves? It's a bit far-fetched don't you think?" Reed jokes.

"It's not. I don't know about the wolves turning to birds or whatever but the deadly nightshade mustn't be taken lightly." Legacy argues.

"A deadly nightshade will kill you from the inside out. Its toxins will start to dissolve your insides, bring it to a boiling sensation, spreading throughout your whole body like a wildfire eating away at your flesh. You'll beg to be killed. Once it's done we won't be able to identify you because you'll be just a sack of bones."

"Legacy is right," Alpha says, standing up and making his way towards the minibar.

"Why are we now just hearing about this flower and how do you know about it?" Asks Dawn.

"I do some reading of my own, but I just thought this was folklore or something." Legacy replies.

"You won't hear about it in the studies today because they are put off. The flower only grew here in Nethilor. I don't understand how someone is able to get their hands on them because they were destroyed before our time. A long time ago creatures from around the world; Witches, demons, angels, vampires, and hunters were once on mutual grounds. A treaty between all was settled here. Not everyone agreed with it but it's what brought peace and harmony." Alpha made his way back to his desk and sat down.

"Our pack was the only ones that knew about the nightshades and what damage it could bring to our race but no one wanted to get rid of it. Back then from what I was told as a child, the flowers were blooming because it was from the moon goddess blood. So we kept it around because it was a symbol of her. A hunter who is a second in command got curious about the flowers and somehow got his hands on them. He was a greedy bastard after power. Once he found out how rare and poisonous the flower was to us, he started to put his plan into action. He wanted to wipe us out. All of us."

"Big balls for a human," Reed commented.

"Indeed." Alpha chuckles.

"He almost succeeded though. That was the scary part."

We all looked at our alpha in shock.


"He had the right tools I guess. I don't know the details, like is said this was way before any of us were born. But it was said that he had the deadly nightshade for us, vervain for the vampires, the shattered sword yield by one of the great Angels for the demons, a spell from the witches cast upon the angels and then capturing the witches and burning them. He was successfully turning us against each other one by one and a great hand of us were killed off. Once his leader found out about it his doings, he tried to convince him to go along with his scheme, saying they could be the most powerful beings without living in fear. The hunter's clan had a great leader from what I heard, he wanted peace, not destruction. So he killed his second in command..... Damage was made and a lot has suffered. The treaty was broken after that. Everyone went their own separate ways and we made a big decision on cutting and burning every last bit of the flower."

"This is all so crazy." Dawn whispers.

"So if it's gone completely, how is it possible for someone to get a hold of it."

"That I don't know, and that's why I called you all in here. The neighboring pack is Midnight Sun, they will be arriving here in four days' time. We will be keeping the wounded here while the rest prepare the town. I need you eight to scope out the scene, find out what you can, and report back. Also, I need you all to be fully geared. Armors and all. I can't risk whatever they say coming back and taking one of you out."

"Yes alpha, when do we leave?" Leo chirped.

"In four days, I know Titanessa and Dawn got back from their mission and I am happy to see both of you alive and well. But I want you guys to rest."

We both bow our heads.

"Your birthdays are tomorrow and I would hate to ruin the party if the ones we are throwing it for are gone."

He looks at Dawn and I and smile, which we return.

"Get some rest, all of you. We will discuss again the night you all leave. Goodnight." We all stepped to the side with our heads bow down as the alpha leaves his study.

"Well, this was all..... Interesting." Reed smiles.

"Sure was... Let's go, Ness." Dawn yawns.

Following her out the door I couldn't help but think of our upcoming mission. This did not sound like our other missions. This sounded more deadly and if I am being honest. I'm afraid a bit. How can a little beauty from the earth be so deadly?

"Where you going." I was pulled back by my hand and crashed into someone's chest. Seconds after I felt soft, warm lips on mine.

I smiled into the kiss, all thoughts of what I was thinking before all gone. I wrapped my arms around his neck and dug my hands into his hair slightly pulling on it, earning a low growl in return.


His hands slithered their way to my waist and down to my thighs squeezing them, telling me to jump. So I did and wrapped my legs around his torso.

I broke the kiss to breathe but he kept kissing my jawline down to my neck.

"I missed you." He mumbles. I giggle as he sniffs me and kisses his head. He says he loves my scent because I smell of the ocean.

"I missed you too." We smile at each other like idiots and connected our lips again.

"I'm gonna show you just how much I missed you. Consider it as a pre-birthday present." He smirks into the kiss and makes his way towards his room.

Well happy birthday to me.

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