
Ren Foster

The warm sun engulfs my room, brightening every corner. I have no need for an alarm clock, for the sun alone wakes me up each morning. I do a quick stretch before eventually rolling out of bed and wandering to the bathroom. Once I finish, I change into my maid uniform, and slip on my shoes. It's only eight a.m, but I have work at nine forty-five, and I would rather not be late. I grab my bag and walk toward the front door, careful not to wake any of my family.

"Aster!" I hear my sister Nora call from the kitchen doorway. She's reading a book, as usual, while eating an array of pancakes and sausage, that I assume my mother made. Nora is nine, so she's still in elementary school, though she doesn't begin her days until 10am.

"Good morning Nora. I see mom has made breakfast this morning."

"Good morning! Yes, it's so yummy, have some!" she says with a mouthful of pancakes.

"Can't, I have to get to work, I'll see you guys later." I turned to leave, before hearing my mother's voice from the kitchen doorway.

"Good morning dear. Leaving so soon?"

"Good morning mom, yes, I don't want to be late."

She gave me a quick glance before sighing, realizing that she would not be able to win this fight, so it was better to just leave me be.

"So be it. At least take a muffin on your way."

"Alrighty, bye guys, I'll see you later!" I grab a muffin and start out the door.

Calanathe is a fairly calm kingdom, not much new ever happens here. Every day is the same, walk to work, get a caramel latte, get to work by nine thirty .

My favorite coffee shop is about 10 minutes from my job, so it's pretty convenient for my sake. I've been going ever since I was thirteen, everyone is so kind and hospitable. I wanted to work there when I turned fifteen actually, but I was making more money as a maid, so I stuck with it.

As I walk in, I hear the familiar bell sound above my head, and I'm greeted with welcomes and warm smiles.

I stroll up to the counter, and I see my favorite barista, Alenia. She's worked here since she was 14, she turned sixteen two days ago.

"Happy late birthday, sorry I forgot to stop by." I say, handing her 20 extra dollars I had in my back pocket. "Don't spend it all in one place."

She lets out a soft chuckle, before stuffing the money in her front pocket.

"I assume you want the usual, yes?" She asks before I can even utter a word.

"And that my friend, is why you are my favorite barista."

She turns to make my drink, and I pull out my wallet to pay. As I grab my card, I'm interrupted by a soft yet stern voice.

"Oh, I've got that for you."

"No thank you, that's not necessary-" I reply, turning around, clearly caught off guard. As I look up, I am met with the most handsome guy I have ever seen. I mean, I was never that fond of brown eyes, maybe because I have them myself so they never seemed too special, but his eyes were completely different. They had a warmth that even fire itself envied.

He seemed to be about 5'11, which is sort of tall in comparison to me, yet his long legs and broad, slender shoulders made him appear even taller. He had dark brown hair, and the most comforting smile I've ever seen. The kind of smile that makes you forget about all the bad in the world.

He was wearing a light grey turtleneck sweater, accentuated by a simple gold chain, black plaid pants, and brand name black dress shoes. He was clearly very put together. The rings on his fingers were so subtle yet attractive, demanding yet conserved.

I quickly tore my gaze away from him, in hopes that he hadn't noticed my staring.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." He let out a scoff, as well as gave me a slight smirk.

"Pardon?" I spoke, embarrassed.

"If you want a picture just ask." He sighed.

Who does this guy think he is.

"I don't know who you are sir." I said, studying him.

"Sure you don't. It's not everyday you have THE Ren Foster offering to pay for your drink."

"Am I supposed to know who that is?" I say, inserting my card to pay for my drink.

He watches me, and I can feel him roll his eyes, despite the fact that I wasn't paying attention.

To be honest, I have actually heard of him, this just happens to be the first time I'm meeting him. However, there was no way I was going to give him the satisfaction of admitting I know him.

I grab my receipt and slip past him, walking to the door.

"Hey! Wait! Can I at least have your name?" He calls out, clearly insistent on getting an answer. So I gave him one.

I stop in front of the door, and reply back, "It's Penelope. I wish I could say I enjoyed talking with you Ron, but I don't like to lie.", before turning and walking out the door.

As the door shuts I hear him shout "It's Ren!" in retaliation. I try to hide my grin as I walk past the window near where he stood.

Yes, I am very aware that I gave him a fake name. I simply said I would give him an answer, not that it would be the right one.

───── ❝ author's note❞ ─────

thank you so much for reading the second part of my new story :) i really appreciate it! if you have any thoughts, feel free to leave a comment and i will try my best to reply to everyone! to anyone reading this, you are important, you are loved, and you are valid <3