
Chapter 29 : Fallen and Risen

Nyx lifted the cup to her lips and smiled.

"But my Lord, let me ask you one thing. Why did you choose this particular body? This little birdie tries to overpower me once in a while. It's a struggle, to remain in this body."

"Just latch on for 20 days more. Then, you shall inherit this body. Ara Sakura will be an unmentioned chapter in this book of life." Fuxi sounded absolutely devoid of any emotions. The shadow of the wind outside rippled like the ocean in his eyes.

"After all, we are but reflections," he added as an afterthought.

* * * * * * * *

It was the dead of night.

"Are you sure?"

"I heard it myself", said the monk.

Alek rubbed his temples to ease the pain. He hasn't been sleeping properly for days.

"I had an inkling. What are the chances? Of recovery? I know it wouldn't be much since so much time has passed."

"Doesn't matter. Trust me. It all about her conviction, and yours."

"But how do we save her?"

"Leave it to me." Lay exited the room in a hurry.

Mitra walked out from behind the library, followed by Juan and Akira.

"So, you were right."

"Unfortunately, I was. I am." Alek sighed deeply as Juan squeezed his shoulder to assert his support.

Akira stood rooted like a tree.

"I'll let the girls know," Mitra quietly walked out of the room.

* * * * * * * * *

"You will have to meditate until you can see every detail of this room without opening your eyes", Anaya told the girls.

The guardians would have done this with ease, thought Anaya. After all, they have been trained for a gazillion years.

"Naomi, focus." Anaya could see that Naomi had it really tough to focus.

The more Leia focused, the more the plants within the castle grew ; the creepers twisted around the grand pillars of the Great Hall and eventually, they started growing around her.

Pat was sweating profusely and the area around her was heating up.

Only Nyx had it easy. She was smiling. Anaya reached out to share her vision : there it was, every minute detail portrayed with perfection. This was indeed brilliant. Only, Nyx wasn't like this before. There was something different about her aura itself. Anaya went quiet and she double tapped on Nyx's shoulder. Nyx opened her eyes and got up to move to the kitchen after bowing to Anaya who didn't stop her. Nobody could have had an energy difference of this magnitude, Anaya thought worriedly.

Lay was making a five course meal for lunch. It was rather extravagant for the legends and their guardians, but the people from heaven were used to this. Lord Fuxi had missed the idea of proper meals ever since he came down. The new chef was an added relief, now that there was hardly a week left before their departure. The training must all be completed by then. Lay had very little time to act; to get his act together.

"Hey, Lay." Nyx pulled up a chair and sat facing the chef who was busy cooking bœuf bourguignon. He didn't turn to look at her. Instead, he pushed a glass of raspberry margarita towards her. She smirked and accepted the drink: he was expecting her. The chef was of good taste, she thought. And she was right. The drink energised her, as if a cold brook splattered down her throat. It was refreshing and addictive at once.

"You seem to be good, monsieur." Nyx complimented the chef, her voice amply flirtatious.

"You seem to be not so busy, madame."

"That's because I'm very very good. While others struggled, I just did the catwalks. Aren't I perfect?"

"Oh yeah?"

"Do you want me to prove it to you?"

"In fact, yes."

"Name it. What do you want me to do?"

The monk pointed to his right, "peel it." Three bags of orange sat there gazing back at her.

"The abyss does look back, indeed." Nyx frowned.

Lay smirked as he went about with his cooking after throwing an apron at Nyx.

* * * * * * * * * * *

"King Vasik." Alek greeted the Dragon King.

"You reek of bad tidings, Aleksandr."

"I do, indeed, have bad news to share. We require an exorcist."

"And I presume that this would be a secret from the god?"

"And from Nyx." Alek replied with a pained expression.

"Oh?.. Oh. Very well. Send a word to the Chamber to send Black."

"Should I send somebody in person?"

"Rubbish. You must have a deathwish to do that. Nobody in their right minds visits the Chambers. Send a fire demon. Thessalt would be best."

"As soon as I get back. Meanwhile, please do check on her."

"I thought you detested my human form."

"How can I? I'm less human than you are." Alek did not wait for an answer. His pupils turned black with sorrow as he walked out.

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