
A fallen prince in a modern world with dungeons, and a son?

Author: donda
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What is A fallen prince in a modern world with dungeons, and a son?

Read ‘A fallen prince in a modern world with dungeons, and a son?’ Online for Free, written by the author donda, This book is a Fantasy Novel, covering ROMANCE Fiction, ADVENTURE Light Novel, REINCARNATION Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: Prince Michael Von Kalish, since his childhood proved to be a genius, both on the battlefield and in business and strate...


Prince Michael Von Kalish, since his childhood proved to be a genius, both on the battlefield and in business and strategy, but unfortunately she was the daughter of a cheap concubine. So with his intellect, he supported his more capable brother and renounced the throne. He supported his brother from the shadows, both in assassinations, kidnappings and sabotage, all of which he did. Between the brothers there was only one agreement and that was Michael's. "Don't touch what's mine little brother." That was the one rule that was not to be broken, and so Michael supported his brother in becoming king. But his little brother broke the agreement and had to kill him, simple, isn't it? ... Now waking up in a room he didn't know, in front of Michael was a translucent screen with the following words: [The Game will begin shortly] What will be Michael's adventures in a new world, with magic, dungeons and many powerful people. What was it that his little brother touched that made him kill him? Will he get it again? Will he finally be happy in this new life or will he live in the shadows? ----- [Extra tags and warning: No Harem, there will be gory scenes and explicit content R18] ----- The cover is not mine, neither the images that I will use, if the owner wants me to remove them, he can communicate to my gmail. alejandrosegura8183@gmail.com ----- If you would like to support me, you can do so through a donation, which would be heartily appreciated. https://cafecito.app/donda --- If you are from Argentina or any country that uses Mercado Pago you can support me with a donation through Mercado Pago. https://mpago.la/27KfAcc --- Instagram: lazilybored

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Warren_Jay · Fantasy
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You can leave your most sincere review And I hope you like the novel. As for me, this is the first time I write a novel and I don't speak English.


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