
Unknown Marks

The remaining guild members were all confused as to why Lucy reacted shocked and scared upon seeing the demon man. The man, in a deep malicious tone said " Why hello Lucifer... Nice to see you again. One of my little minions signaled they had located you. I thought I'd be polite and drop by... literally. So how is my precious daughter hmm?" Lucy's chocolate brown eyes narrowed and she spoke " you have no right to be here. You gave up the right to call me your daughter the day you banned me from the kingdom. The day you banned Meliodas. I am done. You are not going to start hurting me like you do Meliodas... continuously. I won't let you continue hurting my brother. He may be the more powerful, he may have more control, and he may have more bravery, but I will stand in front of him I won't let my brother get hurt over and over. You say your my father, but are you really, because Jude was more of a father than you'll ever be. He may have had problems, but he realized his mistakes and why he was wrong. Unlike you who can't get it though his head he gave up any rights to call himself that. You. Are. Not. My. Father." Lucy was suddenly surrounded by a black and purple aura and brown chocolate eyes becoming a menacing purple. Above her right now purple eye was a purple mark. The bandage wrapped tightly around her arm slowly unraveled, revealing a red mark known widely across nations as the mark of a seven deadly sin. All gulid members had their jaws dropped. The guild doors fly off the hinges and right into the demon man now know as Mao, Lucifer and Meliodas' father. As the dust cleared it revealed Meliodas, Ban, King, Diane, Gowther, Merlin, and Escanor. Meliodas had a huge grin plastered on his face. Meliodas then said " Hey sis, how you been?" Lucy shook her head and laughed while she replied " well I've been better, especially when Mao is nowhere near me." Meliodas' head turned to the mentioned man suripised. Mao rises from the ground sighing. Mao speaks saying " I know you all hate me. I have realized my mistakes and that's why I am seeking help from you. My minons have taken over the kingdom wreeking havoc." He pauses laughing before continuing "I suppose I deserve whatever fate comes my way, but the kingdom's residents don't deserve what is happening to them. Please I need your help." He looks desperately between his children. Meliodas and Lucifer share looks showing no emotions. Silently they make their decision. Meliodas turns to Mao and says "fine, but three things we have one condition. You stay here and in an area you can't escape. Two I am giving you one warning, you do anything to hurt Lucifer, Elizabeth, or anyone you will not survive. Three you will remove my curse, along with the one you put on Megami joo's daughter." Mao sighed and softly said "okay, if that's what it takes for you to help the kingdom then so be it." Lucy looked from Mao to Meliodas a few times before say " fine, but just so I'm clear. I don't care who you are biologically to me you don't have any rights to influence my decisions." Mao looks at Lucy with his eyes full of relief. Once his thank you was said he scheduled or rather discussed when the two siblings and the rest of the sins would stop the kingdom from the terror it is experiencing. When all of the family drama was dealt with Lucy let out the breath no one knew she had been holding. Natsu walked over to Lucy with confusion embedded in his eyes along with concern for the Blonde. Natsu spoke in a tone unknown to any of their guild members, sure he'd spoken softly or concerned, but it was never like how he spoke to Lucy in this instance. His tone told Lucy, yes he was confused and hurt about what had just transpired, but it also told her he understood why she had kept it to herself. His words may have said the same, but his tone made them seem all the more true and sincere. After Lucy had calmed her racing heart she started on her way home, but not by herself nope Natsu and Happy decided to crash at her house, and possibly trash the place like normal. Oh how Lucy cherished those days. Although she'd would never really admit it after Mira had said how adorable her and Natsu would be if the were a couple, she'd definitely grew greater feelings for the pink haired dragon slayer. Obviously unknown to the blonde her brother too had grown attached to a certain someone who possessed long grey hair and cyan eyes. The two would definitely be joining them on their mission to stop the Terrorizing of Mao's kingdom.