
Amy Got a Man in a Case

Laurel thought for a moment, then said, "I will love mommy more than I love chocolate. And I really love chocolate."

Logan looked at Laurel in annoyance. "Laurel, you are not a kid anymore. You are a big girl. Stop thinking about food all the time. Read a book sometimes."

Laurel did not like Logan's word. She went quiet. Something occurred to her and her face became even more gloomy.

She looked at Logan helplessly, "Logan, if mommy makes a baby with uncle Mike, do you think she will still love us the same?"

Laurel lost her appetite when she thought there would be an ugly baby competing with them.

"Laurel, no matter how many babies mommy will have, we will always be her favorite." Logan sounded like an adult, "And the baby will be our sibling. We will love the baby so much."

Laurel felt a little comfortable after listening to his words. She shook Logan's arms, "What if the baby wants my chocolate?

Logan glared at her, "Do you think everyone is as crazy for chocolate as you are?"

Laurel was deeply hurt by Logan's words. She quietly sat on the chair and didn't speak a word.

Logan knew he had hurt her. He patted her hair, "You know what, when I start earning money, I'll buy you chocolates every day."

It made Laurel smile. She jumped on his brother and chirped, "I know you love me the most."

Mike felt a warmness in his heart looking at the two kids in front of him. As long as he had these two kids, he would never regret not having children with Amy.

When Amy came out of the kitchen, she saw that Logan and Laurel were playing happily while Mike was looking at them with love and adoration in his eyes. For a moment, she felt that four of them were a small, happy family.

Amy laughed at herself. How could they be a family? Mike was the uncle of her kids.


Soon after Amy completed her household chores, she left for the hospital. While on the way, she scrolled the news.

Many people were praising Susan. People were saying that Susan was a true friend. She would do anything for her friends. Some others said Susan was not a hypocrite like others in the entertainment industry.

Rachel did not come from the entertainment industry. She was not well-known in upper-class society either. However, what happened last night in the charity gala had become the talk of the town.

Rachel and Warren's vulgar pictures were all over the internet. Rachel was completely disgraced.

Warren did not care about his image anymore. His reputation was already bad enough. Everyone knew what kind of man he was.

However, he had gone too far this time. His actions were out in public for everyone to see. His family reputation would be tarnished forever if they did not deal with it the right way.

Even though Warren did not care about his image, he cared about his parents. So he agreed to get engaged to Rachel.

Rachel loved money. Warren's family was rich. But her life after marriage would not be a cakewalk.

Warren's family hated Rachel because she was infamous and was did not belong to the same economic class as theirs. On the other hand, Warren was quite a sex addict. Rachel's marriage would be a tragedy for sure.

Initially, Rachel was unwilling to marry Warren. She even called a press conference, claimed she was innocent and accused Warren of raping her.

But Rachel's press conference was abruptly interrupted by Warren's family and her own. Everyone knew about the incident and it would be hard for Rachel to find anyone willing to be with her. So, under family pressure, she had agreed to marry Warren.

Amy saw Rachel's swollen face and bruised body but she did not feel any mercy at all for her. You reap what you sow. Rachel had herself to blame for what transpired the other night.


Carol and other crew members were shaken due to Rachel's incident. When Amy went to the set that day, much to her surprise, Carol and others did not trouble her. Though Amy was happy bout it, she knew it was the calm before the storm.

Laura was kind to Amy. She knew Amy had two children, so Amy was allowed to go back home earlier as soon as she finished her work.

Post shooting, Amy did not stay for the dinner. She wanted to spend some time with her children. When she reached home, she was starving.

Usually, Caroline and the children ate together. Amy was expecting she could have some leftovers. Surprisingly, the moment she walked into her apartment, a tempting aroma welcomed her.

She saw a hot meal served on the table—four dishes and a soup. Amy was salivating. However, when she saw the man sitting next to the table, Amy didn't dare to sit down or eat instantly.

Mike? He didn't have the key to her apartment. How could he come inside?

Mike understood what Amy was thinking, so he clarified, "Logan and Laurel opened the door for me. They asked me to come and accompany you to dinner."

Logan and Laurel? She could not believe that they would open the door for him. But she could not believe that they asked Mike to have supper with her. They wanted a complete family with Steven. Why would they invite Mike?

Amy decided that after dinner she would politely ask him to leave.

The large bowl contained fish soup. It tasted quite good. Amy felt satisfied after having soup.

Amy thought it could not have been cooked by Mike. She asked, "Mike, did you cook this?"

"I can't cook." Mike stopped for a moment. "The chef from The Royal Cuisine came over to cook."

"The Royal Cuisine!"

Amy drank a mouthful of fish soup again. It was really hard to book a table at The Royal Cuisine. One had to book well in advance. She could not believe the Chef from the same restaurant came to cook for her. She decided to feast on the meal.

Once she was done, she started thinking about how to make Mike leave. Before she could decide anything, the doorbell rang.

Two men stood at the doorway with a huge case. "Miss Amy, it's your delivery, please sign for it."

Amy had some doubts. When she was about to open the parcel to see what was inside, she heard the sound of a man's voice coming from the case.