
Chapter 1

"Oh come on Mel!" "No Steph I told you I don't like hanging out at such events!"

"But it won't be fun without you there"

"Oh trust me Steph, I'm pretty sure it will be". I retaliated.

 All these parties she attends are always overcrowded and I can barely navigate myself to get to the other side of the room, and I only know this because I went there once-just once-to see what it's like!

"Mel, don't be so pessimistic! You need to get out of this room every once in a while! It's depressing!" She said flopping down on my bed.

"The only depressing thing here, is you trying to convince me when you know the answer is no!"

"Ok listen, you know Hidden Valley High is playing against LongSide High next Friday right?" She asked,now perched up on her elbows.

"I know." The entire district knows that, but I've only  seen 3 matches, not fun might I add.

"So since you don't want to go with me to this party, you are staying after school with me to watch the match ok?"

"You won't let me say no, will you?"

"No!" She said.

"Ugh fine! I'll go-" Im always the one who caves first. Terrible habit I can't seem to get rid of or stop.

"Yayyyyy!" She squealed, which was very unnecessary.

"But this is the last time!" I preached.

"Totally!" She confirmed nodding her head.I know Steph, once she wants something she won't stop until she gets it and right now all she wanted was a yes, and she got it! As always!


Fridays is supposed to be my day, the day I get a break from studying and I get to watch all the episodes I missed during the week! Now I'm here! Sitting on the pavilion, with the rest of the school, waiting for the first team rugby players.

"I still can't believe you made me come here, this is even worse than being at one of those parties you attend!"

"Come on Mel, if anything, this is a downgrade from those parties."

I rolled my eyes, she always has an answer for everything.

"Seriously though Mel, you need to live a bit more, go to the extreme, write a bucket list or something! Anything that'll get you out of that room more often!"

Steph's right, as always, this is my last year in high school, I need to be more socially active this year!

"I know Steph,but you know I'm not like that, it's not going to be easy for me! I can't change that easily, hell I can't change at all, and you know I've tried!"

"I know Mel, but all you need is someone who'll help you with that!"

"You?" I asked knowing what her answer is.

"Oh Gosh No! I've tried Mel and I failed, miserably, but there is someone out there, I know!" She said with a smug look plastered on her face.

"You sound so sure!" I mumbled under my breath.

"What was that?" She asked, her curiosity-filled eyes waiting for an answer.

"Huh? Oh,  I said the game is starting!" I said pointing to the field. Luckily for me, the rugby players came jogging onto the field.

She said nothing more and left the topic, but she'll start this again later! I know she will.

After  being trapped on the pavilion for an hour , I started getting restless, so I decided to go for a walk around the school,just to get the feeling back in my legs,

"Hey Steph-" I started.

"Huh?" She replied, not even sparing me a glance.

"I'm going to go for a walk around the school, my legs are dead!" Exaggeration!

"Ok sure! But don't flake on me, ok! We're walking home together!

"I won't! See you later!"


Finally,some alone time, I've been at this school for 5 years so I know every inch of this place, like the back of my hand. I was about a few feet from the pavilion when I noticed my shoe string was untied, and I can't afford to trip here, to big of a crowd, to big of an embarrassment I'll face, so I bent down to tie it back, but when I lifted my head, I saw this guy just staring at me, or at least it could've been me, there are prettier girls behind me! I brushed it off and walked inside the school building. 

It was empty, no surprise there, but there was like a creepy feeling about it,like I could feel someone behind me,to many horror movies i guess,and one thing I learned is to never turn your back, that is until i felt a tap on my shoulder and I let out a  squeal like scream.

"Eeeeh!" Not very lady like,but I'm not much of a lady, but I'm not much of a guy either. Confused? Me too!

"What the hell? Why'd you scream? Mystery guy asked.

"What do you mean, why'd I scream? Wouldn't you if some random person tapped you on the shoulder,in a very creepy like corridor?"

"Uh... Nooo." He replied slowly.

"Who are you anyway? I don't think I've seen you around this year! Are you new here?"

"No! I'm Jace! And you are?"

"Melissa. But you still didn't answer my question are you new here?"

"I told you no! I'm a college freshman, i graduated from Hidden Valley  last year, I just hang around every Friday, to watch the matches!

"Oh, sorry! Well Jace, I've got to run now..." I said looking down at my wrist watch "...but I guess I'll see you soon?"

"Yeah, you will!" He said with a wink and a small wave. Ok no need to say it like that.

"Bye Jace"

"Bye Lissa!"

He is literally the only person to call me Lissa, everyone else calls me Mel, I don't know why, I have this weird attraction towards him! I barely even know him. Maybe this year won't be so bad after all!


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