

A/N: I have started writing another Fan-fic, this one is a One Piece fan-fic called Sword Saint In The One Piece (D&D) if you are interested, please take a look.

If you want to donate or read up to 35 chapters ahead, you can visit my p-a-t-r-e-on/kurowashi

If you see grammar errors, please let me know so I can fix them and I'm always open to constructive criticism.

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Thank you for your good words and support.



290 AC


The sun hung high in the sky, casting a warm golden glow over the sprawling tournament grounds of Lannisport. The air was charged with anticipation, a palpable energy that crackled among the assembled spectators and participants. Banners of various noble houses fluttered in the breeze, lending a colorful backdrop to the festivities. It was a grand occasion, a convergence of skill and pageantry that only a tourney of this scale could offer.

Amid the eager crowd, the duel between Aermir and Jaime Lannister was well underway, a clash of a young knight and hero of the North, Sword of Winter, and the infamous Kingslayer, Jamie Lannister, that had captivated the attention of all who bore witness. Their swords clashed with a resounding ring, each strike a testament to their mastery of the blade. The dance of combat played out before the enthralled audience, each movement a calculated maneuver aimed at gaining an advantage.

Aermir's perspective on the battle shifted as if he had unlocked a heightened state of awareness. The ebb and flow of the duel seemed to unfold before him in slow motion, his anticipation allowing him to predict Jaime's every move before it materialized. His ten-year dedication to sword training, combined with his 5x skill multiplier, had transformed him into a force to be reckoned with – a paragon of mastery that bordered on the level of Ser Barristan Selmy, a renowned knight of Westeros.

The clash continued a whirlwind of steel and determination that resonated throughout the arena. The spectators watched with bated breath, utterly captivated by the display of skill and strategy. It was a battle of wits as much as a physical contest, a duel that transcended the confines of the tournament ground.

As the duel progressed, the combatants' contrasting styles became apparent. Jaime Lannister fought with an aggressive ferocity, his strikes powerful and relentless. Yet Aermir's finesse and calculated approach allowed him to deflect each blow with precision. It was a dance of strength and technique, a symphony of clashes that echoed through the air.

The sun's rays gleamed upon their blades as they locked in another exchange, the intensity of their focus apparent in the furrowed brows and clenched jaws. Aermir's strategy was clear – to exploit his opponent's openings and turn them into opportunities. With a quick parry, he maneuvered Jaime into a momentary imbalance and swiftly capitalized on the advantage.

Using his mastery of both swordsmanship and magic, Aermir executed a spell with deft precision. Formotegon – the earth obeyed his command, a slight bump forming beneath Jaime's pivot foot. The Kingslayer stumbled, and in the split second of vulnerability, Aermir seized the initiative. His blade whirled through the air, poised to strike. Yet Jaime's experience came to his aid; he twisted his body, rolling back and creating distance to regain his footing.

However, Aermir was relentless. Closing the distance once more, he bashed Jaime with his shield, using the force of his advantage to unbalance him. The Kingslayer's resilience was evident as he countered, relying on his formidable strength. Their clash of arms and strategy was a dance that had the crowd on the edge of their seats.

Jaime's breathing grew heavy as the duel wore on, fatigue beginning to take its toll. Meanwhile, Aermir remained poised and calculated, his stamina unwavering, thanks to his stamina buff. The crowd could sense the shift in momentum, the once-dominant Kingslayer now finding himself at a disadvantage.

Unfazed by his opponent's tactics, Aermir adapted. Aermir unleashed a series of strikes aimed at disorienting his opponent. He changed his grip to a reverse grip, and the pommel of his blade hammered Jaime's helmet, causing him to stagger.

The audience roared with each clash, their excitement building with the ebb and flow of the battle. It was a spectacle that transcended mere combat, a display of skill and strategy that showcased the essence of their characters.

As the duel reached its zenith, Aermir's calculated maneuvers led him to a defining moment. An opening emerged, and he seized it with precision, parrying past Jaime's sword and placing his own blade at the Kingslayer's throat. The battle was won through strategy, precision, and a deep understanding of the art of combat.

The arena erupted into cheers and applause, a chorus of appreciation for the skill and determination on display. Aermir's victory was met with admiration from all corners, a testament to his mastery of the blade and his ability to outmaneuver even the most formidable opponents.

And so, under the sun's warm embrace and amidst the backdrop of banners and cheering crowds, Aermir stood victorious. He gazed out at the faces before him, the realm's narrative forever altered by the clash of swords that had unfolded. In the annals of Westerosi history, the duel between Aermir and Jaime Lannister would forever be remembered as a moment that embodied the essence of the tourney – a collision of legends that left an indelible mark on the realm's tapestry.

Jaime's sword clattered to the ground, a clear admission of defeat. Without awaiting any formal announcement, he strode away from the arena, his frustration palpable. Amidst the aftermath of the duel, the reverberations of Robert Baratheon's hearty laughter resounded in the air. The king's voice carried above the din, addressing Aermir with a nod of approval.

"Let him go. It was a magnificent duel, Ser Drasil. Let's not detain the lord and knight of the realm any longer. Take your place now for the melee."

Aermir's squire, Kegan, arrived with his horse and crescent halberd. Mounting gracefully, Aermir joined the ranks of his fellow warriors in anticipation of the upcoming 15 vs. 15 melees. His teammates were an imposing assembly of formidable individuals, including Jason Mallister, Beric Dondarrion, Brynden "Blackfish" Tully, Sandor "The Hound" Clegane, Rickard Karstark, and Rodrik "The Ruin" Forrester. The remaining combatants on his side bore the distinctive crests of the Reach and the Vale, their allegiances clear even as their identities remained unknown.

Facing them were fourteen adversaries, their number diminished by Jaime's withdrawal. The opposing team featured warriors of renown such as Gregor "The Mountain" Clegane, Yohn Royce, Jorah Mormont, Hosteen and Ryman Frey, Lyle Crakehall, Boros Blount, and Thoros of Myr. As the melee commenced, the tourney ground transformed into a battleground, each side charging towards the other with an audible blast of horns.

The initial moments saw Thoros of Myr invoking green flames on his sword, a sight that spooked some horses and led to a series of falls. The chaos of the charge claimed several riders from Aermir's side, prompting swift intervention from him. Reacting swiftly, Aermir cast udrādȳñes (command animal), pacifying his own horse in the face of the eerie flames. Unfazed, he directed his steed towards Thoros.

A clash between halberd and shield ensued, with Thoros struggling to maintain his equilibrium before tumbling from his mount. When he regained his footing, Aermir's halberd struck the helm, a calculated blow that incapacitated Thoros without lethal intent. Aermir's commitment to avoiding fatalities in the melee was evident, a testament to his determination to prevent unnecessary harm during this mock battle.

Surveying the field, Aermir recognized the tide turning against his side. The knights, though engaged in a simulated conflict, still sought out one-on-one duels where honor could be upheld. Aermir's strategic use of udrādȳñes (command animal) on the opposing team's horses had slowed their advance, unsettling their ranks.

The melee unfolded with frenzied energy, alliances and rivalries converging in a symphony of clashing steel. Lord Mallister faced Yohn Royce, The Hound, and Rickard Karstark, trying to hold off the Mountain contended with Blackfish. Beric Dondarrion and Blackfish engaged in combat with Jorah Mormont and Lyle Crakehall. Rodrik Forrester squared off against Boros Blount, while Aermir found himself in a battle of his own.

As he fended off the advances of the two Frey brothers, Ryman and Hosteen, Aermir's halberd granted him a strategic advantage. Despite Ryman's lance finding its mark on Aermir's leg, the seasoned warrior used the moment to launch a counterattack. A forceful strike against Ryman's shoulder sent him sprawling, and Aermir pivoted his attention to Hosteen.

The clash intensified as Hosteen wielded his battle-axe against Aermir's defenses. The impact reverberated through Aermir's shield arm, and the strain on his right side was palpable. In a fluid motion, he transitioned to his sword, seizing an opportune moment to thrust it into Hosteen's blind spot – a gap created by his raised shield. The blade found its mark, embedding in Hosteen's leg with a swift, calculated movement. The melee continued in full force as the Frey brother fell off his horse.

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