

The King and queen are in their bedroom sleeping.

The queen starts squirming, clenching her stomach and wriggling, her face showing her obvious discomfort.

A worried but used to it king tries to comfort her but to no avail

The king gives her his pinky and encourages her to bite into it and drink some of his blood.

A reluctant but starving queen agrees, at first she tries to be gentle but as though she's been possessed by something, her pace increases by leaps and bounds.

Her eyes change colour, she grew scales, wings and a tail.

She bites wildly into the king's finger and its as though she wants to suck him dry.

The king starts becoming uncomfortable and lightheaded regardless of his high pain tolerance and usually booming vitality. His finger is bitten into even more until it can barely be able to be called a finger. Its more of a bloody mess than an intact finger.

He makes a witty comment about how if she sucks her dearest only blood bank dry she'd starve later.

She stops sucking the blood and immediately goes into a fit of rage. She crashes down to the floor and descends the castle floors and tower level layers.

The king jumps through the hole she has created through the levels to chase after his beloved without giving regard to his wounded finger.

The crazed queen eventually reaches the lower levels already in her dragon form with the king right on her tail (not literally) but the people of the level and the stage itself regect her.

As a higher leveled creature she shouldn't be in the lower levels wreaking havoc. As a result of the damage incurred the level stage deals a great penalty on her as punishment.

Even in her crazed state the penalty is great enough to knock her unconscious. She free falls down and just as she is about to hit the floor where the angry peasants are ready with their pitchforks to impale the dragon who disrupted their peace, the king who has spotted and understood the scene and their intentions swoops down and catches her.

In the dark of the night the people don't see his face or figure clearly. He takes her back to their bedroom in their castle up the levels ignoring the shouts and complaints of the peasants and level dwellers.

On the way back up she transforms back to the beautiful human-looking queen.