
You're My Priority

"You'll resent me! You can't just take care of me all the time, Romeo!" Annalise protested.

Romeo looked at her so seriously that her heart momentarily stopped. "I wanted to marry you anyway though. This would just speed things up a bit because it's urgent. If you want, we could just do the official paperwork now and hold a proper wedding later. We wouldn't even have to tell anyone. We could just pretend we're engaged for now."

He wanted to marry her anyway? Already? For real? She wasn't the only one moving too fast here? 

Annalise couldn't get a hold of her raging thoughts enough to speak for over a minute. His idea would totally work. No one would know if they didn't say anything. 

"You really want to marry me?" she asked faintly. 

Romeo nodded. "I'll always take care of you. I promise. Let me do this for you, okay?"

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