
That's My Boy

Romeo had new things to get used to once he was Annalise's boyfriend. Their usual routine had shifted to accommodate her wanting more physical affection and going out on a proper date at least once a week. 

He also ended up staying at her place or vice versa several times a week, even if it was only to hold her to sleep when she was particularly overwhelmed. After a few months of this, he was completely acclimated to how things were now but there had been a major learning curve because he didn't know what he was doing. 

For the most part, he followed her lead. That seemed to be the best course of action. She had done this before. He had not. 

Romeo also did as much research as he could on the rare occasions that they weren't together, like his breaks at work. He was managing. Annalise seemed satisfied with his efforts at the very least.

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