
How Strange

Romeo may not feel emotions himself but he had read enough, watched enough movies, and been in enough therapy to know that hurting people was bad. He didn't want to be bad. People got in trouble when they were bad. 

Trouble was the last thing that he wanted. If people discovered what he was…what he could do…they would experiment on him like in those sci-fi books that he had borrowed from one of his foster brothers. 

It was better to barely skate by. He didn't have much of a life but any life was better than none, wasn't it?

Romeo read so much trying to understand the emotions that he couldn't properly feel. By this point, he could put a name to almost everything that he absorbed. 

Reading was a good way to pass the time, despite not being able to properly understand characters' motivations. An even better one was playing video games because knocking out levels didn't require much, if any, understanding of emotions. 

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