
Chapter 18: You Are My Life

Anna's POV: I woke up at 3 this morning, I was about grab my bag, get in my car and drive the hell out of this town, but I know I can't just start over, but for the summer I'm going to try, but I suppose I'll wait until tonight to leave. My family doesn't control me anymore, nobody does. I do what I want when I want it, I'm powerful after all, nobody stands a chance. The dark magic I consumed really opened my eyes, and my friend Sarah, she's a vampire, one of my very own, I created her. And might I add she's done a fantastic job! A couple of years ago, me and Katherine took a trip to a small town outside of New Orleans, I went into town without her knowing. And since I was a little bit part vampire back then I decided to do an experiment, I gave Sarah my blood and then killed her, and it worked too! She woke up and now believes she owes me the world, which I'm totally fine with! But she is one of my closest friends, I haven't seen her since me and Katherine left that couple-week-long trip so I'm extremely excited...

Katherine's POV: I woke up around 6 this morning, surprisingly, I'm not much for the morning. But I woke up to a surprise...I got burned because my daylight ring wasn't working. Why the hell wasn't it working? I ran into Ian's room and then Nik's, theirs weren't working either, we hurried downstairs only to find the entire place trashed! Someone's here, or was anyway, we woke up Kaylee and informed her of what was going on, I told her to get out of the house for the day but she refused. Kaylee said that if someone dangerous was here she needed to be here too! A witch along with an original vampire and an original vampire-hybrid, and a vampire, whoever it is wouldn't stand a chance I suppose. So we prepared ourselves for anything to happen, then we searched the house. We couldn't find anything, so I had Nik go into town to investigate and see if anything weird or suspicious was going on. In the meantime we had to hurry and clean up, we were having company over for a few days, Ian's great great great granddaughter was coming to visit him, she knows about all of us, she visits once a year. But I volunteered Nik to go to town because he didn't like Alison, that's her name, but nobody knows exactly why? Anyway, I figured Anna had left by now but she came storming down the stairs as usual, I asked why she hadn't left yet and all she said was that she would never miss Alison's yearly visit. They always got along so understand that, but I'm just shocked she didn't want to skip town already...

Anna's POV: I didn't feel like leaving just yet, plus Ali is coming, she's awesome, super fun! I've always been a little jealous of her because she has the most gorgeous, raven black hair and her emerald green eyes go perfectly with her light freckles. She's one of the most beautiful people I've ever met, but she's a great friend of mine, nothing more...ever! She's Ian's family after all, what kind of person would I be if I had feelings for her...


Katherine's POV: Ian just went to the airport to pick up Alison, Kaylee got our rings to work again, she figured she did it because of the nightmare she had last night, sometimes she wigs our like that, but we still don't know what the mess was all about, probably some drunk teenagers pulling a lame ass prank. Anyway, when Alison and Ian get back we are all going out to the grill to eat. She's staying a few extra days according to Ian, I'm totally fine with it, not so sure about Nik but he'll have to learn to love her as much as we all do! But all us adults have to go to a place called Cambia, it's a town right outside of Saint Falls, we should be gone the whole day, but we have to go for some "adult stuff" is what I'm telling Anna and Alison, they don't need to know. But Ian is sad he will only get two days with her, but its better than one as it usually is, and we had this trip planned for a very long time and we can't back out of it now...

Anna's POV: Ian and Ali walked in, I think she actually got prettier, and I showed her to the room I prepared for her, it's right next to mine just in case she has any questions or anything. Plus we can stay up and talk all night because the room next to mine has a door connecting the room I put Ali in, that way we can hang out all night. I know I'm an all powerful tribrid and all but I still have a curfew! Anyway, after that we all went to the grill and ate, when we got home me and Ali went to our rooms to go to bed, we didn't really need to catch up because we had all day tomorrow for that since everyone else has "adult stuff" to do, I'm not even going to bother trying to guess what they're up to. I got changed into, a very comfortable, red and black lace bra and panties, with a black satin silk robe, I let my curled hair down again and went to bed...

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