

Waking up to an alarm is definitely one of my least favourite things in the world. Reaching over and slapping the alarm clock, I hit the button to stop the annoying sounds from continuing. Sitting up I put my feet on the floor before realizing it is way to cold to be walking around on hard wood floors without slippers so I grab the pair I keep beside the bed and slip them on.

I found them at a small shop near where I live and just had to buy them. They've got the cutest unicorns decorating them and they have got to be the most fluffy things in the world. I mean, who doesn't like floofy unicorn slippers? You'd have to be insane not to. Standing up I make my way to my tiny little kitchen and dig around in my freezer until I find the frozen waffles and pop them in the toaster.

While I wait, I pull out a plate and a fork and knife and I grab the maple syrup from the cupboard. Real maple syrup of course, none of that nasty fake stuff. Making my way over to where I placed my plate I see that I didn't put the lid on the syrup properly the last time I used it.

Groaning in annoyance, I place the bottle down and head to the bathroom to wash the sticky sugar off my hands. I pump some soap onto my hands and turn the tap on before looking up into the mirror. If I'm being honest, I've come to terms with how I look, but that doesn't mean I actually like how I look. Those are two completely different things in my opinion.

For starters, I have these bright yellow slitted eyes that in the right lighting can look slightly green, but majority of the time just look creepy. I also have pointed ears which is on its own odd, but if you add the eyes it's just downright weird. I actually began growing my hair long to hid them so people wouldn't find me to be weirder than I already am. Plus, to top it all of my hair is naturally green. Like what the hell? Who in the world had pointed ears, yellow eyes and green freakin hair?

Sighing, I hear the toaster pop alerting me that my waffles are done, so I twist the tap so the water stops running and dry my hands. Grabbing my waffles from the toaster, I cut them into pieces before dumping a good solid amount of syrup over them until they're drowning. What can I say? I love my maple syrup.

While I eat I unplug my phone from its charger in the kitchen and see I've got a couple of new texts. 2 from my best friend, 1 from my Mom, and an email from my new boss. I just started working at a new company last week but I haven't met the "big boss" yet, as everyone calls him. They call him that because he's actually the owner of the company but generally helps out everyday things which is why everyone likes him so much. The term big boss is used as more of and endearment than an insult in this situation.

Deciding to read the email first, I open the app and read through the message and find out the the boss wants to meet with me in his office first thing this morning as soon as I get in. Weird, I think as I send a reply confirming that I am meet him and that I'll see home in a bit. What could he want? Hoping he hasn't found out about my true appearance, I turn back to my breakfast and finish eating.