

It was night and once again Serena was at her disgusting workplace. A bar full of men who just wanted to please her and the others.

The life of this girl was very difficult years ago, where she was taken to another city with deception.

Flash back


Her alarm clock rang loud as always, her mother was waiting for her downstairs for breakfast, but laziness didn't want to leave her.

-Serena please, it will be too late for you to go to college.

-I'm coming mom

-Remember that today is the last day and you must take those exams so that you can find work quickly. -Said his father going down to the dining room.

With a jump he reacted and went to bathe, not without first greeting his mother.

The blonde was the only child of Ikuko and Kenji Tsukino, respected by all of Tokyo society.

-I have to go or it will be very late, I love you Dad and Mom. -He said quickly kissing them both.



Already in college psychology, she was very nervous answering all the questions on her exam.

-I hope all this is correct, I will achieve my goal of helping my parents and being their pride. -He kissed the sheet and got up taking it to the teacher.

-I hope good results Miss Tsukino. -Professor Tomoe

-Of course you will see them professor.

-You know I always gave you my confidence and I want to see you giving the graduation speech.

`` So be it. '' Serena smiled and left.

End flash back


Five years later


Serena was nostalgic just remembering that conversation with the best of her teachers.

-Nothing you said was fulfilled Professor Tomoe, I'm just a shame for my parents.

Just knowing that her mistake was trusting a bad guy brought her to the bottom depressed her too much, more than knowing that he treated her in the worst way.

But he only wanted to fight for one person and that was his little son.

================================================ ===============

Five years ago


After leaving her exams, she was in her friend Andrew's cafeteria waiting for her boyfriend.

-Tell me, how do you think Serena was? -Andrew

-To be honest Andrew, I think very well, I studied every day with dedication from the beginning and I know that it is an excellent result. -Serena

-I am very pleased. -Andrew

Serena smiled and he also smiled -I'll take the orders to other tables, if you need something, tell me.


An instant later the blonde was reviewing some notes to see if she was right, apparently because of her laugh it was.

A handsome brown-haired young man entered the cafeteria seeing her happy, Andrew noticed it and became serious, he had never seen him in his life.

He was too surprised to see that he approached his friend with a stunning kiss and without shame that others saw him.

-Seiki my love-Serena hugged him.

-My beloved Serena-Seiki hugged her kissing her again.

-I thought you wouldn't come-Serena with a look of love and affection.

-How would it not come if it is your important day. -Seiki kissed her hands.

The boy could not believe that his friend had a boyfriend, she was always an intelligent girl and dedicated to study.

-Andrew could you bring some cupcakes to my table. -Serena said approaching the room.

-I didn't know you had a boyfriend. -Andrew was serious.

-Sorry for not telling you, not even mom and dad know. -Serena was embarrassed

- How long have you been with him? -He approached whispering seriously.

-A little more than three years. -Serena was blushing

- What? -Andrew was exalted.

-I know, but I had to lead a normal life, I couldn't get to tell my parents, he still doesn't want to because he must first find a great job as a soloist. -Serena glanced at Seiki embarrassed.

-I think lying to your parents is very wrong. -Andrew looked at her angrily taking her hand.

-I know, but I love him and I wouldn't trade him for anything. Serena smiled at him taking the order and taking it to their table.


In a place in Tokyo, a very handsome boy had just arrived at his new home, after deciding to become independent from his family, that same day he finished his law career and although his father had a prestigious law firm, he preferred to start on his own since he did not want to be recognized for his father's accomplishments.

- Well friend here begins the crazy adventure without the support of your parents? -Yaten

-Do not start with that, you know that I came to Osaka so that he is not my competition and see that I am good at this. -Seiya

-Nor get angry, I'll accompany you in this friend. -Yaten shook his hand smiling.

The two boys finished organizing their new house and then went to party with their new friend Taiki.


Days later, Serena received a letter in which they told her what had happened with her grades and her career with an excellent average, this made her too happy since her dream had come true.

She was the most beautiful at her graduation even more so giving the speech that her teacher had proudly told her, at the end everyone applauded with great pride to see Serena so radiant and that this would be her last happy day after her supposed love proposed to her something.

- Why don't you come with me to Osaka? There is someone who might be interested in your excellent and average work. -Seiki

-But what can I tell my parents, I can't come and tell them that I have a boyfriend. -Serena was nervous.

- But honey, it is not necessary for you to tell him, we can go and test if you enter his company and if not, I promise that I will go to your house to ask for your hand.

Serena was totally dumbfounded when she heard that proposal she didn't even know what to say.

- Your? I stare at him happily.

- Yes, darling, I want to be with you every day of my life, that's why I want you to agree to go with me. -I kiss her hands.

-Seiki I, of course I accept. -Serena hugged him happily

The boy was more than pleased with her response that he began to kiss her and began to unbutton her blouse, for a moment passion seduced them. but then Serena walked away very scared.

- Please forgive me, I'm not ready for something like that. -Serena was more than embarrassed.

- Don't worry darling. The time will come when you can be with me.

Serena hugged him thanking him.


A few days later he told his parents that he would go to Osaka for a job offer and that they should not worry that everything would turn out fine.


Upon arriving in Osaka the boy took her to a beautiful apartment where they would share together, if they stayed there Serena did not understand how he had that place if he was supposed to be just starting out, he told her that a friend of hers had helped him and that if I wanted her, could help her too.

Serena agreed to go look for him, even if it was while she found a stable job, she didn't want to go home with nothing.


When she got to that place she found that it was not what she expected but a seedy bar. She was totally scared. And it was when some guys caught her and took her inside, meeting a man who made her life unhappy.


Currently in Osaka

Serena were again in her room at the bar waiting for her turn to introduce herself and that was when that same man came to look for her, enraged.

- Are you crying like a fool again? - Jedite.

- I have told you a thousand times to leave me alone not to come near me. -Serena walked away yelling at him.

- You know that I am the father of your child and that will never change. You are my property since your damn boyfriend gave you to me. -Jedite threatened her.

-Even if you are the father of my child, you are disgusting. Serena yelled close to his face.

The man grabbed her hair tightly making her cry from the pain threatening her to get out at once or he would kill her.

She cursed him every moment of her life and always hoped that no man would touch her with his method that until now was making effective, so she went out and started her show like every day for 5 years hoping to be able to at some point Get out of there .


Shortly after, a paying man took her to his room, Serena, as always, brought him wine and slept him, I waited for a few moments and left there with something other than what she was wearing, she managed to escape and crossing several blocks away from that place she did not see for where she was going and a car almost ran over her.

Seiya who was driving it down quickly scared and was impressed with the beauty that is in front of him.

Serena from the shock was paralyzed and from one moment to the next she fainted Seiya caught her immediately and had no choice but to take her home.

The next morning.

Serena moved relaxed and slept in bed, something she had never done since she arrived in that city.

- Why is my bed so soft? she wondered, still asleep. - It must be because I miss my home. -I speak and continued sleeping.

And a moment later she realized that she was not with her son and got up surprised to be in a strange place for her, but it was something in which she had always lived.

- Am I dreaming?

He approached the window in which he saw that beautiful sea and a beautiful sunrise.

-If this is a dream that nobody wakes me up.

She said excitedly receiving every ray of sunlight and the breeze moved her hair, she felt free of her sorrows.

-Got good that you woke up. -Seiya entered carefully.

"Yes, I feel happy." He smiled happily with his eyes closed.

Until he realized that the boy was at the door of his room with a breakfast tray.

Serena was very scared to see that man and cornered him.

- Who are you and what am I doing here with you? Did you drug me and bring me here to sleep with me? -Her nerves made her talk like crazy.

-Hey calm down, I would be incapable of something like that, I just wanted to help you after I almost gave you my car yesterday. -Seiya

-It's true, but why am I here? Serena thought.

- You fainted when you saw me, it was probably because of the impression of knowing me.

-It's not like that, it sure shocks me that I almost died. -She said something angry.

-Please excuse me for my recklessness, as soon as I saw you faint I did not hesitate to help you.

"Well, I thank you for your hospitality, but I must go home now."

-Wait, first eat this delicious breakfast that I prepare for you and if you want you can take a bath, here I leave you a towel and some clothes that I went to share a while ago, I hope you have it.

-Thank you.

Seiya smiled and left so as not to bother her anymore, while the girl was stunned by that gentle gesture from that stranger.

He took out of the bag a beautiful pink dress like the ones he used at home, very formal and suitable for her, that made her smile hugging him.

He went to bathe and then fixed up as in his college days, but without his odangos, he only put on the cap that he brought with which he covered himself the night before and on top of the sweater and went down to the living room of the house where he was the boy going through some of his things to go to work.


-Hi again, good that you are well, if you want you can sit down.

-Just listen, I appreciate everything you did for me, but it is time for me to go home, I will return this dress to you as soon as I arrive.

-Hey, don't be like that, I won't accept that, it was my fault that that happened to you and I just wanted to help you.

-I know it was kind of you but I don't want anything that doesn't come from my own effort.

-I ask you, do not put yourself into that plan, rather if you want I will take you home.

"It's not necessary," she said a little nervous.

-I insist and so I will accept that you return that dress.

-Well then I accept.


It was the first time in so long that a man behaved like this with her, just as he met his first love.

He stared at him in the rearview of the car, he seemed very handsome.

"That can't happen again, I can't trust anyone, much less men." The tears began to fall slowly.

-Well, we are here.

-I appreciate this.

"You're welcome, from now on if you need anything, tell me." Seiya took her hand and she felt something else that she couldn't explain, so she moved away and got out of the car quickly without saying goodbye.

Seiya was somewhat unwell when he saw her reaction, but he stayed a while longer in that place.

-I think she has some serious problem, I hope I can see you again, because I am truly delighted with your beauty.


Serena came home, closed the door and leaned against it so thoughtful about that handsome man, so much so that her tears ran down her cheeks again.

-Now what do you have?

Serena opened her eyes surprised to see him.

-Jedite what are you doing here?

-I came to see my son.

- I have told you many times that I will not let you see it, also you did not want it when I got pregnant.

-So if you don't want something to happen to him, tell me where the hell did you go without my consent? - Again he held her tightly, cornering her against the wall.

-I will not allow you to leave my side, you are the one I have paid the most for and the one that gives me the most in all this business, you are also mine and nobody else's.

"You disgust me" Serena yelled loudly and spat it out.

He could not bear that aggression and gave her a strong slap in the face, knocking her down.

-I hope you don't forget that if you're not in that place, that bastard can die. - That said, he left.

Serena began to cry louder than before, she was angry to remember her damn meeting with that guy.


Years ago.

Tied in bed that man began to caress her all over her body, she wanted to scream, but covered her mouth.

-Now I understand why I wanted the money Seiki, if you are a true goddess.

Serena tried to get away, but he tore her clothes that did not let her see the beauty of her new merchandise.

Serena screamed, but no one was helping her, he climbed on top of her and without her waiting for him, he penetrated her so hard that she couldn't bear the pain and began to cry.

-That's how I like you beautiful, Seiki is a good negotiator.

Serena heard this and could not believe it, her greatest love was a perverse and deranged being.

Months later....

The blonde had no choice but to accept Jedite's filth and start working at the bar.

But one day he felt too bad that he had to go to the ER.

-Miss Serena, what you have is only three months pregnant.

The girl was stunned by the news, she went to tell Jedite and he beat her to an abortion.

-No way will I, nor, even if I was crazy, will I let you hurt an innocent being who is not to blame for having been generated by a bastard like you.

-I'll lose money if you stay like this.

-Don't worry, after this I can start to pamper your clients more than dancing. -She whispered in his ear somewhat disgusted

- Do you want to do that? -Jedite took her against him hitting her.

-If that makes you happy and my son can come into the world, I will. -Serena was pretending to seduce him.

-Okay, the truth is that you are the one for them, you are a beauty and they will pay me much more.

"If you knew what I was going to do you damn unhappy, you would have wished you never messed with me"

- Something else, I do not want my son to know that you are his father, it is more than not go near him, if you do, you do not know what I am capable of and I do not want you to do it with me either. -I managed to let go by walking away.

"Well, I also don't want to know anything about that bastard of yours."


Serena went to the room where her son was sleeping peacefully between the sheets.

He lay down next to her giving him a kiss, caressing his face and kissing his little hands.

-Despite everything that has happened to me, you are my greatest treasure my love, with you I can bear all this I'm going through. - I kiss him again.

Serena's little one woke up and started moving her mother to wake up, she always woke her up that way.

- What do you want my Love?

- We can go to the park?

- right now?

-Yes please mommy.

His gaze always convinced her, plus she had a little time.

-Go change and we'll go then. -I kiss it.

The little boy ran out happily to get dressed, while she stayed there thinking about that handsome boy, took the dress and smiled remembering his approach.

-Sure you must be equal to him, first you behave like an angel and in the end you will stab me in the back. - He threw that dress away from her and went to the window.

- Where will you be now Seiki? Surely you are seducing more women to give you more money, I really loved you-He lay back on his bed wanting to cry.

-I will never open my heart to anyone again.

But his son showed up and decided to take him to the park where the two of them would play for a while and thus distract his mind.

-At least I know you are with me my love, I will never let anyone hurt you, that's why I need to get out of this underworld that he put me in. But how do I do it? If it hadn't been for that man I would have gone far.

-Take mommy, this rose is for you.

-Thank you my heaven.

-It is so that you are not sad, because you are like her, beautiful.

Serena smiled and hugged him very happily without knowing who that rose came from.


Taiki was at Seiya's house waiting for him for hours to review some documents.

Seiya arrived as if nothing was very smiling, he sat next to him and looked at him.

- What's going on?

-I've been waiting for you in this place for three hours and you arrive as if nothing had happened.

- Was there something pending?

-Of course, Seiya, you asked me very furiously to finish reviewing the cases that we will take before the judge next Friday and you left very angry.

- So you have them ready?

-I didn't reach and that's why I came.

-Quiet brother, there will be time, it is in a week after all.

- What? You're weird today.

- Why?

-Something has changed that mood of the devil from yesterday, something like ...

-An angel who crossed me in the middle of the road.

- What do you say an angel?

-If a beautiful blonde girl who almost ran over with my car, luckily nothing happened to her, she just passed out and I brought her here.

- What?

-Quiet I did nothing, you know I'm not one of those men who take advantage

-In that you are right friend, but I always believed that you would stay single with your work.

-The truth is that I also believed the same, but fate has prepared something very beautiful for me and it is her, she left me totally crazy.

Just remembering her drove him crazy, even if he hid and tried to focus on his work, he couldn't get her out of his mind.

-I think I'm falling in love with you, I didn't even know your name.


That night Serena went to the bar and looking at herself in the mirror while painting, she got those words from the boy.

- Why can't I stop thinking about you? I hardly know you, I didn't even know your name, I only have that dress you gave me, I must not show myself weak to any man.

-You must leave -One of the helpers.

He wiped away his tears and went.


--- Four years ago ---- Osaka Hospital ----

Serena's pregnancy was normal and she had already given birth in the hospital, he was a beautiful boy.

-My little baby, finally I know you and I have you in my arms, from now on you will be my support in this place.

-He's a beautiful baby, Mrs. Tsukino.

-It is true

-His father will adore him as soon as he meets him.

-He has no father, he died and I am his only family.

-Sorry, I did not know.

-Don't worry, after all he never wanted to take over.

-Changing the subject, how will you put the baby?

-I don't know yet, I was thinking about Seiki.

"To remember the damn pain you caused me"

At that moment her dear father came to mind.

-But on second thought, Kenji will be called after my father who I miss too much.


Some time later she was discharged, when she went to the reception, she saw that the pharmacist was nearby and went to her.

-Excuse me, I'm a psychologist and I need to know if there is a possibility that they will give me a medicine.

-Sure, do you have the warrant? -Of course, it is from the University of Tokyo, Professor Tomoe.

-If it is from Tomoe there is no problem, everyone here knows him.

-I like it alot.

-Wait here a moment.

He recalled that in a class the teacher had taught them a drug not so recognized by psychologists.

-This is capable with just one drop to send anyone they want to sleep, it is used clandestinely for patients with psychiatric diseases-Tomoe

- What effects does professor leave?

-Only the patient is not aware of what happened after the doping and feels as if he had been having intercourse.

- That's right?

-Yes Serena, but if they go over the dose they could cause the patient a terrible death.

All the students were totally surprised.

- How long does its effect last?

-More or less between one and two hours, depending on the weight of the patient.

-It's totally incredible.


While he waited for the medical order and his son to be brought, he remembered that his teacher had told him about that substance and he did not know how he had had the courage to ask.

-Mrs. Tsukino, here I bring you the order you have asked for, please sign here with your professional number.

Luckily I knew that number perfectly and signed without being afraid

- Do you think it is possible to continue giving me this medicine?

-Of course, if she is known to Doctor Tomoe, there is nothing to worry about.


Months later

Serena was at home relaxed watching her little baby sleeping. -It's about time I started my revenge, nobody will ever play with me again.

"Let us welcome our greatest attraction, the sensual and beautiful goddess descended from heaven, the woman who will surely awaken your gazes and curiosity, with you" THE GODDESS SERENITY "

Serena came out on stage wrapped in an Arab suit and began to dance very sensual, but without taking her eyes off Jedite, who was talking to a man who was really interested.

At the end he went down saying goodbye to those present meeting the blonde.

- Are you ready? I already have the first client.

- As soon?

"Yes dear, go to the back room right now."

Serena was totally dead with nerves, that man touched her and she felt afraid.

- What's up precious?

-It's that first I must have a little wine to calm myself and thus be able to please you more than you think.

-Okay my dear, I'll take it with you if you wish.

Serena went to serve it and introduced a drop of that concoction

"Just one drop of it in a glass of wine will make anyone fall asleep in less than five minutes" said the professor.

-And if you exceed the amount you could die.

- Are you ready my dear?

-Sure honey, drink it all.

That man drank it without thinking and serena smiled at him, he began to kiss her all over her body, the girl disgusted him just feeling it.

-Please do it. -Serena begged.

The man believed that they were words for him to start the action, so he laid her on her back and was stripping her little by little.

-I hope you love my honey, because you are very delicious.

Serena had her eyes closed begging for it to take effect, but nothing happened, her tears began to come out in heaps, but when the man was about to possess her, he fainted on top of her, the woman breathed relieved that it was real.

"Damn you unhappy, I'll never be yours or anyone's."

She walked away from him trying to get rid of his foul smell.

A while after being in the shower he knew that he had to return to her side because it would be time to continue pretending.

So she undressed and lay down next to her pretending to sleep, the man got up and saw her next to him.

-Hi honey, did you like what we did?

-I don't really remember much.

-It sure was that you drank too much, but you behaved like a beast and I loved that. -She said covering herself with the blanket, for nothing would she allow him to see her naked.

- Are you serious?

-Yes, you are a sweetheart.

The man wanted to kiss her, but she pushed him away with her finger-we'll see each other again if you want honey, our time is up.

Serena locked herself in the bathroom waiting for it to leave the room soon.

-It worked-I was happy



Serena had decided to dance again and not have as much contact with the visitors of the bar.

He was in luck since Jedite had gone on a trip and if he was gone no one could do business with his body.

To be dancing, she noticed that someone was watching her, she didn't know how she did it, but she approached him and realized it was her friend Andrew, this moved her.

He looked around so that no one would notice as he would deliver a note.

That man was shocked and after reading the note he went looking for it.

In the corridor where no one entered without authorization, he found her covered.

- Are you Serena?

-I don't know what you're talking about, I don't know you.

"I know it's you, I've known your handwriting since we were in high school. Serena approached this very distraught crying" I've been looking for you all over the country.

- For real?

-Yes, your parents receive your letters saying that you will not see them again and that you are fine with your love.

-It wasn't me, I've never written them letters, they won't let me.

- So?

-Seiki cheated on me and left me here, I couldn't get out of this.

-Then I'll help you, I'm a police officer and an investigator.

-Don't do it for what you want the most, my son could get hurt.

- Son?

Next chapter