
A Certain Individual

In a space outside of the universe just as it was born in empty space there was only darkness. It was a feeling of nothingness. There was no sound to perceive, there was no aroma to smell, there was nothing to touch. It was a suffocating feeling; a feeling no living being would volutarily suffer through. It would make every fiber of your being shudder if you could feel it. The volume of the space was unperceivable by any known means in the universe. In this space there was a creature that was made out of nothingness yet could be perceived.

After a time unknown to this creature or individual if you will, it moved. Nothing itself moved at the time though, but if any creature was in the vicinity of the nothingness they would feel that they would need to immediately move away. After a period of unknown time the same incident happened again. After another, smaller period of time it happened again. These waves of sorts continued to happen. After the creature moved it would take less time to move again. After the movement became so fast and destructive that it tore a hole in reality, the creature instantaneously moved out of the nothingness. The creature then sent out millions of waves of energy in the span of a second that each had enough destructive force to destroy a universe. These waves went at speeds infinitely faster than the speed of light, but before these waves could destroy anything they instantaneously stopped.

After unleasing the waves the creature gradually stopped releasing energy from its body. The creature then moved, but this time it could be perceived by the human eye. After moving at the same speed it moved again, this time moving at speeds so fast it took less than a millisecond to move to a planet over 200 billion lightyears away. As soon as the landed on the planet it observed everything in a 50 mile radius of itself. After seeing multiple new things the creature focused, it focused as to not destroy the planet it took intrest in. It only took the creature a second to control itself to a degree it's satified with. The creature then moved at a speed equivlent to a human walking.

The creature decided to walk up to a tree and touched it. Due to the creature not controlling its powers right the tree evaporated into nothing.