
BORN OF A BEAUTY [Episode-1]

The beautiful couple had 9 daughter all they want a son who continue there family name in the future .when his husband hear a news that her wife pregnant once again he became very happy he only pray for boy child .

He told his wife "if this time a girl born then I will married to another women" .Her wife become so upset and she decided to pray for a boy child .In the night of the December a baby born her father is eager to know the gender of the baby after hearing the news that her wife gave birth to a girl he left her unconscious and at the same time he married his wife's bestfriend .

When her wife get a news that his husband married her bestfriend she was betrayed by her husband and she refused to accept a child she said that it's all because of the child the child is demon and she can't accept this baby.so she abundant the baby she doesn't feed the baby she don't care about the baby without care and without love the girl baby becomes so weak .the girl baby mother decided to give her to a poor family she gave her to a village family and left her she doesn't care about her anymore the poor family also doesn't care about the girl they beat her they don't feed her they've criticized and the punished her they always told the girl that she was abandoned by her family if her family doesn't care about her then why they should do . when the girl turned to 15 she realise that every girl and every boy had a name but she don't have one she cried a lot all she want the answer from her biological parents why they abandoned her why they left her in the village but no one is ready to give her a proper answer everybody curse her and punish her no matter what she did .

Her life become so measurable that she decided to commit a suicide. she thought that if she died everyone become happy and her pain end at the same time. so she jumped from the mountain into the sea but when she opened her eyes she saw a flame lake.

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