5 The adventures Ted and Abigor goes on( Abigor’s pov)

Ted: "So should we?"

Abigor: "It's your choice"

Ted and Abigor: " yea let's do it"

Ted and I had a brilliant idea. We were going to do a home invasion. How exciting! He bought the pills and ropes and I was just gonna act like I needed to go to the bathroom. He would then run in and tie them up. I stole my dad's gun so if they moved they would get killed. "Got it, Ted" "Yes." "So now we have to pick who's house. Anyone pissed you of, Ted" "Yes, this girl. She rejected me." "Do you know her house?" "Yes, right there." This was perfect. This plan and us. This is gonna be the best. I wonder what will happen? How much money will we get? Hmm, then again I am not doing this for money. My mom and dad would give me all the money I want. Will we get caught? Pft, the police are to dumb to know it's us. On September 14th, Ted and I decided to execute the plain. I knocked on the door and said "Hey, I'm extremely sorry to bother you however, I really need to go to the bathroom. May I please come in?" The women replied" Sure it is right that way" "Thank you very much" I gave Ted the signal to come sneak him and I secretly locked the doors. Ted also decided to cut all wires. I realized they had security cameras on so I quickly tried to turn them off. I realized that I couldn't so unplugged the tv as well as the cameras. Perfect. I grabbed the rope and tied all three of them in the living room. They yelled so much. It was quite annoying. We were at their house for 2 hours. They had ice cream and it was my favorite brand so I ate that while Ted ate a bag of chips while seeing them try to escape. The pure fearfulness in their eyes was so amazing it bought me joy. Them trying to yell but knowing it won't help gave me satisfaction. It was pure joy. After 2 hours of watching them suffer, we let them go.
