
The Mansion

I open my eyes to a freakishly white room that resembles something similar to a hospital room. I realise that I'm wearing the white patient gown too. I slowly got up from a rock hard bed and wore the white slippers that were left on the floor near the bed. The bed was wooden, had a black cloth on it and no mattress, no pillow either. The room had a lot of medical equipment, but it was nothing compared to how big the room was. I stood up slowly but surely, my knees cracked a bit and then a series of pops went off in my back "It must have been a long time since I got up then." I walked over to the door in order to get out. The door was rusty and old, it wouldn't even budge until I forced it open. I peeked my head out of the sides of the door, all I could see was two long corridors one each side of the door. I just took a random guess and went right, because my brother always said "Right is always right."

After a long walk down that corridor came a set of stairs going down, with a red carpet from its beginning till its end. There was a foyer of sorts down the staircase, so I imagined it was a mansion. When I reached to the foyer of this "So called mansion" I was shocked to see almost everyone I know. All of them seemed unsettled by something, and had this look of pity towards me for whatever reason. I saw a couple of men dressed in grey suits, kind of like bodyguards, they approached me and escorted me to one of the massive gardens the mansion had in order to have tea. But I had a lot of questions that needed answers. Everyone around me kept bringing me gifts and trying to give me some hints saying "Be careful he'll be here soon" and "you're his hostage, so don't believe anything he says". Then out comes this clown, a tall and lanky figure, wearing a dotted shirt and red pants, having the typical clown hat and makeup, he proceeds to sit to my left. And everyone just folds back in fear. He takes some of the biscuits that were placed in of front me and eats with his very egotistical narcissistic behaviour, all as he didn't break eye contact with me. Then he calmly asks how I was. And I respond "I'm alright", even though I was trembling from the inside out of fear. Then I see some of the people signalling to me with their eyes, so I excuse myself to use the restroom to have a clear mind and plan something to escape, but he sends a bunch of the guards with me, which clarified to me that I really am being held captive. We go through the foyer, down a relatively short hallway and then into a brightly lit room, which led to the restrooms. I get in the bathroom and lock the door and try to think about what I can do to get out of here. I look through the windows and I see a big garden that's surrounded by giant gates and walls. Which made me terrified even more because I knew the escape plan I had in mind will not be excused easily. I hear foot steps approaching the door and then someone knocks on the door a lot "Sandra, it is me Tom, I have an idea for you to leave, Chris and Emma will help me so we can distract the clown and his guards. You just get out and leg it out of the window. As soon as you get out of the gate, you will be fine and he won't be able to catch you ever again."

Then I hear footsteps fade away as they go back to distract the clown and I jump out of the window in attempt to leave through the gate I see in the distance. I reach the drive way and realise it is made of a lake that's centred with a big fountain. I'm not a good swimmer so it hit me really hard. But I knew it had to be done. Kind of funny to think, but I had a bigger worry than swimming at the time which was "what if my cash gets wet and I won't be able to get a cab" even though I have no idea where the cash came from.

I looked at the waters for a while, before I heard a laugh come from far behind me, and I had a shiver go through my body as I saw the clown laughing and approaching me as he walked fast. I got in the water with no hesitation after seeing that horrific scene. Then I finally reach the main gate of this crazy mansion and realised after looking back, that from a far he's staring at me. The further I got away from him the bigger his head would get in attempts to see me with his head straight looking sideways at me. So I climb up the gate and fall on the other side of it. A sense of relief washes over me because I think I am free from him now. Then all of a sudden the gate and the barriers completely disappear. So I try to find a cab to get in and after a long wait I finally got in one. I just get in the cab, close the door and say "Home" Then it starts moving away from the mansion. And I turn my head in relief to look ahead and notice that there're three drivers in the cab one regularly in the driver's seat, another on the passenger seat and the third one sitting in between and they were all looking at me. So, I wondered if the clown had appointed fake cabs around the mansion in case I ever try to escape. So I try my best to stay calm and talk normally then all of a sudden I open the door and jump out of the car while it's moving and fall down a huge hill. I open my eyes to burning, painful and awful sensations all over my body, with a lot of blood gushing out of my arms and legs. However, I start to run as best as I can in a place where I can describe as a dessert, dry, lifeless, hopeless...

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