
A Debauchery Life In DxD

Gray The Soul Immortal, got betrayed by his own wife- The New Immortal Lady Fate. So he became a soul again. ...But the thing is he isn't depressed. Do you know why? He died 69 deaths by his own wives. 69 wives too in each life now its 70 deaths and wives. But he still got hurt so he won't get a new wife by 1000 years or more. Immortals are cold, they all hardy trust each other. Gray knew what he did is stupid. Getting a relationship to an Immortal? So he became a soul. He can create a new body but he won't. This time he will reincarnated to mortals but he have to find their home first so he wandered 10,000 years to find their World. there's many Worlds but Gray want something interesting. Something new that will pique his curiosity. and he finally found the World that pique his curiosity, Well he wasted 10,000 years but it's really worth it for him. Now it's time to decide what kind of life he will live from now on. Something life he will be happy and loved.. But what type of life is that?(He chooses what kind of life he will do in chapter 2. Well the Title of the novel says it.) I'll upload chapters if I'm in the mood or not busy. My writing might become bland, the characters interaction is like an emotionless talk, the chapters might not be interesting so don't expect to much. It's my first novel after all. But don't worry I will get better. :3 The cover is not mine, if the owner want's to take it down I will take it down. The first 1-4 chapters are bad but don't worry, I got better at chapter 5. All of the chapters are 1k+ words except the first chapters.

CarolineInPajama · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

The Punishment. Naughty~

(Sorry for the super late chapter, my school is more important than this novel so...)

''Maybe you need a little punishing...'' Venelana said while licking her lips.

''W-what punishment is it mom?'' Gray said, acting nervous. (This isn't enough to

bring him nervous! He already encounter more sexually sadistic female person than Venelana.)

''Oh, sweetie. Don't be scared.'' Venelana smiled more. 'What are you doing Venelana!? Don't taint Gray!' Venelana thought while trying to resist the temptation of bullying her youngest son. He's just too vulnerable!! Because of that, she can't help but try to tease her son more...

''Cough, cough..'' Venelana awkwardly cough. Trying to resist her dark side.

''It's just a little punishment sweetie.''


Maybe her child is nervous because this is the first time he's going to receive his punishment from her... But that making it worse!!

'I-I'll just punish him a little... There's nothing wrong, right?' She thought while justifying what she's going to do to her youngest son.

'Why am I thinking that, I'm going to do something sexually to my youngest son?'

Venelana calm down her lust after that thought.

What is she thinking? Is she even herself anymore? She's thinking doing something dirty to her precious pure youngest son dammit!

'Haah... Maybe we should go home now...'

''Gray, I'm just joking... Sorry for scaring you, because of that I will compensate you.

Just tell me what do you want...'' Venelana said seductively.

She won't force him but if he wants it, she won't decline...

Gray know what is his mother thinking but... He isn't comfortable having sex on this child form.

(AN: I just hate writing the type of that se...x scene.)

Maybe when he turned 15, he will have se..x

''Buy me sweets!'' Gray eagerly said.

''Okay... What do you want more?''

''Umm.... There's no more I wanted today...'' 'There's no heroine here so there's nothing to do in this city.'

''Do you wanna go home now after buying sweets?''

''Sure! I already have fun today!''

''Okay.'' Then they walked to the nearest shop that sells many different kind of sweets like gummy bear, lollipop, chocolates, and more.

Then they go to the forest that has no people at it so they can fly to their home at the mansion in the middle of forest. (If you want the reason why they are living there, not in the underworld. It's because they tried to make their child to have interact with human kids and make friends so they won't have the arrogance and too much pride like Riser or any arrogant young master to the humans. They will go back later in the underworld when they think it's enough. But they aren't that heartless so when their child want to visit or play with him/her friends at the human world, they still let them.)

When they sense that they are near at the mansion, they stop flying and walk. (The mansion have magic array so it's invisible to the normal human's or someone that is too weak to see it.)

They arrived to see the Rias waiting for them.

''Why didn't you tell me that your going outside with Gray...'' Rias said while pouting to her mother

''Haha, sorry I forgot. I will tell you next time when going again with Gray.'' Venelana said with an apologizing tone.

Little Gray then rushed towards to Rias and hugged her waist.

''A-are you mad that I didn't tell you...? Sorry...'' Gray said with a guilty tone, threating to cry when he looked at Rias.

''A-ah! Don't cry Gray! I'm not mad at you and it's not your fault!'' Rias shouted and hugged Gray tightly. (The fluff. And Rias isn't flat when she's 9 years old.)

''Then why are you mad?'' Gray's expression change like a lie.

''It's because I lost the opportunity to go with you in the city!'' Rias pouted.

''Is that it? If so, we can go anything you wanted.'' Gray said while smiling to Rias.

''Is that so!? Then you better promise it!''


Then their pinky finger intertwine together.

''It's a promise!''


''Then I'll try doing the same as yours what you did to me every night this time.'' Gray whispered to Rias. To be honest, he really wanted to eat Rias right now but It's not the perfect time yet.

Rias face turned crimson like her hair when Gray said that to her.

''B-but isn't that place dirty?'' Rias whispered.

''Aren't you doing the same to me?'' Gray countered.

''O-okay...'' Rias hesitated before she agreed with red face.

Gray of course, used magic when their whispering or else Venelana might heard it.

Venelana smiled to this scene. This scene is too wholesome for her heart!

''Gray, Rias, let's go inside now.''

They nodded and followed Venelana.

The mansion is pretty far from the gate so they take 1 minute walk from the gate to the door of the mansion.

They opened the door to find Gray's maid waiting for them.

Well only Penelope and Kuroka are there. Koneko is still learning to become a good maid for Gray.

''Welcome back, Young master and Mistress.'' They greeted and said at the same time while bowing.

''Mhm.'' Venelana just nodded. She already saw this scene too many times.

''Nice...'' Gray just thumb ups them while smiling. They seem improve being maids.

When the maids saw their young master like it, they felt a sense of accomplishment. They worked hard to master the etiquette of being a maid in one day obviously.

While Venelana walked to her bedroom to masterbat..e so she can calm down.

Rias just straight go to her room while Gray is with his maids.

''So how strong are you guys compared yesterday?'' Gray asked. He already knows it but just wanna see them admit it.

'' I broke through three times and became a peak mid devil.'' Penelope said when she still can't believe the result. She's just starting to cultivate it!!

''I became a high devil.'' Kuroka smirk to Penelope while she said it to Gray.

Kuroka felt a little inferior to Penelope when they duel yesterday. She is 1 higher ranking than her damn it! While it's still amazing to have tie with Penelope when Kuroka didn't train properly yet and always relay on her talent and dangerous situation to break through, she still felt a little inferior.

But now she became a high devil, she isn't anymore!

Penelope felt pissed when she saw Kuroka smirking at her, showing her superior rank to her young master.

'Hmph! That cat... I'll duel to her later.'

Kuroka felt good when she saw Penelope became pissed. So how about provoking her more?

''Young master~ how about rewarding me for my accomplishment...'' Kuroka said seductively. (AN: She look like teen, so it will still work for normal people.)

'This succubus... Is she provoking Penelope?' Gray thought. He have an evil plan but that won't work to Kuroka because Gray isn't hot. He is cute! Imagine a super cute like Gray tried to seduce Kuroka, won't his attempt be laughing stock to Immortals when they learned it?

'Haah... That's unfortunate.' Gray sigh, feeling regretful in this opportunity.

When Penelope saw Kuroka seducing her young master. That won't work because her young master is pure but she still felt super pissed!

'This thieving cat! How dare she!?'

Penelope felt Kuroka is provoking her more, and it work!

''You!! Kuroka! Let's duel!'' Penelope have more more mana than yesterday so she felt more confident in this match but she is still cautious to Kuroka because she is a high devil.

'Heh, it work.' Kuroka smirk in her mind.

''Sure, I accept.''

Did you got clickbaited by the title? Heh. Horny idiots.


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Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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