
The confession

Mina: Hey Ochaco. why did you wanna meet here of all places? Ochaco: Because its private. Mina:*Nervous* why did it need to b- (o///o). Ochaco: *kisses* I uh really like you a lot. Author: Bold choice. Mina: i uh i like you too. i think its time for gym. Ochaco: well then lets go. *at gym* Mina: *holds ochacos hand* . Ochaco: (UwU). Mina: well we still have to change. Ochaco: ok. *in girls locker room* Mina: *starts to change*. Ochaco: *pokes minas chest*. Mina: *finally getting her head in the shirt* Who the h- oh. Ochaco: hehe sorry Mina. Mina: No your good but we should get going. Ochaco: yeah that's a good idea. *at gym*.... *after gym* Ochaco: its time for lunch we have at least 30 minutes. Mina: 30 minutes to what?. Ochaco: you know. Mina: :l no i don't.

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