
Where it all started!!

The sky suddenly became dark, a wierd sensation filled the air, clouds forming a dense circle enveloping the whole village. A small opening forming in the middle of the thunder clouds,one could hardly notice it given that you don't have a freakin' doujutsu like the byakugan.

Usually an evil emerges in such mentioned conditions,but the situation here was a little different.For two figures literally dropped from the sky,through that same whole, kelometers above the ground.


"AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!..." Airi screamed on top of her lungs,much to Saruto's annoyance who just held his ears falling calmly like it didn't bothered him at all.

"Just shut up and let me think!" he scoffed but was ignored.

"EEEEKK!!! I'M  GONNA DIIIIIEEEEE!!!" She gave another ear peircing scream,tears  rolling down (actually up,given that they were falling..).

Saruto just sighed looking down,counting seconds,bending his fingures one by one.

[Is this idiot!!..counting our last minutes?!] Airi would surely have yelled but she just kept it in,it didn't mattered anymore,they were gonna die anyways..

[Great..Just when I was about to meet my family.] Airi muttered under her breath looking solemn,thinking about her father and then her mother. She stopped screaming ,gazing down in defeat.The ground was nearing,and so was their death.

..... Few hours ago from present time (27 years into the future) ...

"Niiiiii...chhhhann!!?" A loud voice echoed throughout the silent corridoors of the palace, a girl about 11 in an attire which seemed to be like a gown, could be seen running around the palace, smashing through almost every door that comes in her way,she was furious,it was clear.

The servants decided not to confront her in such a bad mood and simply let her walk around,silently keeping a watch.

Never even once,had they witnessed the Uzumaki heiress in such a bad mood. To them Airi was always their lovely, little mistress who practically cared for every other person she knew in her life and considered them as family.

How Ironic though, since, her original family,that should care for her..she didn't knew.

Her mother would always visit her twice every month and on important events like her birthdays, new year eve etc.

But that was it.

No less... No more..

They knew it wasn't enough for the girl,they feel sorry for her everytime ,she would ask about her mother's  next visits and they didn't have a proper answer.

Airi,on the contrary,felt nothing of it.

Nothing at all..

Perhaps,she didn't understood the fact that she was kept distant from her family and homeland.. Or maybe she did,but never said anything against it.

But ....it all changed after something happened a few months ago.

"ONII-SAN!!" Airi slammed open the next door and finally found the dark haired boy sitting on the couch,reading a book.

The boy clearly ignored her ramblings as she went on and on about how long she had been searching for the ravenette.

"Just shut up... What is it?" He asked in his usual monotone ,Airi froze before remembering the actual reason she was searching for him.

"I want you to come with me!!" She bolted, a grin plastered on her face.

Though one would say, it wasn't anything rare given that you didn't meet her since the last few months.

Because things were different now..

Yeah..  They were quite different  now.

She was never the same, good-to-go ,loving little girl anymore.

Or maybe she tried not to be and impressively, she somehow  did managed to keep her true self inside.

But,today she was different which made Saruto curious enough to know what was going on in her small mind...?

"Go with you?..where?" He asked not sounding too interested, perhaps it would just be to her rose gardens,or play houses, where she usually (forcefully) takes him to play with her. Maybe he was thinking too much.

But still, something inside him was telling that it wasn't the case today.

"Not telling!! First promise me that you'll come -ttebahi!!"

"I'm not moving an inch without knowing why I'm moving." he simply stated,flliping a page of the book.

"Why don't you go with Hotaru instead? That boy likes to hang around you a lot anyways.." he added emphasizing on the given name with an unnoticeable scoff.

Luckily though, his sister caught that very well.

"What does that mean? He is my personal playmate,ofcourse he'll do that -ttebahi..!"

"That's right. Then go with him and don't bother me."

"But I wan't you to come!! This isn't something Hotaru needs to know!!"

"And why is that? You literally tell him everything that happens to you."

"Just leave him alone! Why are you always so rude to him anyways!?"


"Please Ni-ssann!! I need your help! You won't regret it,I promise!!" Airi gleamed brightly ,her eyes twinkling and shining with hope , one could never say no to that unless you have a heart of stone—

"no" Saruto answered ,not averting his gaze from his book.

The girl felt like she got stabbed right through. But,she didn't expected him to agree this easily anyways. 

[I can't believe he could be such a teme!!...] she thought pouting childishly.

She slowly tiptoed around Saruto trying to catch his attention,to which he gave no response whatsoever.

"What are you reading?" She asked in a happy tone. "I wanna see too." she added leaning onto her older brother's shoulder.

"Even if I showed you, you won't understand a thing, given how much of a dobe you are.." Saruto stated and Airi's eyebrows twitched, her body buring with fury but she maintained her sly smile.

"Don't say that nii-san... How would you know without even letting me see it -ttebahi..?" she asked, more likely challenged her brother in a silent way.

Saruto pondered for a moment before shifting his head a little sideways so that Airi could get a better view,as she was leaning onto his shoulders.

"Huh...this is..!" Airi stated clearly shocked as she moved her hand to hold the book.

"You know what this is?" Saruto asked a little surprised,that she knew about the fireball techniques of the Uchiha clan (which he was currently reading).

"This is... A jutsu!! A Jutsu Right?!! Like what you shinobi uses?!!" She asked swinging on his shoulder's like he was a teddy bear that she owns.

"You can do something like this?!!! I've never seen a real jutsu in my life! "


"Say-say!  Can you make.. Like another copy of yourself too?!!  Like-like they do in those story books??! Ugh-What was that called again?!! " Her enthusiasm increased by each question she asked while Saruto just stared at her.

Airi soon realised what she was doing and quickly moved away stumbling back. "I-I.. sorry.." she said looking at the floor.

Saruto immediately averted his gaze to his book again.

There was a moment of silence ,Saruto flipped another page of the book,while Airi just gazed at it secretly.

"Fine..I'll come." He finally said "But,the moment I find it boring,I'm done. I'll be heading back tomorrow morning and I have yet to pack some stuff."

Airi couldn't believe for a moment what she just heard,her eyes widened in surprise. "R-REALLY!!!? Thanks Nii-san!!" she hugged Saruto much to his surprise.

"Get off.You're heavy." He said but Airi ignored him.

"O-Okay then! Meet me in the blue palace's basement..Like,in an hour!" She stated before chirping out of the room.And Saruto just sighed, a small smile making its way on his face.

"Guess it won't hurt much to babysit this idiot for this more time." he said.

.....1.5 hour later (At the Blue palace.)....

Saruto reached the basement exactly in time,now waiting for Airi to arrive.

He looked around before spotting several toys and empty chocolate pack's on the ground and sighed.

"Seems like the dobe's using this as a hiding place."He picked up a packet and threw it aside.

"No wonder ,none of the servents could ever find her nowadays..."He added.

The basement was indeed quite dark .

Which was strange.. 

Airi never liked dark places,it was a childhood fear.

That was one reason why the palace's lights were never completely out.  No matter what..

"Why would she come here all alone..?" he muttered to himself before something caught his eye.

Airi's play-tea set.

There were two chairs..

Two cups arranged with two plates of toy cakes.

Two handkerchief laid neatly on the table..

Everything was in pairs.

"Or maybe she wasn't alone..? "He pondered,  getting bitter at the first name that came to his mind.

[Hotaru..isn't it..?  ] He thought ,narrowing his eyelids automatically..

But then again,he wasn't naive and though he-would-hate-to-admit-it , neither was Hotaru.

He would never lie about 'not being able to find her' if he was joining her in any of this.. Game.

[Then.. Who..? ] A thought crossed his mind.

Should he ask the idiot directly or should he confront his dobe sister instead..?

Then again.. Maybe he was thinking too much.  She could just be playing all by herself.

Though, that wasn't good either but, it was atleast better than having an unwanted guest roaming around the palace without notice..

Emersed in his own random thoughts, a familiar voice brought him back to reality.

"Oh!! Nii-san!" He looked up to find none other than his sister standing on the doorway forming a shilloutte with the sudden light.

He was  about to scoff when  something caught his eye again.

"What the hell are you wearing?" He asked seeing his little sister wearing usual 'shinobi' clothing along with the kunai holder with no kunai.

Though nothing wrong with the holder but the attire looked quite... Ancient.

"Oh.? This..? Mom gave it to me as a birthday present this year! "Airi chirped.

"Tehee~She said I can wear it whenever I want to train with Hotaru." she added in her usual smile before turning back.

"See? It also has this cute-kitty blue bag -ttebahi!" She stated showing a blue bag hung around her back.

Saruto facepalmed "Don't tell me you called me here to play that stupid 'shinobi' game with you?.. You know I don't have time for childish plays." he said bluntly but Airi just shrugged.

"First,that's not a 'stupid game'..That's training! " she scoffed "And second,I didn't called you here for that!!..Hotaru plays way better than you anyways." she muttered the last part silently,pouting again.

"Then what are you up to? So much for the enthusiasm you showed earlier,and now you are showing up 30 minutes late." Saruto said sarcastically.

Airi flinched.. It indeed was her fault amd her brother seemed pissed.

Not like he isn't usually that way but he seemed much more pissed this time.. or maybe worried? Did something happen?

Anyways , she planned getting to the topic directly and took a long-deep breath.

"Nii-san! I want you to help me with.. this!" she emphasised on the last word before taking out a scroll from her pocket which took Saruto by surprise.

Eyeing the scroll, he immediately went pale.

"No..way..!" He said,his eyes wide. "Where did you get that?! Isn't that—?"

"The tranportation scroll..yes!" Airi completed.

Saruto's surprise soon turned into anger "Airi,that isn't something you should be playing with. Where did you got that anyways!?" he asked in a demanding tone taking her name for the first time in the day.

Airi knew this was coming and she was prepared "I borrowed it from papa's room—"

"More like stole it ,right?!" Saruto snapped again.

"No! I borrowed  it from papa's room just for this once. I was going to return it later." Airi replied looking away.

Saruto calmed down, and silently glared at her "Give that back. You shouldn't be doing this." he said raising his voice a little.

Not good..  Not good at all..

He wasn't expecting this..  He knew his sister was in her rebelling state since the last few months but she never did anything too drastic.

But this..?!

No,he so wasn't letting her mess up like this! 

Not with that! .. He can't let her!

"Ofcourse I am doing this! I want to visit Konoha as well." She chirped again "But,since I haven't been there before, I need someone to escort me. You were returning tomorrow anyways right? Why not take me with you?!" Airi said in one breath looking at him straight in the eye.

Saruto's face turned darker "So you want me to use the transportation scroll to send 'you' there and you think I'll agree to that?"He asked calmly.

"I- No person can leave or enter this place without using this scroll." Airi calmly replied.

["Ho-How?!  Why did she know that..?!"] The boy's words died down in his throat.

"I want you to come with me since you are familiar with that place. Our home.M-My home!" She said again.


An awkward and dangerous one..

No one uttered a word before Airi spoke gain.

"I see... So you won't be helping me." She breathed in tears forming on the corner of her eyes.

Saruto didn't had a clue what to say...  What to say to stop her..?

To make her listen..?

Didn't she always listened to practically everyone?!

When did it turn so difficult?

Airi on the other hand, was extremely nervous, her heart was racing her hands trambling a little.

This was a big step.  Once she started, there might be no going back..

And she knew it very well.

She puffed in some air and snapped "Very well then !!

I'll do it myself!! ...Alone!"

Opening the scroll without any warning  she immediately cut her fingure with her teeth to drop a blood drop.

"TRANSPORT!" She yelled , a white light emitting from the paper.

Everything happened so fast that Saruto couldn't even utter a word,his body moved on his own as he jumped into the bright light emerging from the scroll,engulfing both of them.

.....Present time again....

"Nii-san.." Airi whispered loud enough for Saruto to hear,still falling. "I'm sorry...I dragged you into all of this.." she comitted.

"Of course, you should be." Was all Saruto said before grabing her by the waist and fully covering her in his arms.

"Futon!: Firewave Jutsu!!" He yelled and released a strong wave of fire onto the ground and soon their speed decreased before falling from hardly a little above the ground.

Airi just stared at her brother,eyes widened before he dropped her and stood up straight. Airi's surprise soon turned in as she observed her surroundings.

"YES!! THE DAMN JUTSU WORKED!!" Airi exclaimed but the delight soon turned into dread when she realised what they actually did!

"N-No way..." Saruto managed to say glaring at the Hokage mountain with disbelief in his eyes punching Airi on her head.

"Ow!That hurts! -ttebahi!" Airi spatted before following Saruto's gaze.

"What?! "

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