1 A dark secret

It was a normal day for Rachel as she gets up in the morning and quickly got ready for the day. She managed to smile despite being so busy everyday.

Being a doctor is a job which requires effort and the ability to learn from past mistakes.

Despite being a doctor, like any other human beings, she hides a darker secret.

A secret that no one understands.


"Rachel! We have a situation! A 5 years old boy is not breathing, we can't revive him! We tried everything!"

This is a normal day for Rachel as she sees patients either dying or getting hurt everyday.

"Coming!" As Rachel ran and started to revive the little boy, the little boy finally breathes as Rachel cleared his aiŕway due to vomit.

The little boy thanked Rachel and went back with his mother.

"That was a close call." Said one of Rachel's colleague.

"It wasn't anything." Rachel shrugged as she went back to her room.

Rachel went to sleep but was woken up by a knock.


"A cold blooded beast is being unleashed today." Said one of the research scientist as they tried different methods for creating a psychopath for a research project with no emotion.

"He is Product 0103 as known as Michael."

A handsome creature, with no memories of his own... became a cold blooded psychopath.

Often mistakened being a cold blooded serial killer which he is not.

He is also a human, with a broken childhood.

"Welcome Michael. You are our finished product. Welcome." One of the researcher said.

Michael's cold blooded gaze is as beautiful as ever. Michael didn't say anything, he stood there with the most sexy smile that is even to die for.

"Michael, you cannot have emotion, no empathy." Said one of the researcher.

Michael was being controlled by them.

"As you wish." Michael said.
