
Echoes of Wyldewood's Fall

The air in Wyldewood was alive with the joyous laughter of the Emberleaf family. Under the ancient canopy of the majestic trees, sunlight filtered through emerald leaves, creating a kaleidoscope of dancing shadows on the soft moss below. Birds orchestrated a melodious symphony, and the scent of blooming flowers mingled with the aroma of freshly baked pastries from the Emberleaf kitchen.

Around a weathered wooden table, the family gathered. Elysia, with her vibrant red hair adorned with beautiful flowers that matched the hue of her eyes, deftly stirred a cauldron of simmering herbs, her crystal-green eyes reflecting the love she poured into every dish. Beside her, their parents, both a blend of authority and warmth, smiled proudly at their daughter who just turned ten today.

"It's her birthday, look who's preparing breakfast" Mr Emberleaf said as he lifted his plate to recieve his share of food from little Elysia.

"She insisted on making the cake herself, yesterday." Mrs Emberleaf said as she adjusted the flower crown on her daughter's head.

"That's because she makes cakes that are better than yours, mother" Tristan Emberleaf, the eldest child said eyeing his little brother, Sebastian, the youngest Emberleaf who sat wide-eyed, absorbing the lively banter that enveloped him.

"That's right" Mr Emberleaf and Sebastian chorused, and they all chuckled.

"Oh my my, I'm jealous. Who thought her how to make them, ehn" Mrs Emberleaf said.

They continued to happily chatted animatedly, little did they know that beyond the protective embrace of Wyldewood's enchanted boundaries, a storm of war brewed. The distant rumble of marching armies grew steadily louder, heralding an impending tempest that would shatter their idyllic haven. Lost in the bliss of happiness and love, they were oblivious to the whispers of danger.

"It's time for your wish, Sis Elysia" Sebby gleamed.

"Here's your cak..." Mrs Emberleaf's statement was interrupted by an uninvited guest who barged in.

"We are under attack!!" The man shouted, scaring Elysia and Sebby.

"What!!, How..."

"You monsters brought this upon us!!, we shouldn't have let you in Wyldewood!!" The man threatened as he walked towards Mr Emberleaf looking disheveled.

"What is happening..." The man strangled Mr Emberleaf stopping him from talking, holding him again the wall. The children stood there frozen at what was happening before them.

"Please don't hurt him!"


Tristan tried to stop the man, who was their village head, but the man was big so he was knocked down with one hand. The Cake fell from Mrs Emberleaf's hand and her eyes glowed silver as she lifted her hands to attack but stopped midway when he released his grip and said

"We're all going to die anyway" He walked outside and shouted

"The elve is here, her family is here!!!..." Unexpectedly an arrow quickly made it's way to the man's forehead, silencing him as he fell to the ground, lifeless.

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