
Chapter 3

As we made our way through the gates, we overheard a few students planning to go to a nearby plaza. "Hang out before heading home?" "Sure!" She looked at me in her sparkling eyes. "Can we too? You're supposed to be showing me around here right?" *just as I thought "It's getting late, and I have to finish some homeworks, but if you insist, then it's a yes." She was like: "Yay!"

We walked around the plaza going here and there, then we got unto a crowded area and we're stuck between all of them. "Stay close" I told her, as I held her hand. "Watch out for pickpockets. They're usually beneath crowds like this."

We made our way through the crowd safe, and our belongings secured. I noticed her slowing down a little bit. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Shouldn't you be letting my hand go?" *awkwardly "Oh, my bad." I was lost in her eyes for a moment, then I realized what's happening to me.

"I ugh... Shouldn't we be already heading home?" "We should eat first." Seriously? Here we are again? "No, no, I'm fine thanks..." Then she folded her arms, and raised her brows. Licking her teeth, I already knew what she mean. "... thanks for inviting? Sure! I'll lead the way!" Sheesh! This young lady is very dangerous. I must do everything she says. We had a nice dinner together. I really can't resist looking to her eyes, they're very beautiful. What's this weird feeling? I never felt this strange before!

"You never told me where you lived?" I asked her. "Along road 520..." Wow! She lives in the same street as mine. "And you?" "You'll see... " It's a twenty-minute walk, then I noticed her tiring out. "Let me carry that." I said reaching for her bag. "No, I'm ok! I'm ok!" You won't eh? Time to unleash my hidden powers... "You got three seconds to hand me your bag."

A dark red aura I generated(somehow imaginary, but you can somehow see it of your Pat), made her threw her bag at me, not even in a second. "Take it! You don't mind heavy right?" She seems to be very frightened. Heh, works everytime.

We made it to road 520 in 30 minutes from school, which I find early this time. I didn't tell her we're going to pass by my apartment. Then she headed for a gate, the gate of my apartment, and turned to me. "Thanks for carrying my bag!" "Let me carry it to your room." "Shouldn't you be already heading home?" "This is my home." Excited, she led the way to her room, all way to the fourth floor. He room number is 407.

"This is where I live. With me is my sister." she said. "Well it's nice to have you both as neighbors." I said handing her bag. "Really?! You live just beside us?" "Yeah, where else you think of?" I waved goodbye to my new friend, as I entered my chaotic room.

What I really can't understand, was that feeling I felt when I was with her a while ago. I can't feel affection towards her, she sees me only a companion, and I just want to be alone. Whatever it is, it quite disturbed me, and gave me hard time to sleep. I should be relaxing, exams just ended. Why would I bother myself? After realizing, I immediately dozed off.