
The Return of Mero 2

A few more days have passed, finally completing Tenur's second month in Cusca.

In this period, apart from the price war that some local stores were engaging in against Mero's store, Tenur, and Amir did not face any major problems.

They spent most of this time working to deliver the many orders for beverages in Peters City and those for plaster, paint, and bread.

At many points, they had bought resources from the Saliba and Amari family stores in those days but also had other resource deliveries scheduled to take place.

Among them, on the previous day, this Mero store had received the first delivery with the resources that Amir and Tenur had ordered earlier.

From now on, weekly deliveries with the items in the quantities requested by Tenur will arrive at this place, finally solving this store's recent problem regarding stock.