
Chapter 14: Onward

As the sun began to set, the group made their way to the river that cut through the lush wilderness. The water sparkled like diamonds, its clarity inviting and cool, while the banks were adorned with a tapestry of vibrant greenery, swaying gently in the evening breeze.

"What are we waiting for?"

Ophelia merely rolled her eyes at his impatience.

"Just watch," she retorted, her voice tinged with a hint of amusement.

And then, as if on cue, a majestic sight unfolded before their eyes. A large, ethereal white fish emerged from the depths of the river, its scales shimmering like molten silver in the fading sunlight. The creature moved gracefully, its movements fluid and mesmerizing, as if dancing to a silent melody.

"You're joking, right?" Zack scoffed, disbelief written all over his face as he stared at the otherworldly being before him.

Ophelia shook her head, a small smile tugging at her lips.

"I assure you, I am not," she replied, her voice calm and unwavering.

As the mysterious fish drew closer to the group, they could see that it was no ordinary aquatic creature. It was as large as a horse, its eyes radiating a profound intelligence and ancient wisdom that sent shivers down their spines.

"This is Gulliver," Ophelia introduced proudly, her voice filled with reverence and affection for the magnificent being beside her.

"Gulliver?" Zack echoed, his skepticism evident in his raised eyebrow. The fish regarded him with a calm demeanor, the water rippling gently around him.

The siren nodded, her expression serious. "Yes, he's my friend," she affirmed, her bond with the creature palpable in the air.

Gulliver emitted a low, guttural sound, his massive head bobbing in agreement with Ophelia's words, as if to affirm their deep connection.

"He won't bite," Ophelia reassured Zack, a playful glint in her eyes as she noticed his apprehension, her voice laced with amusement at his unease.

Zack shifted uneasily, eyeing the sharp teeth lining Gulliver's formidable jaw. "I'm not worried about him," he muttered under his breath, his wariness apparent.

"We will travel by the river," the siren explained, her gaze fixed on Zack, a hint of mystery in her eyes.

"How exactly?" Zack inquired, his eyes narrowing as he scanned the serene waters that flowed lazily past them.

"Trust me," Ophelia replied cryptically, a mischievous smirk playing on her lips as she beckoned her companions to follow her lead.

Morwen watched the exchange, her thoughts racing.

"Do you think we should trust her?" he whispered to her .

Morwen hesitated, her gaze meeting his. "She did help us," she reasoned, her voice tinged with reluctant trust. "And, it's not like we have any other options at the moment."

Zack nodded, his expression thoughtful as he weighed the risks and possibilities before relenting, "Alright, let's trust her."

With a graceful gesture, Ophelia beckoned Gulliver closer, her fingers trailing across his shimmering scales as she whispered to him in a language only they understood. The water around Gulliver began to glow with a faint, ethereal blue light, casting a magical aura over the scene.

And then, in a breathtaking transformation that defied all logic and belief, Gulliver, the fish, began to change before their very eyes. His body elongated and stretched, his scales shifting and rearranging into a sleek form that emerged from the water like a mythical creature of legend.

"Holy shit," Zack gasped in awe as he beheld the impossible sight before him.

Gulliver was no longer a fish but a magnificent boat, his body now transfigured into a vessel of polished wood and billowing sail. A mast rose from his back, the canvas catching the breeze and filling with wind as if imbued with a life of its own.

"How the hell did he do that?"

Ophelia turned her attention to Zack, a smug smile on her lips.

"He's a gwyllgi," she explained, her eyes sparkling.

The siren climbed onto Gulliver's back, the boat rocking on the water gently. She extended a hand to Morwen, who hesitated only for a moment before accepting the invitation. Zack followed close behind, his expression still one of shock.

As they settled on the strange, transformed vessel, Gulliver suddenly surged forward. The wind whipped past them with a force that took their breath away. They sped through the water, faster than any fish or boat Morwen had ever encountered, the landscape around them a blur of colors and shapes. The world seemed to shift and twist in response to Gulliver's unearthly speed, as they flew down the river.

"This is incredible," Zack murmured, his voice filled with awe.

"It certainly is," Ophelia agreed.

Morwen leaned back, her gaze fixed on the sky above, her mind swirling with a thousand questions and possibilities. The air around them seemed charged with magic, a palpable sense of the extraordinary that transcended the ordinary laws of nature.

"How does it work?" he inquired, his analytical mind struggling to comprehend the magic at play.

"It's simple," the siren replied, her tone light and playful. "Gulliver is a gwyllgi, a magical fish. They can take the form of whatever the rider needs, be it a boat, or a chariot, even a carriage.

Zack's brow furrowed as he processed this revelation.

Morwen couldn't help but smile at the confusion on Zack's face. He was trying so hard to understand, but it was clear that he was still struggling. She herself was still awestruck by the whimsical nature of their magical steed.

The three sat in comfortable silence as they sailed down the river, the breeze blowing gently through their hair. Gulliver's tail propelled them forward, the water parting for him as he swam. The air smelled sweet and fresh, the trees and plants along the riverbank rustling in the wind.

The journey was smooth, the trio enjoying the cool breeze as it washed over them. They passed fields of wildflowers and streams filled with crystal clear water.

As the sun began to set, the colors of the sky painted a vibrant canvas. Pinks, oranges, and yellows danced across the horizon, the moon slowly rising.

"This is amazing," Morwen breathed, her eyes wide with wonder. Stars shone in the sky over-head.

Ophelia turned to her companions, a shimmer of pride in her eyes.

"I'm glad you're enjoying our journey," she said, her voice soft yet radiant with warmth. " It's not often I get to share my world with others."

Zack, his initial doubts replaced by awe, leaned back against Gulliver's sturdy back, a contented sigh escaping his lips.

"I could get used to this," he murmured, his eyes half-closed.

The group sailed on, their ship gliding gracefully through the calm waters, the moon illuminating their path. Soon, the forest gave way to rolling hills, the scent of the sea filling the air. 

"We're almost there," Ophelia said, her voice filled with excitement.

The air grew heavy with the tang of salt, a prelude to the approaching ocean. As they neared the coast, the distant roar of the crashing waves echoed in the night, a symphony of nature that set their hearts racing. Gulliver slowed, his tail cutting through the water as he approached the shore.

"What happens now?" Zack asked, his voice laced with uncertainty.

"We'll take a short rest before we continue our journey," Ophelia's soothing voice reassured him, her gaze fixed on the horizon where the sea met the sky in an endless embrace. Small lights shone in the distance, obscured by the fog rolling in.

As the ship glided smoothly onto the sandy shore, the group disembarked, their feet sinking into the cool, wet sand. The beach stretched out before them, a vast expanse of golden grains littered with seashells worn smooth by the relentless waves. A gentle breeze carried the scent of brine and seaweed, mingling with the sweet fragrance of blooming flowers that lined the dunes. The distant cries of seagulls added to the symphony of the night, their haunting calls echoing across the empty coast.

The group settled down by a crackling campfire, its warm glow casting flickering shadows on their faces. Ophelia, her ethereal beauty enhanced by the dancing flames, regaled them with tales of ancient sea legends and lost treasures.

Zack's eyes sparkled with wonder as he listened, his imagination taking flight on the wings of her words. Morwen offered to keep first watch over the group while Zack an Ophelia slept, her gaze scanned the dark waters for any signs of danger.


With the first light of dawn, the group rose from their sandy beds, ready to resume their quest. In the dime morning light grey and black mounds covered the hillside, the grass waving in the breeze.

"Those are stones, right?" Zack questioned, his expression hesitant.

As Morwen and Ophelia drew closer they took in the scene that lay before them.