
Ch: 2 Rank 1 Rabbit Strength Gu!

There was a girl, no older then fourteen, with silky white hair, sitting cross legged on a bed with her eyes closed.

That is Bing Hua!

She was an inhabitant of earth, an actress, and a successful business woman.

And for the past six days she has been familiarizing herself with her jade green copper Initial aperture.

It was spherical with a bright flickering light surrounding it, and jade green copper almost filled to the top.

After awhile of inspecting her aperture, her eyes opened, she got up, grabbed her white and red robe, and started walking to the school.


In a room of students, the clan leader spoke, with an old man, the same one who was with them when awakening, was off to the side, waiting.

"Humans are the kings of this world, While Gu's are the life blood of the world. There are countless Gu worms of many shapes and size, with many different uses and ability's. They live everywhere, from the dirt, to a wild beast.

As humans continue to grow and prosper, we discover different things, while we feed our Gu worms with our primeval essence, and truly flourish into becoming someone powerful.

This is what i want you all to do, grow, prosper, discover, and, truly flourish, into becoming someone powerful"

Right as he finished his speech, the class erupted into cheering.

He lifted his hand to calm down the students.

"Now, any questions before you get your first Gu?"

And so many students asked questions. As this went on, Bing Hua had an idea.

She Asked "Clan Leader, what was your first gu?"

"Oh?" Clan leader looked at Bing Hua with interest. Then, with a smile full of nostalgia, answered.

"Hahh. Simple times. My first gu was Stream Gu" He said

"Anymore?" He asked, but no one spoke up.

"Take care of them, academy elder" Clan leader said as he walked out the door

"Then follow me" Said the old man, academy elder, as he walked out.

While all the students were scrambling to get up, Bing Hua was the first out of her chair and followed him, with Bai Zhong Shui after her.

As she was walking, she thought about what Gu she's gonna pick.

'Which Gu should be my first?' She though, remembering the books she read about the Gu's of the Bai clan.

'The one most picked is probably Rank 1 Stream Gu, but that's too predictable for my liking. Rank 1 Fish Scale Gu? no, again, too predictable. Maybe a animal strength Gu? that would be good, since most of them are picking a ranged Gu that takes primeval essence.

Then again, the Rank 1 Fish Scale Gu would counter a strength Gu, so i really can't win. And that's assuming that half picked Rank 1 Stream Gu and the other Rank 1 Fish Scale Gu, which is extremely naive in-an-of-itself. If i can pick another, then can't they?

Screw it, i'll probably think of something. I was all way's an improvised actor anyways.' She thought as she leisurely put her hands behind her head, while hoping she would find something of use.

While inside of her thoughts, Bing Hua didn't feel the scheming eye's gaze on her.


While she was thinking, they arrived at the house of Gu's, it was a white exterior with dark accents, not a big house, but not small either, with a small window left of the door.

"We are here, only two people at a time, in the order of who followed. No exceptions" The academy elder said as he opened the door and motioned to Bing Hua and Bai Zhong Shui.

"You have thirty minutes. Pick quickly" the academy elder said as he stood by the door.

They walked in and found a lot of boxes, filled with Gu's!

Bai Zhong Shui immediately went to check the boxes while Bing Hua tried to look for an indication of where to look first.

She looked at the first box and in it was a bunch of blue snake tongue's about two fingers in both length and thickness, and she recognized it almost immediately, it was a Rank 1 Water Snake Gu!

The Rank 1 Water Snake Gu is a Gu that allows you to throw a snake made of water to constrict and bite your enemies. The snake can, depending on how much primeval essence is used, can be a foot long, or be six inches.

If you have a Rank 1 Poison Water Gu, it can be deadly!

'Thankfully, they shouldn't have a poison path Gu for rookies who don't even have their first Gu' Bing Hua thought as she wiped some cold sweat of her brow, thinking of all the problems she would have if she offended someone with that match.

She moved on to another box that had a bunch of little blue stars, again, Bing Hua knew of this Gu. Though she was not surprised.

It was simply called Rank 1 Water Star Gu

It did exactly as it sounded. It allows you to shoot a water star out of your hand.

You would think it would be good. but, it's not.

With its extremely short range, and the fact that it's slow. No one would pick it, unless they wanted it's Rank 2 Evolution, Rank 2 Ice Star Gu.

It's Completely Situational. Not at all what she was looking for.

The next few boxes were Gu's that she didn't know enough about, and didn't want to test her luck.

And, after fifteen minutes of looking around, she finally found a Gu that fit her criteria

She looked down at one of the last boxes, and found the Gu she was looking for.

A brown little rabbits foot

'Rank 1 Rabbit Strength Gu! Why didn't i think of this earlier!?' She thought

Rank 1 Rabbit Strength Gu, was a Gu that mainly strengthened your legs, but also made your whole body to be quicker and more agile.

'If you don't want to be shot, be fast enough to dodge the projectile. If you don't want to be punched, then dodge quicker then the punch! It's so simple!' She thought as she picked up the Gu.

She thought that if you could refine a Stupidity Gu, she would have done it just now.

As she pocketed the Gu, she looked over at the quietly standing Bai Zhong Shui.

"Are you done?" Bing Hua asked.

She nodded.

"Then let's go" Bing Hua said as she walked out quickly.

Bai Zhong Shui almost tripped as she ran after her.

I think i should have said this earlier, but, Bai Binghua didn't read reverend insanity before she died, so she has no idea which Gu's she shouldn't and should get

Just incase someone is confused

MudLitecreators' thoughts