
Chapter 1: The Offer

"Good morning Dr. Nathan. You requested for me." Paige asked taking a seat opposite Dr. Nathan in his office.

"Good morning Nurse Patterson." Nathan replied smiling. Paige Petterson have been one of his favorite Nurses in the hospital. She was dedicated to her Job and she just practically knew bits of everything related to health care of course.

"I've got news and gist for you. More like an opportunity for a big financial breakthrough." Nathan told her.

"What's up? Give me the full gist. My ears are itching already." Paige almost screamed smiling so hard. She has known Dr. Nathan for about 6 years now. He's been like a big brother to her. Having grown up under the care of her step mother, she hardly had people around her who genuinely cared for her. Apart from her present boyfriend of course. So her friendship with Nathan meant a whole lot to her.

"One of my patient is back in the country. She's been struggling with Mild Hypertension for a while now which we've been managing too.. The blood pressure is always not so bad. Normally, it ranges between 130/80 - 158/100. And this is actually an estimated value. Cause to be honest with you, since she became my patient, the highest I've ever seen her blood pressure go was 142/94 and this was when she was very ill. Even as she resides outside the country, I always keep in touch with her Doctor over there and he has never reported a Blood pressure as high as that before. So, it's safe to say that She just need someone who will keep her company and also keep an eye on her health." Nathan paused to allow his words sink in.

"How old is she?"

"She'll be Fifty soon." Nat replied.

"Why did she come back? What about her husband and kids?" Paige asked again.

"Her husband is late. Died couple of years ago. She do have kids but I'm not so sure of how many there are. One of her children just concluded the establishment of a Cardiac Surgical Centre. It's actually a charity scheme to help the less previlleged who cannot afford the dire cost of heart surgery." He wan...

"Is he a Cardiologist?" Paige asked cutting him short.

"From what I heard, he's into the Diamond Business. He's a real Business man. Doesn't know much about the Health sector I must say. He may know just few things he read or heard from medical practitioners." Nathan explained.

"So why did he establish a Cardiac Surgical Center? What's the connection? Is any of Siblings in the health sector? Does he or anyone close to him have heart related issues." Paige asked which made Nathan smile.

"Nurse Patterson, you really need to understand that these people are fucking billionaires. They can do anything they want with money. For all I know, he could be bored and decided to carry out a philanthropic work. For all I know, the money is not a problem." He said and shrugged.

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