4 I am vulnerable

I am weak, fragile, naive , and that's ok.

I'm perfect this way.

I'm going to try my best to be better.

To love myself like I love others.

My flaws are goals to improve on.

My strength is in my dedication to the future.

However cliche and however overdone.

I promise this to myself.

An oath to always try to be better.

I am vulnerable and people will exploit me.

However, I'll try to be forgiving.

This isn't passivity or fear,

it's the me trying my best to live with me.

I'm soft, so let me open my heart to you.

I am weak, so I'll try to toughen up too.

My naivety, though it causes me pain,

may my childlike senses never fade.

My fragile nature, I owe to no one else.

Allow me to see others as I see myself.

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