Steven is a 10th grader.Green eyes,dark hair,has had a girlfriend,average grades.Nothing particularly special about him,except that he is incredibly obsessed with light novels,manga and anime.His only wish was that he can learn some magic,cultivation or something fantastical at all.But everyday he woke up in the same world,in the same body leading the same boring life...Or did he?
6:00 AM,Monday,15/4/19
"Beep,beep,beep,bee..."-The sound of the alarm was cut off after the third ring as the teenager stopped it.Then Steven continued curling up in the bedsheets.Ten minutes later his mother came to him and didn't let him continue sleeping.She saw her little boy with closed ayes and said:"Wake up,Stevie,if not you'll be late for school."-Then she went back to sleep as her work started in 9 o'clock and she could afford to sleep for another hour.Steven opened his eyes groggily and muttered under his breath:"I don't want to go..."-But he still stood up and went to wash his teeth.In the bathroom at the sink there was a mirror, where Steven could see his half opened green eyes,messy black hair, good looking face if you don't count the pimples,scars(again from pimples) and blackheads.Steven picked up his toothbrush from the glass cup, put some toothpaste and thoroughly washed his teeth.Later he took the skin clensing gel and washed his face.After returning to his room,the mc got dressed in a white T-shirt,blue jeans,and a gray jacket.Taking his pre-prepared backpack,he looked around a last time before putting his earpods on and exiting his parents' apartment at exactly 6:30.
While waiting for the bus Steven checked his phone for new chapters of the novels he followed, but there weren't any.Sighing in exasperation he gave up and started reading one that wasn't that interesting to him,but there was nothing else to read.After a couple of minutes the bus came and he went up in it.He still had to change at least one more vehicle to get to his school.
And once he arrived he saw that he had come before anyone else,as usual, he started doing his homework for the upcoming class. He had Geography,which was one of his favorite subjects,but he was too lazy to study in anything,and that's why he always left everything untill the last moment.People started coming in the classroom.He greeted them all and some of them greeted him back,while some didn't.He felt a little hurt seeing that some didn't greet him back,but shrugged it off.After that he tried conversing with the girl in the desk behind him,but there wasn't much to talk about except school.At 7:30 class started as the teacher entered the room.He was an young man, a little balding with a belly, but always wearing shirt and jeans, and instead of boring, as one might guess, he was amiable and funny.
There were some that didn't go to first bloque(80mins or 2 classes), but that was expected as a part of them didn't want to be tested or just overslept.After the first class ended, 2 people came while the others didn't.
Maths was the second bloque,but before that there was a 20 minute break.During it, Steven bough a snack and juice from the school cafeteria which he ate with relish.But his appetite was suddenly twarted as he saw one of the couples in class flirting with each other.He burned with jealousy when he saw them like this.It's not like he has never had a girlfriend, but it wasn't serious in his opinion.They weren't meant for each other.But he still wanted to feel love.He thought if he feels love for someone, not familial love, but real one, he might stop wasting his time with books and dreams of another world.That's what he thought at least.
The maths teacher was a middle aged plump lady with black hair that is easygoing .In class Steven just copied the stuff on the board and played on his phone,while some of the others studied fervently spanish, because they were gonna have a test later in the third hour.After maths finished it was time for the test.Their Spanish teacher was an old lady that had a sharp tongue,light red hair and glasses.Steven thought long and hard how could he cheat,but couldn't come up with anything as he was seated at the first desk.He gave up and did the test as much as he could,which was not a lot more than a [C].After the test the rest continued stydying,while he just ignored them and relaxed.
At 12:15 it was time to go home.Steven just put his earpod on again and left the school building after which he ran to catch the bus as it was coming.He didn't manage to catch it and had to wait for another ten minutes.While sitting in the bus he thought of his life and asked himself:"Why am born in this world when I clearly dream for another?I wish for just one wish..."-That thought repeated itself multiple times daily.When he got home the first thing he did was greet his father and after that sleep.He always loved to sleep.When he thought how much he loved to sleep, he remembered about a phisyque in a novel that was specially trained by sleeping.It would be the perfect one for him.He woke up when it was about 3 o'clock.After eating he went to his room and pretended to study while reading books.He thought that this was gonna be another ordinary day,followed by the next...
But he couldn't be more wrong...