
CHAP 5: A good acting

Getting up from the bed, he does the same thing as yesterday. But this time, it's different, as he is now cooking his breakfast and a lunchbox.

'Goodbye noodles and boring lunch. And hello delicious meal.'

After enjoying his delicious breakfast, he goes to school with his new bike.

'Ah… This bike feels good. This life is bliss right now.'

At school, he continues to sleep in class. And the teachers can't do much about it, as he always gets the answers right. At lunchtime, he goes around the school to find a hidden place to eat his delicious lunch. And he manages to find one.

When Miyata has done eating his lunch, he thinks about something.

'Hey, system. Did you delete my emotions about my previous world? I find it weird that I don't feel sad or anything similar. Even though I'm an anti-social boy, I quite like my family, you know? But when I think about them, I feel nothing.'

[The system had deleted your emotions towards your previous family. But the host still keeps your personality and other emotions.]

'So what about them?'

[The system had deleted all your traces in the previous world. Nobody will remember about you.]


Looking up to the sky, Miyata feels nothing. He also isn't angry toward the system for deleting his emotions. Miyata theorizes its reason for doing so. It probably didn't want him to panic when he was in a new world. And probably go back to his world.

He feels lucky, as the system didn't delete all his emotions toward his previous world. If it did so, he would become a person with no identity. His memories and emotions make him, him. But there are only a few memories he spends with his previous family. Probably that is why he doesn't feel mad toward the system.

'I'm such a bastard, huh? Maybe I should thank you for deleting my emotions toward my previous family.'

Smiling bitterly, he thinks he is too much of an emotional guy. What an embarrassing moment. Well, his goal will never change, as he will continue to live lazily and freely. He was about to go back to his class. Then.

"Nariyuki Yuiga-kun class 3-B, Please go to the principal's office immediately. I repeat Nariyuki Yuiga-kun class 3-B, Please go to the principal's office immediately."

"So the event already starts, huh? Well, it has nothing to do with me anyway."

After saying that.

"Miyata Kame-kun class 3-B, Please go to the teacher's room immediately. I repeat Miyata Kame-kun class 3-B, Please go to the teacher's room immediately."

"Wow. That is troublesome."

Miyata sighs and starts moving to the teacher's room. Sleep is indeed addictive, so he can't stop it. And he will talk like that to the teacher that calls him.

When he gets there, a woman is sitting on the chair, is in her mid-20's with pink hair and green eyes. She wears a suit with black stockings and dark red high heels.

This woman is Mafuyu Kirisu, one of the heroines of this world. She is beautiful and sexy. But she isn't his type. On the top of his list of favorite waifu is Violet Evergarden.

"Do you know why I call you here?"

"Because I sleep in class. Kirisu-sensei."

"Then why do you keep sleeping?"

"Because sleep is addicting."

Seeing he shamelessly answers like that, she becomes speechless. Looking at this problematic student, she doesn't know how to handle him. Although Miyata has a troublesome personality, his score is not bad. And now he can answer the questions correctly.

"But you shouldn't sleep in class. If you sleep one more time, I will call your parents."

"They are already dead."

Surprised, Mafuyu then looks at his face. No emotions are showing on his face. She realizes her blunder. She then bows and:

"I'm sorry. I didn't know."

"It's fine. I won't sleep in class anymore, so you don't have to call me here anymore. Then can I go now, sensei?"

"Uhm… Yes, you can go now."

Saying goodbye to Mafuyu, he then goes out of the room. He did a gut pose in his heart.

'Fufufu. With this, the teachers won't trouble me much in the future. Acting Mastery is sure handy. Ops, my bad personality goes out again.'

The days went by like that with no new development. Miyata then happily buys ingredients for his meals. He also buys a chocolate cake from a bakery to celebrate his victory. Getting home, he has a delicious meal, a good bath, and no one bothering him.

On the sofa, he is sipping his tea and watching T.V.

"Haaz… It is relaxing. It's a bit regretful that my favorite songs aren't here."

He then spends the rest of the day relaxing likes that.

At the dungeon, with Sword Mastery, clearing the waves is easier. Miyata then arrives at the 81st wave. Beast Vares then walks out of the light. He finally now knows all the names of the mobs he fought for the past few days.

Well, Great Sage knows about them from his memories. It is because who would remember all the mob's names in a game.

With Sword Mastery, he believes he can fight decently in close range right now. But he won't last very long. Because its weapon has a longer range, and it has skill. Seeing that it's too bothersome to fight, he quits the dungeon. As a lazy person, how can he fight every day like that?

[Host can't leave the dungeon. The command to get out is in cooldown.]

"What! I didn't know about that! What an evil rule! Haaz. I guess I have to fight then."

Without any choice, he can only charge at Vares. Varse then swings its sword sideways. Blocking it, he feels the weight of the sword, and it pushes him back. Vares then uses its other hand to punch at him. He manages to evade the punch and retreats back a bit. If only his defensive equipment is strong like in the game, he might be able to clear the waves with ease.

He feels troubled right now, as he doesn't know what to do. He can only continue to battle with Vares again and again. Miyata doesn't know how much time has passed when he fights Vares. But his fighting skill gets better, more efficient, and his sense gets sharper.

Now, he can trade even blow with Varse, but his stamina is limited. His breath is rough, his arms are numb, his legs are shaking, but there is a smile on his face. He feels that this fight is great. Not only does it help him get better at fighting, it feels refreshed.

'It's like you are exercising. But why do you force a lazy person like me to exercise? What an evil thing to do. But I lose, huh? You are dirty to make a boss shows up here. But let fight to the death.'

Then Miyata manages to make a weak point. He stabs his sword into that place. As a sacrifice of his arm, he manages to kill Varse. Lying on the grass, he feels terrible pain. He then thinks that it is not worth the kill.

'Why did I have to become hot blood? URG. My dark history increases again. I thought I had my impulse under control.'

Then a white light shows up, and walking out of it is another Varse. Seeing that, he feels depressed as his theory was correct. Varse is just another mob from the dungeon, and it will be 1 point. If he is stronger, he will be happy to meet Varse. But now he is a weakling, so it's easy to understand his depression right now.

After that, he is dead after being stabbed by Varse. Well, its weapon is three scythes sword(?) together, so he understands why he died like that.

Waking up in his room, he then looks at the night sky and doubts whether this is heaven or hell. At least it's not too bad, as he doesn't feel any pain from the fight. He then goes to sleep as he's tired mentally.

Hello readers! Thank you for continuing to read this novel. I don't know what else to say so have a nice day, I guess?

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