
A meeting for the future

The city 'Ewen' was a metropolis of life. Surmounting two great wars the city established itself as a save haven from the forces that try and pull the world apart. Originally build by humans as a shelter from other races, to date 'Ewen' is called home by one of the biggest populations of non-humans on earth. Here many cultures and individuals clash against each other on a daily bases and not every time without consequences.

In a small back office room five men where discussing the state of human affairs.

One of the men sighed. He was tall, with black hair and a goatee, that fit him surprisingly well. He was clothed in a blue suit and black tie. His name was Maragoon and he was the minister of security.

"We have tough times ahead of us. The vampires are getting more assertive every day with their savior allegatly being reborn soon and reports say", he waves around stacks of paper "the beastkin are growing the strongest generation yet. And all we have are 9 S-class mages of which none had a full 8 hours of sleep within the last year. We have to face it gentleman, we are dangerously understaffed."

Veggz, who attended the meeting as a stand-in for his deceased superior giggled as he spoke.

"Someone should tell the high families to pop out a few more children. If they would make out instead of killing each other, our problems would be solved."

He formed a ring with his left thumb and index finger and shoved his right middle finger through it.

Gregot, the head of the ministry of interracial affairs, ignored him. Turning to Maragoon he said:

"I've a Meeting with Nemora later today. Maybe i can get her to help us out."

"You want to let bloodmaidens do the work of a hunter? That ought to end in disaster. They would rather eat someone the bring them in."

"Desperat times call for desperate measures", quoted the old minister.

"Plus dead criminals can't reoffend", said Veggz. He scratched his chin and added "...mostly".

Margoon looked around. "Any ideal that does not include letting a vamp-clan run in the streets?"

Veggz raised his hand. "A dating site for nobles. Then all we have to do is provide alk and ..."

"For the love of shut up! Sometimes I wonder whether you have a brain or not. We are not in a child care where those comments of yours would at least have a crow that might confuse them for jokes. We are discussing a serious matter here. If we do not act now or at least launch some countermesures, the human population of Ewen will suffer greatly."

Veggz stopped rocking in his chair. For a second it looked like Margoon's words had hit their mark, but a moment later his yellow toothed smile returned.

"You know, unlike you guys I have actually fought in the streets. I might just be an A-class mage, and thank god for that considering the work-life-balance of my S-class-colleagues, but I survived the westside-disaster and the cataclysm a few years ago. I've seen countless fighters and civilians of all sites die, some of them I even considered as friends. And now I get invited to this important meeting, meeting mind you, that will dictate our politics in on of the very likely roughest times we as a species have faced so far, and all i hear about is damage control."

Veggz stared at Margoon. The ministers face does not reveal any emotion. But he was still listending, so Veggz continued.

"The reason I make jokes, is because that's what this meeting is. For hours you guys were talking around the problem, not about it. The other races are increasing in strength and get more violent by the day, while it's beneath us humans to do anything about it?"

Ziegler, a bald man with a short frame and teeth that he most likely had stolen out of a rats mouth spoke. His voice was more of a squeak then that of a grown man.

"We humans are far sturdier then anyone gives us credit for. We have to set an example ..."

Veggz interrupted him. "Empty phrases. Fact is no one cares about good examples. Bad people see them as nothing but idiots that don't use their power to get ahead or, in our case, to even survive."

"And what is your solutionbesides senseless agitation", Margoon asked, while a smile crept across his face.

Veggz turned to face him again.

"What about...", not it was his turn to grin, "... a little show of force."