

I cover the distance of 500m in about 30s and look straight at a beat-up figure who is barely breathing and in front of it 6 orcs standing on top of it just on the verge of attacking that hooded being. The entire area around them was scorched and there were also some orc corpses lying around there were badly charred. Orcs are normally C-class creatures but in groups of larger than 5 they become B-class, I then take out my sword from my [Storage Magic-Inventory] and cast gravity on those 6 orcs restraining them as I cut off their heads.

Although I would normally try yo use different spells to test it out, I need to check the condition of that poor hooded person. The meat from orcs is rather delicious so it's generally sold for quite a lot with 1200 A each if the corpse is killed properly and the meat can be harvested. That's why I didn't use strong offensive magic either and just restrained and killed it. I put those orcs in my [Inventory] and looked down at the beatdown figure.

I open the hood covering that figure, and what I see underneath was an unblemished face which has received some scratches and her long shiny black hair tied up in an easy boho braid which is slightly unkempt and some of her hair is charred probably due to the struggle she faced against the orc's and her body had a few deep wounds in those exposed areas, but when I quickly check up on her physical condition and see that it is a lot better than what I expected based on her life sign's earlier.

"Wow! what is with this monstrous self-recovery speed?"

Oh well, it's good for her but just in case, I cast a [Recovery Magic-Large] and [Dark Magic-Sleep] to let the body utilize all of its resources in healing instead of maintaining consciousness. I seem to have forgotten to mention this earlier but due to certain circumstances, I have a special ability which lets me possess and use the magic of all attributes. Also, my skill lets me acquire any magic I see but there are a few caveats related to it.

The first is that I can only use it to the level I see the original user use it, so even if someone can use an lvl5 spell but they only display their proficiency up to lvl3 then I can only use that magic to lvl3Which brings to the second caveat even if I can use that magic, I would not be as efficient at it as the original user is, so I need to practice those a lot of times to use them as efficiently or even better than the original user. Which makes it a broken power.

As I am contemplating that, there is a familiar ring in my mind but this wasn't that unpleasant warning bell but an indicator stating that Unruido-Chan is going to materialize in front of me.


"Good Morning Un-Chan", well it is not morning any longer though.

Un-Chan is the avatar of my Information Magic which is at lvl10, she possesses all the knowledge in the world except those which are hidden by someone stronger than the user.

"Ack", Red who is this?"

She looks at that sleeping figure for a while before saying,

"This girl, she is incredibly strong. Around 8th Circle but is stronger than most human cultivators with just pure raw strength, but oh, what is this? A seal? Wow, her power is completely sealed, probably to around your cultivation, what a strong seal, it appears to be that no one under a 9th circle master can forcefully break it. Although there are other methods of bypassing it, hmm I see...."

Wait for what? what is with this massive information dump? I asked as I held my head, it doesn't hurt to access it unlike before Un-Chan the avatar of Information Magic was developed, before her she was developed accessing information which is out of the normal purview used to cause a massive headache, so I have worked extra hard in leveling it up to this extent to use it freely. But damn, is it a lot of information. Moreover, a 9th circle master just to break it? Who is she, for someone to use such a strong seal against her? Moreover what would even be the strength of the person who put this seal on her? "Aggghh" Oh well I could just ask her when she gets up instead of banging my head.

Just as I was thinking about that her eyes opened and what I saw next were bright purple eyes, staring at me as she brandished her broken halberd. Looking at her eyes it felt as if she was just about to attack me, the intensity of her glare was not as effective as if it was from her original strength but because of her power being on the same level as mine but there is a great amount of arrogance and strength hidden behind her eyes, which caused even me to flicker for a second, she then pointed her halberd at me and asked me.

"You, what is your name? Where am I and where is the DevilKin Chief? I will kill that bastard, bring him in front of me"

she asked in a straight-laced manner but extremely seriously and.

"How rude, not introducing yourself before asking someone else's name and showing your weapon on the person who saved you. Well anyway my name is Red"

That girl just looks at me with a blank expression and says

"My name is Abberon."

Next chapter