5 A Waking Nightmare

A wave of nausea washed over Kalinar as he slowly rose out of bed. He looked around to find he was in a tent. Before he could decide what to think about his surroundings a purple shine caught his eye. He looked down and saw Nadil sleeping on his lap. The purple glow was emanating from her but as if that wasn't strange enough Kalinar could feel her emotions. She was wrought with concern and sadness. Some of it directed at him and some to the events unknown. Not wanting to wake her he laid back down but rested a hand on hers. Kalinar pushed the nightmare to the back of his mind worried more about Nadil and his village. He was overwhelmed with grief and dread as he remembered his father's dual and subsequent death. He thought about the surprise he felt upon witnessing the carnage of the market and horror of seeing his friend die right in front of him. But his feelings a sadness did not last long as the image of The Black Oni came to the forefront of his mind. The sadness and dread he felt quickly turned into hatred and rage. He swore to himself in the privacy of the moment that he would find a way to avenge his friends and family.

Nadil began to wake and as she rubbed the drowsiness of sleep from her eyes she noticed that Kalinar had woken up, "Kalinar!" She shouted as she jumped at him wrapping him in her arms much to Kalinars surprise. He instinctively let at a grown which he immediately regretted as she let go much too quickly, "I'm so sorry. I know you must be in pain." She lightly touched his shoulder which was covered in bandages but Kalinar simply brushed her off and looked away as he said, "I'll be fine. But what about you?" He looked back to her and looked her over. Her normally pristine blonde hair now seemed caked in dirt and blood. Her face was covered in smears and it looked as of she had been crying for hours. A wave of weariness washed over Kalinar as Nadil seeing the concern in his eyes spoke, "I'm not hurt. I just haven't had any real rest since the attack." Her eyes widened, "By the Kaiser you need food." She quickly out off the bed and ran out of the tent leaving Kalinar alone. He wondered just how long he had been asleep which only made him worry more about his home. He was left with his thoughts for a few minutes before Nadil returned with bread and soup. Kalinar took it with a nod of thanks and asked, "How long have I been out?" Nadil squirmed under his gaze a moment before responding, "Two days."

Kalinar nearly choked on his food upon hearing this. He put the food aside and ignoring Nadils protest rushed out of the tent. The sun blinded him for a few moments but as he regained his composure he looked took in his surroundings and found only horror. Ruins everywhere, people he had known his whole life rummaging through their desolate homes in hopes of saving something. Tents farther than he could see with both wounded and the soldiers that had come to their aid. He ran through the makeshift war camp heading towards its center. He needed to find Vorn. He needed to know why this had happened.
