
Chapter 169: Planning a Rendezvous and Tamagoyaki


Despite my worries, it looked like Noire was able to complete her mission and we escaped the castle with my [Portal] without issue. I took us right back into Noire's room at Palocaesy where we left off. Noire seemed quite exhausted the moment we found a chance to relax, and despite my heightened physical endurance, I was feeling the same mentally. I made sure to put up [Soundproof] in her room so we can speak in private, though. While Noire tried to get her energy back, I decided to report to Sue about our success, so I contacted her with [Telepathy].

<Sue, it looks like we made it out of the castle okay. We were able to get Noire's message to the Demon King,> I reported.

<Eh?!> Sue exclaimed in a fluster, she took quite a bit to answer, too, <O-Oh! That's great! Well done!>

<Yeah, I just wanted to take this moment to let you know that and say my thanks. I do want to ask, did you … do anything to make our infiltration run as smoothly as it did?> I asked.

<That's … classified?>

I was a bit surprised to hear Sue respond like that. It sounded like she, herself, didn't know whether she was involved.

<... Well, anyway, I'm going to reconvene with Noire for a bit before I come back. How close is it to dinner?> I asked.

<We're almost done, and Umeiyon prepared meals for the dungeon crawl, too. We had to pay for some of the inn's reserve ingredients since we didn't have enough, though,> she said.

<That's fine. By any chance, do they have eggs, milk, sugar, and a fridge?>

<Ooh! Are you going to make pudding?!> Sue exclaimed, having an idea of what I was making, <Yes, the inn's kitchen has all of that! A strainer, too!>

I nodded lightly, <Perfect. I'll pick up some cups to put them in on the way back, then. Please buy enough of the ingredients for a lot of them.>

<Will do! See you when you get back!>

With my plans confirmed, I cut the telepathic connection and turned back to Noire, who was sitting on her coffin that was closed, "So, have you regained enough strength to tell me what happened?"

She nodded firmly with a relieved smile, "I must admit that I was rather nervous, but it turned out very well. She said she'll get with the general and set up a plan to search Rowling's residence immediately. I should have a message sent to this cottage informing me of the updates by the time we get done with our dungeon crawl."

"That's excellent news. Are there any repercussions? Like a penalty for breaching your oath?" I asked.

Noire looked down wistfully, "We aren't in trouble, Her Highness said she'll overlook my breaching the oath. When I asked her about my Father, though, since he seemed to have neglected his duties as a minister, he could face some kind of penalty. He may have to be confronted for his involvement in all this and prove his loyalty to Her Highness and the kingdom."

{Guess it's not easy being a noble. I'm involved with a few of them already, but I should be careful of not falling into their way of living should I decide to stop adventuring. Still, it sounds like Noire's dad isn't a bad guy. I want to help him out a little, if I can.}

"On the bright side, though, Her Highness expressed great interest in meeting you when I mentioned you," Noire said, lightening up a little, "She even said she'll reserve time to meet you, and the three of us, plus Mei, could have tea together once this whole fiasco's over. Isn't that grand?!"

"... Y-Yeah, definitely grand," I answered, a little anxious. {I already know how much she wants to meet me, though.}

Noire didn't seem to notice my anxiety as she stood up, took my hands and brought us to where I hugged her from behind. My arms wrapped around her waist, the weight of her soft, generous breasts rested on me comfortably. She led the swaying of our hips as if we were in a slow dance.

Noire sighed in content, "It's been a hectic ride, but I can almost feel Rowling's downfall at my fingertips. Once we get him out of the picture, we can put most of our focus onto each other and go all out."

"... You know, we could have a 'rendezvous' here and there while going down the dungeon tomorrow," I suggested.

Noire spun to face me before wrapping her arms around my neck, pulling us close and pressing into each other. She stared longingly at me with her amethyst eyes half-lidded. Our hips still swayed in a dance, with a throbbing bulge in my crotch pressed right onto the entrance through her dress.

"A moment of passion while danger awaits all around us? So bold and daring. I might get a little wild from the excitement, myself," Noire cooed before growling like a cat in heat.

"Careful, kitten, I might have to get forceful if you get too excited," I teased.

"Nyaan," she meowed in a moaning tone, as if saying 'Then take this pussy by force', before we got into a heated kiss.

<Damn, she is really getting into it! It's incredible that she's still restraining herself!> Nyra exclaimed.

Noire pulled back and looked into my eyes again, now with a slightly serious air, "I'll definitely consider it when a chance arises, but we still have to be careful. Since Rowling might have some idea that we're resisting, he could already be taking measures to take control of the situation. Her Highness said that much, too."

"Actually, now that you mention it …"

I decided it was best that Noire knew ahead of time. I told her how I ran into Krigeran, along with my party's sightings of the other disciples and a Werewolf Pack settling outside of town.

"Hmm, that's the majority of the group. Rowling must know we're onto something if he called over that much reinforcements," Noire deduced.

"I suspect Konjiro had something to do with relaying information to Rowling," I said, "I'm actually having his wife, Yukino, over to see if she can spill what they're plotting."

"Is that so? How are you planning on doing that?" Noire asked with a raised brow.

From what I had planned, I didn't want to hide much from Noire, if I could, but I still feel guilty for bringing it up. "Well … I was planning on seducing her, then use Nyra's memory trick to see what she's hiding while her guard is down," I said, "Is that … a problem for you?"

"Ooooh, how scandalous!" she exclaimed in excitement while clapping her hands, much to my surprise, "To be fair, I had a feeling the two of them were up to no good, so anything that could run their social lives down in the mud would be both beneficial and entertaining to me."

{Damn, this woman's brutal.}

"So, you don't have a problem with me sleeping with someone outside my harem?" I asked.

"Dearie, you'd be surprised how much gossip surrounding infidelity goes around among noble circles," Noire explained, "Some of that's true, and others are blatant lies just to make the targeted person look bad. At the end of the day, they're baseless rumors, but if it involves corrupted nobles, I'd be more than happy to watch their downfall. Having you being the cause of that is icing on the cake. I'd say unless you have ill intentions, I don't really care who you sleep with as long as you stay cautious and give me enough attention as a female. Oh, and I'd love to hear the juicy details of when you confront Yukino."

"Huh …" I was glad Noire isn't too bothered about me seducing other women, but her reasons left me with mixed feelings.

"Still, while it would be pleasing to see Yukino's reputation rock under the rumors of her infidelity, it would be nice if we had hard evidence of it to really nail her coffin closed," Noire said while looking to the side in thought.

"I think we should be able to get something like that," I said, {I could always have one of the girls use my phone to record the action right there. That ought to be damning enough evidence.}

"Ooooh? Do tell," Noire said, her interest clear in her tone.

I put a finger on my lips, "I'll surprise you when I report what I found afterward. Anyway, I gotta get going as dinner will be ready soon at the inn."

"Oh, you tease!" she exclaimed before giving a light punch on my chest.

"Don't worry, you'll like the way I'll tell the tale," I assured, {Sophisticated as she is, I'm sure she'll be very interested in the smartphone's functions once I show her the recording.}

<If it's anything like the video we saw in Goddess Obina's room earlier, I know I would be hyped,> Nyra commented.

"Can I at least get one last kiss before you go? It's going to be quite lonely without you here tonight," Noire said before looking up at me with pleading puppy dog eyes. Their attack power on my heart was on par with Ren's, surprisingly enough.

"Well I can't turn something like that down when you ask that way."

Finally, with one last savory kiss and a promise to see her in the morning, I bid Noire off before I left the building with [Portal], hopping into an alleyway closest to one of the shops I had seen today. I dashed inside and basically cleaned out their whole stock of ceramic cups that were perfect for keeping pudding inside. I also bought a ton of disposable spoons. After that, I used [Portal] again to get back to the inn. Kalline, Tyvera, and Kenaka greeted me when I came back, reserving a few tables for us to feast on. It looked like I still had some time before dinner was ready. {Perfect, if I make it quick, I should be able to get the pudding started the same time we get to eating.}

I got to the inn's kitchen and greeted the cooks, Ume, Ren, Erizora, and Sue, along with Mametama who was standing watch. I could already see a ton of food was ready to be served to the table. Off to the side was milk, egg, sugar, and the necessary kitchenware I needed to prepare pudding. I rolled up my sleeves and cast [Clean] on myself to prepare for cooking, {Yosh, let's do this thing.}

I'm not sure if it was the [Cooking] skill that was helping me, but I was preparing the pudding at speeds unimaginable to professional chefs. Even when I used some [Fire Magic] to help me out, making the caramel sauce took a shorter time to prepare than I expected. It only took me a couple minutes in Earth's time to prepare a bunch of pudding cups in pans of water before I put them in the oven to bake. I set a timer on my phone to let me know when they were ready to be refrigerated, keeping the difference of this world's time in mind, of course.

Ren had told me both Ume and Sue also cooked at that same amazing speed I was doing with the pudding. It was expected of Ume with her [Legendary Housewife] ability providing it, but it seemed Sue also had her [Cooking] skill up to max level, as well, which was pretty surprising to me considering her possible identity as a royal or noble. Since meals prepared with this skill at higher levels could potentially raise stats, I imagine nobles and royalty would have personal chefs worry about the cooking. That would leave them more time to focus on training their battle prowess. {So why would Sue need to learn the [Cooking] skill, much less maxing it out?}

<You think it might have something to do with you?> Nyra asked, reading my thoughts.

<I guess … it might be possible, but the idea alone makes me uneasy,> I answered.

Anyway, we gathered around a few tables put together when dinner was ready, with me sitting at the head of the arrangement while Ume and Sue sat on both my sides. My Familiars had their meals on the floor nearby. Dinner was served without a hitch and it was quite a feast to behold. Roasted garlic chicken, honey-glazed ham, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, freshly baked bread with butter, and more. It was a very western-focused theme for dinner, all except for one side that stood out from its origins that I was very familiar with.

"Tamagoyaki?" I asked with a raised brow. There were even small bowls of soy sauce to dip them in, too, with a bottle of said sauce put aside should anyone need more. {AN: tamagoyaki - japanese rolled egg omelette}

"Ah, Sue made those," Ume said, "While she helped prepare some of the other dishes today, she said wanted to focus on making those by herself."

Sue, sitting next to me, pushed her fingers together shyly, "I was … a bit nervous on what to make, so I went with what I knew best. I made a bunch more to be put in the rations for tomorrow's dungeon crawl, too."

"Those and the rations I prepared are stowed away in my [Storage] for the time being, but we can settle how to divide it accordingly after dinner," Ume added.

Just to make sure, I appraised the tamagoyaki with my [Street Smarts] skill and didn't find anything strange in the ingredients, nor any weird effects that may come after eating it. Looking at it at first glance, it was quite delectable, the quality in its appearance would be worthy of being in an advertisement.

Everyone else at the table was waiting for me to start on our meal for tonight, but they all had their helpings already prepared on their plates. I'm not sure if it was a custom for the party leader or harem head to have the first bite, but there was a weird pressure behind it. I was quite starved after all the excitement today, so I quickly prepared my helpings.

"Itedakimasu," I said before picking up a piece of tamagoyaki first with my fork. A subtle gulp could be heard from Sue's direction.

I decided to try the rolled omelette plain first to get a sense of its most natural flavors. The first bite rolled around in my mouth. Amazingly, it was just the right amount of sweetness that I preferred in my own tamagoyaki. It was both incredible and a little uncanny how Sue got one of my favorite foods prepared close to my preference, while at the same time managed to prepare it with her own unique spin.

"... It's good," I said after thoroughly evaluating the taste.

"Really?!" Sue exclaimed in excitement.

I nodded while dipping the remainder in soy sauce, "Yeah, you somehow got it just the way I like it. You did good, Sue." I then ate the second bite of it, now savoring the soy sauce's saltiness contrasting with the omelette's sweetness.

"Thank you, I'm so glad …" Sue trailed off before sniffling, her eyes welled up.

I blinked in surprise, "What are you crying for? Cut it out, or your tears will ruin your food."

"I'm sorry," Sue sobbed, taking a handkerchief to dry her tears.

<She's quite relieved and happy right now, you know? She was actually quite anxious for a while, so your approval really lifted her spirits,> Nyra informed me.

{Jeez, I didn't think she'd be so serious over something like this,} I thought while rubbing Sue's head awkwardly, trying to soothe her the best I could.

I then noticed everyone else was watching us warmly, including Ren and Ume, which made me slightly more embarrassed, "Well, what are you all sitting there for? Go ahead and eat, too, before it gets cold."

"Yes! Thanks for the food!" everyone exclaimed before they dug right in, their spirits quite brighter than when I took my first bite.

As I was trying and savoring Ume's cooking for the first time—which was quite delicious, I might add—she and Ren were telling me how serious Sue looked as she cooked her dish for tonight. Erizora and the others who weren't in the know of Sue's secret had also noticed how tense she was. Those in the dark had said the disguised Devil really wanted to make sure I was happy with the meal she cooked, but I wondered if that was really all that she was worried about.

In the midst of her embarrassment, Sue took a piece of omelette from my plate with her fork, dipped it in my soy sauce, and held it up in front of me, hovering over her light lavender-colored palm to avoid any drippings. She stared at me intently with reddened cheeks. "S-Say … aaaah," Sue said with a quivering breath.

{How exactly is this better than being the subject of embarrassment? What is she trying to do here?}

Unperturbed, I took the rolled omelette out of her fork in my mouth. Seeing that I wasn't embarrassed by this in the slightest made it all backfire to Sue as her face reddened deeper, enough that she hid it behind her hands.

Ume snorted, "Your experience clearly showed there, Sue. You gotta do better than that to make Jin swoon. Allow me, as his head wife, to demonstrate."

My Dragon wife then took some of my green bean casserole with her own fork. She got close to me, her reptilian, cerulean eyes half-lidded. It was a more aggressive approach that really got into the target's space.

"Say ahh, honey," she cooed in a tone sweet as honey.

I dumbly complied and she moved the fork into my mouth. Somehow, it tasted even better than when I ate it, myself.

"Is it good?" Ume asked. The confidence in her eyes showed more that she wanted me to admit its taste than to seek my approval.

I swallowed before answering, "V-Very. Thank you."

"Oh, how clumsy of me, I made a mess on your lip. Let me clean that up for you," Ume said before coming in and closed her lips over my own. She took her time 'cleaning' the food mess on my mouth, even brushing her reptilian tongue over a few places, before finally pulling back with a peck.

With tinted cheeks, Ume licked her lips with her eyes closed, recalling the lingering taste, "Mmh … delicious."

"Whoa …" Tyvera trailed off, watching the sight with amazed eyes. The others at our table had their jaws gaped enough to fall to the floor. Sue was frozen stiff at the sight.

"As expected of Master's wife, she's a force to be reckoned with as a female," Ren said in admiration.

{No shit, and a female Dragon with the Legendary Housewife ability, at that. Did she get a skill that makes this so natural to her?} I only thought this because it was the first time Ume's ever done this to me. Also, she gains EXP for spoiling her husband.

From the lovey-dovey stuff I was sharing with Noire earlier, I was worried about not giving Ume enough attention of that sort, but I may not need to worry about that anymore. Hell, she may spoil me more later tonight.

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